
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Someone Reported My Blog as Offensive

    Two days ago, someone reported my blog as offensive.  All I'd written about that day was how to write a memoir.
    What shocked me the most about this--even more than the report--was how quickly google responded.  They disabled my google account.  I couldn't leave comments, access my e-mail or see my blog.  Cade tried viewing my blog and it brought him to another page that said my blog no longer existed.
    I immediately e-mailed the gurus at google.  "I don't know what's offensive about my blog," I wrote.  "I blog about being a writer, mom and wife."  Literally within five minutes of sending that message, google had reactivated my blog and google account.
    The moment had terrified me, though.  I can't tell you how scary losing my blog and e-mail was!  So, I spent the next few hours copying and pasting all of my blog posts from the past year.  Now, I don't know how many of you know this, but on January 25th of last year, I decided to blog every day for a year.  I've made my goal so far.  Only 25 more days to go--yahoo.
     Through this experience (of losing my blog), I truly realized how much blogging means to me.  I've met such amazing people.  It's been a wonderful place to keep my writing safe.  When I started my blog, the Zombie Elf liked throwing paper down the vents, toilet or in the garbage; it wasn't a fun time.
    Anyway, I just want all of you to know how much I appreciate you and your friendships.  I knew that before, and now I got a second chance to tell you on my revived blog.  It's back from the dead--it's really back!

    Another thing this made me realize is that I had one helluva year!
    It thought it would be fun to share the coolest moments in my life from 2011.

    Here we go:

    I owned and operated EC Boutique.  Another company started with the same name--but IT WAS A SEX SHOP!  I started getting calls for them!  Talk about awkward.

    I posted one of my most popular posts EVER, and introduced my brother to the blog.
    Cade pulled THE MEANEST prank on me.  It all started with me blogging about a girl who was terribly rude.  Too bad she read my blog!

    I Went Sky Diving With Edward Cullen and Jim Croce

    I went on a cruise, and Someone Thought I Was British!

    I wrote "Bible Girl" and to my surprise, the Hippie and the Scribe took an interest in storytelling.  


    I featured my most popular blog post--because people want to know:

    A blog war started with Shane:

    I played my violin at an AMAZING memorial for infants who have passed away.

    I went to Vegas and met some real heros!

    My first book was published!  Then, I was published in an anthology!

    A miracle happened!

    But my favorite posts of the year include:

Flirting With Death


My final tribute

    I can honestly say, 2011 was one of the best years of my life!  I'll never forget it.  
    But 2012 might be just as amazing.
    "The Sword of Senack" (my YA fantasy) is coming out on 3/2/2012.  Isn't this cover awesome!

    "Bible Girl" will be out on 4/21/2012.

    I'm also working on "Homeless in Hawaii."  That book is shaping into one of my best.  I can't wait for its release in 2013.  Cade and I are having a blast remembering the adventure we had as street musicians in Hawaii.   


    So, I hope you had a wonderful year, and that this one will be even better!
    I'm thankful to have a blog.  I was shocked someone thought it's offensive, but at the same time I'm happy they reported it.  Now I remember just how wonderful this year was, and how lucky I am to know all of you!
2012--here we come!


  1. I don't understand how a blog can be reported as offensive. You're allowed to publish whatever you want, aren't you? And how did you know which post the reporter found offensive? And how do you know someone reported it in the first place? This is all craziness to me. I am so glad everything was back up and running for you. That would have been a nightmare to lose everything! My favorite of your posts is the one where you played violin at the memorial. So heartwarming.

  2. all i can say their are all kinds of people out there and you can,t make everyone happy ,so keep up the good work. love liz

  3. There are a lot of nit wits out there that couldn't fall off a fence in a wind storm, let alone know what is offensive and what's not! I love your blog. You go girl!

  4. Ugly Babies can be offensive, I guess!

  5. I guess they just notified google. It was hard for me to even figure how to contact google without an account, but I finally found a form.

    When everything was reinstated, that's when I found out more of the details. (I had to use an alternate email through hotmail--thank God I had one.)

    Anyway, I still have no idea who reported it though. I've only heard of this happening to one other person. Her blog was disabled for over a week :(

    It's just a good reminder to back things up through more than one e-mail and to save blog posts in other places than just the blog. Crazy scary.

    I'm glad google was so great to work with and they got it back up quickly.

    Lil Dreamer,
    That is true LOL! Sooo funny :0)

  6. this happened to another friend of mine as well. Her blog was reported as spam. But the google gurus got hers fixed up as well. However, now that it's happened to two people (and I'm sure many more) I think I will take some time to copy all my blog posts as well...just in case :) Happy 2012!

