Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to dress for a TV interview.

How the journey began. . . .

Tips for how to dress for a TV interview are at the end of this "picture story."  Just keep scrolling to the right. Click "VIEW FULL STORY" to see the whole thing.

Tomorrow I'll post makeup-for-TV-interview tips (shhhh . . . don't tell anyone, but it's a video tutorial I made--ahhhh). 
If you want to see how my TV Interview went, go HERE.
My brother calls this face the "Elvis Sneer."

To read previous posts about TV Interview advice, please go HERE.


  1. You're going to kill it. Your kids are beautiful!

  2. You'll do great for sure, LOL Dr. Jones and the zombie aren't very impressed.

  3. Dr. Jones looks so cute getting her nails done. I hope you remember all us little people when you're more famous than God.

