Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Just Nonsense" Release and Blogfest!

    Here's the deal.  Melynda's first book has been released!!!  She just found out last night--it was priceless.  And just between the Internet and me . . . I think she's pretty thrilled. 
    As you know, Melynda's been through some tough times (blindness etc.).  That's why I worked with Joshua (from Vive le Nerd) and Fishducky (the goddess of awesomeness), to edit the first three months of Melynda's blog posts.  We've surprised her with the book, but the excitement doesn't stop there.  You can buy her work on Amazon, for kindle, and on Smashwords!  
    To top that off, now we're having a blogfest to celebrate.

If you'd like to help Melynda advertise "Just Nonsense,"
feel free to use this code:

If you'd like to promote her blogfest, please grab this button:


    This blogfest is all about my buddy, Melynda.  She is AMAZING.  The woman has been a tower of strength for me.  Now she needs some love and support.  She's having another eye surgery and this is our time to try and make things better--if only a little bit.
    So people, get 'r done!

    Oh and here's my contribution for the blogfest.  You already know how much I love Melynda, so here's another funny memory I have with her.

The Snore

   Melynda and I hang out a lot.  Odds are if we're going to meet someone hilarious, it'll happen when we're together.  I'd made some spicy food and we sat at the table when a neighbor knocked on the door.  The woman came in and after we kept inviting her to eat, she finally sat down.
    "Sometimes marriage is just terrible," the woman said.  "When my husband wants to be intimate, that's when I pull out 'the snore.'"
    Melynda and I just looked at each other.  "The Snore?" we asked in unison because it was horrid and interesting all mixed up!
    "Yeah," the woman responded.  "When you pretend to be sleeping.  The second your husband tries seducing you, by kissing you on the neck, that sort of thing, you just snore."
    Melynda was about to bust with laughter.  She sipped her diet coke and I wished I could know what she was thinking!  "Hasn't he caught on?" she asked--actually keeping a straight face.  "Isn't it a bit obvious?"
    The woman held her spoon with her pinkie out.  "Just when he's catching on," she whispered, "then I snore louder.  It works like a charm every time.  You should try it.  It's foolproof."
    So, although I'm not a 'snorer' and I bet Melynda isn't either, we made a pact to try it.  "This is so interesting!  I'll tell Cade it's a joke, but I want to see if it works first," I said after the woman left.
    Melynda laughed.  "This'll be good!"
    The next morning, we talked really early.  "Did you try it?" I blurted because some moments are just golden.
    "The snore," she finished my thought and started giggling.  "It didn't work at all."
    "For me either.  I snored, but then I opened my left eye to see if Cade was watching."  What can I say, I suck at 'snoring.'  "What happened to you?" I asked.
    "Mid-snore, I started laughing.  Phil thought it was hysterical."
    It was pretty funny.  "We aren't made to be snorers," I said.
    "Agreed.  But at least now we know her theory is terrible."
    "True," I said, happy knowing I wasn't meant to snore.


  1. A wonderful tribute to Melynda, I have read a few today and it seems to have been a very successful surprise for her.

  2. Hmmm...Maybe I am getting the snore, that would explain a lot!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful surprise for her and great job getting it done too. I'm so glad I don't snore, the cat does once in a while though..haha

  4. I added it this morning, so here's hoping!

  5. LOL! Funny story. The snore always works on me! :)

  6. I already put it up on my page! I'm so happy for her. Heading over to Amazon to now get my own copy!

  7. Outstanding! Good job Elisa, Joshua, and fishducky. Congrats to Melynda. The snore? If I can get a man in my bed who wants to make love to me, no way will I snore.


  8. Dear Elisa,
    I posted an announcement about Melynda's new book and "grabbed" the code you gave. It put a picture of her cover on my blog and when I click on it, I can order the book!!!!! You are such wonderful friends to one another. Witness the snore episode!


  9. Dear Elisa---I have been having a "Melynda" morning. My blood sugar dropped about 3:00am & I couldn't get back to sleep until about 4:00. I woke up about 9:00 & went potty, & went potty, & went potty--for almost another hour! Finally got upstairs, woke up my computer & brushed my hand against my hair--& a bee flew out of it! I just called my husband on the intercom & asked him if this was the day he was going to tell me he wanted a divorce, which would have completed my wonderful day--he said, "Not today!" ALL TRUE!!

    If I ever needed a laugh--which your "snore" story certainly gave me--it was today!

  10. First of all Elisa this is the highest form of compliments a girl could ask for. What would I do with out you? You truly are a friend with no equal! Secondly Fishducky and Joshua I am speechless. Thank you! Fishducky you need to be careful. I worry about you woman!

    1. I just published this review on Amazon:

      5.0 out of 5 stars

      I hepled edit this book, so I've already read it, but that's NOT going to stop me from buying a hard copy so I can read it whenever I need a lift. This book is filled with things that (we hope) could only happen that "crazy lady" Melynda. It is such a wonderful--& fun--read!

  11. I got mine downloaded into my Kindle and will start of it soon.

  12. I keep trying to get the code part figured out before I post but have had no luck so far. GRRRRRR....
    I'm thinking of having a big glass of wine and trying again.
    If it doesn't work then I'm going ahead without it. Hope that's OK.

  13. Just got home from Canada. Will be adding this to mine as soon as I get a chance.

  14. Elisabeth!! Your are a true reflection of a friend, hope, encouragement and that good, kind loving people exist! My hat off to you and all your helpers in bringing this project to life!

    I have posted about Melynda's book ... and on angels wings, this will be a huge success!! Blessings to you my friend, xo HHL

  15. The snore story is just is your friendship with Melynda.

  16. What a lovely tribute for Melynda, such a lovely surprise. I have it up on my blog already.
    Just lovely!

  17. Hilarious story about the snore. I think I would bust out laughing trying it! I think it is so kind that you surprised Melynda this way. So nice! :)

  18. Just put the links live on my site.

  19. You are true friends. To a wonderful woman.

    It's hard to fake a snore. I found open mouth deep sleep breathing to be most effective. But you can't laugh or crack open your eye--LOL! ;)

  20. She snores and holds her pinkie out...of course!;)

    Do you ever wake up from a loud strange sound, and realize that it was yourself snoring? That is always weird! I would say, don't ever take those intimate moments for granted like that. They might not come again, and they may go some place else;)

    So nice what you're doing for your friend!:) I'll add the button.

  21. Posted on my blog and will be Tweeting and Facebooking this. This was a very nice gesture on your parts and I would like to see this book take off.