  7. I am sorry to hear, there is nothing on here that is offensive. But let me tell you that while on Triberr I was using my new Kindle Fire and I accidentally pressed the thumbs down on one of my tribemate's posts because of my fat fingers! Couldn't redo that action. Maybe it was something like that. Hope you are able to get it fixed. Happy New Year! Lisa

  8. Holy cow! I love your blog and have never found anything offensive.
    I should talk, haha. ;)

    Yikes. People are weird.

  9. I can not believe any one would report your blog. You share all of your amazing life events with us and you do it in such a entertaining way. It is my goal to go back and read all of your blogs, because I just started last month. Thanks so much for the good reads, and keep it up. :)

  10. I bet it was Miss Priss but she had to report a post that wasn't about her to make it less obvious! Nasty witch! I'm so glad you are here and haven't been shut down...I'd seriously cry my heart out!

  11. Wow! And I thought I was having problems with "people" and my blog! What's wrong with people!?!? Glad you're back up and running, though! Have a happy new year!

    PS...funny about the sex shop!

  12. Well, it's about time somebody reported what a filthy, nasty operation you have going here. Writing about those adorable kids of yours and how they love God and then pretending it's not porn. Shame on you.


  13. Wow, I didn't even know that could happen. I better stop swearing on my blog, and talking about my one eyed dog, you never know what's gonna offend people! Keep writing, we'll find you even if you are so offensive you made Google blush! LOL

  14. What the? I didn't even know blogger could shut down your e-mail and blog. Thanks for the tip to save posts elsewhere.
    And that picture of the two of you in Hawaii is amazing!

  15. Thanks, LOLA, you stole my comment!

    Elisa, I'm sorry I reported your blog. (Just kidding--I DID NOT!!!) What would we do without your usually hysterical & sometimes poignant posts? I love you, your family & the way you write!!


  16. I'm glad that everything worked out OK for you kiddo; but I'd heard horror stories like that before. That's why I went with WP. (Not that they're a barrel of monkeys either though.)

    I hope your 2012 is even better than your 2011 was. And thanks for the laughs. I love visiting here.

  17. I don't understand how your blog could be flagged as inappropriate ANYTHING. It's entertaining and I'd miss my dose of it if it weren't here.

    So glad it got sorted out. 2012 sounds like it's going to be a fantastic year for you. I'll cheer you on every step of the way!

  18. You are all so awesome! :0)

    She isn't green anymore (thank goodness), but the girls are still calling her the Christmas leprechaun. Oh boy, they'll never let me live this one down.

  19. Looks like you had such a great year :) I can't believe someone reported your blog!! Happy New Year.

  20. Damn! I hoped I had gotten rid of you forever. The cat will have to take more drastic measures now. So offensive around here, after all you own a dog. That just offends the cat completely...LOL (just kidding by the way, wasn't me)

    I wondered why it was down when I went to click. That is stupid how easy some one can say it's offensive and then it gets taken down. Google should actually check first. And I've seen a good fifty blogs that are truly offensive but they are still up. Dumb, guess I should figure out a good way to back up posts. Is there an easy way to do it? Or do I have to go through each and every friggin one, one at a time?

  21. That's just crazy. There is NOTHING anywhere near offensive in your blog. Some I read are way more suspicious than yours, but heck, somebody should have taken a look before just cutting it off! At least they listened to you. Good grief! What a weird thing to happen. Glad it's back up.

  22. Wow you have been really busy. I enjoyed this post a lot. Keep up the good work. I just started a YA book blog in October. I hope mine grows as much as yours has. Best of wishes in 2012 and Happy New Year.

  23. Well that explains what happened then. I had shot you a message via Facebook when I noticed the blog was down. I thought it was a (not uncommon) blogger glitch. Guess not.

    Anyway it blows my mind that someone would report your blog as offensive. I mean seriously, blows my mind. Your blog is exceptional in a lot of ways but it's not even remotely on the scale as far as offensive goes...unless someone considers well written, real life stories to be offensive.

  24. I know I'd feel totally bereft if they took away my blog and email! Maybe it was pranksters. I'm soooo glad you're back! I've just been getting to know you and would miss you already.

    Now I will have to go back later and read all those links!
    Happy Twenty-Twelve!! :)

  25. I'm still not sure how this blog is offensive. I once read a blog post on another blog (can't remember the name of the blog) about a blog that's pretty much anti-woman. Can't remember the specifics, though. Just that the posts and a declaration were all in caps. I think even to some pre-60s believers (i.e. the woman only works in the home and has to dress up nice 24/7), this blog was offensive. I'm glad you got your blog back. I have enjoyed getting to know you and reading your posts every day.

  26. I know it wasn't funny for you, but that is funny - there's nothing offensive here. Maybe someone's kid hit the report abuse button by mistake. My middle son accidentally called 911 THREE times before he was three years old. I bet it was an accident. Ooops, maybe it was MY preschooler....

    BTW, you can do an export of your whole blog in one step - somewhere from the dashboard.

  27. Glad you got that blog mess cleared up! That would have been so frustrating! Hope you have a wonderful 2012!

  28. Happy New Year to you! I keep thinking I should back up my blog, but never do. Your experience makes me wonder if Google doesn't do a check before shutting down a blog that someone complains about.

  29. Yikes! I can't believe someone reported your blog! I am not a big fan of blogger in general, but it shocks me how easily they can shut you down. :-( Luckily you are back up and running! I have always had a fear of my site crashing so I save my blog posts weekly.

    Hope you have a happy new year!!!

  30. I'm a bit offended that I didn't know anout the Sword of Senack.

    Where the heck have I been?

  31. Happy New Year. It's going to be a great year for you.

  32. I can not see even for a minute how you are offensive ....but I feel so blessed to have found your blog. I feel like I know think your amazing!!!!

  33. Move from Blog Spot to self hosted. Google effectively owns all your content and can do with it what they like.

  34. Congrats on the great year Elisa.

    On the offensive blog situation, I did notice that Blogger puts the "offensive blog" button a little too close to "next blog" if a person is randomly searching through blogs.

  35. Ah, see that's why I hate having all my eggs in one basket, so to speak. These days I use Word Press for my blog and Apple mail for my mail. So if I lose one for some odd reason, I still have the other. I have gmail also, but the bigger Google gets the less I want to have all my stuff with them. But to show what a paranoid person I am, I compose all my blog posts in another program and copy/paste them into my blog. So the blog is actually the last place I have them. All of mine are backed up several other places before they ever get posted. Yes, I'm insane. I've just lost too many files over the years I guess.

  36. There is an easier way to download all of your posts to back them up. :) Go to the Dashboard, Settings, Export Blog, and then click on Download Blog. That will save a copy of your posts. Then go to Dashboard, Design, Edit HTML, and choose Download Full Template. That will save a copy of your design.

    I also suggest getting a domain name. I use Fat Cow and they are hosted using wind power so it's green. It's really not that much money - my google and affiliate ads definately cover the costs. If you won your own domain name, all that google has power over is the fact that you use blogger as your platform. They don't own your content. As it is right now, when you are on blogspot, google technically owns your content.

    Liz from :)

  37. Even IF your blog was offensive, is it enough to justify someone reporting it rather than just closing out and not going back. That'd be the rational choice, I think. Glad you got it worked out with Google. I'd lose my mind if I lost my blog, so I can only imagine what you went through.

  38. You lucked out that you got your blog back so fast! I guess google likes you more than me. Those twirps kept mine from me for a week! I'm glad you are back! Wouldn't have been the same without you.

  39. I am super happy for you! You handled a stressful situation well and we can all learn from it.

  40. i can't believe someone reported it as offensive! seriously? I've seen so many REALLY offensive sights out there, how could they think your site was offensive!? I love it here!

    Wow, congrats on almost reaching one year! I am getting close to my 6 month mark. I'm Quite excited about that!

    I've loved reading your blog ever since I discovered you a few months ago. You are one of the few I try to follow daily! I hope you never get shut down; I'd really miss your stories. I loved reviewing The Golden Sky and if you ever need a reviewer for any of your future writings, I'd be glad to do it!

    Here's to all your wonderful posts coming up in 2012!
    JadeLouise Designs

  41. I can't believe they shut you down so quickly!

  42. I had never heard of google shutting anyone down. I guess in a way it is good that they act quickly- however- it is even better that they got you back up and running quickly. I would think someone would have to check out the offensive blog before it gets shut down. I find it odd that someone would find your blog offensive. Weird. Glad you are back in action! I enjoyed your stroll through the past year too!


  43. Glad your blog is back, and congrats on nearly a year of posts! I'm a new follower. :)


  44. That is a scary story that makes one think. How could anyone find this blog offensive when there are some that truly are offensive and they don't get removed. Glad you got it straightened out.

    I think censorship is a concern in the blogging community that will become more evident as time goes on.

    Wrote By Rote

  45. I am so glad they took care of the situation right away. Your blog makes me smile. Google should have read it before they shut it down.

  46. I have no idea how you got suspended. Your blog is a must read. I will promote you and am glad you aren't having any more problems. Some people just like to create drama. That's why I stick to blogging on twitter. It's not really like blogging because you're limited on how much you can say. I call it journalism in a hurry. find me if you are there. I would love to follow you @bestmommyblog

  47. I don't know, you can be pretty offensive. This whole thing has me worried, though. You're about the 15th blogger I follow with the same story in the last two weeks.

  48. What? Just reading some of your older posts.

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