It took me a while to hobble to the front of the store with my walker, and once I finally got there and found a chair, I noticed someone staring at me!
“You use this thing?” he asked, moving closer to my walker.
Who was this guy? “Yes,” I said, trying to be extra polite. “I use this thing.” I’d been using a walker since doctors removed my tumorous L3, and—at that point—I couldn’t imagine life without the device.
“Well then, what’s wrong with you? You’re not that old.”
“I’m in my thirties,” I said, and despite his delivery, I felt grateful for the bluntness. It seemed a nice departure from people who always tiptoed around me. “I have cancer... Stage four.”
The man leaned forward then, as if imparting some great gift. “The reason I’m here is to tell you that prayer works.”
“That’s the reason you’re here?”
“Yep. That’s the reason I’m here!” And he smiled, this bright smile that could light up a city.
Shortly after that, Mike came up to a register, and I went to stand by him while he checked out.
I looked back to where I’d been sitting, but the chairs were already gone! So was the man I’d spoken with moments before.
“Who was that?” Mike asked.
“I have no idea. But that was one of the weirdest things I’ve had happen in weeks.”
“What did he say?” Mike asked.
“That prayer works.”
This past weekend, I found myself unable to stop thinking about that strange man and his timely message. Who knew it would help me even years later as I continue to battle cancer?
Sure I don’t know how long I have, but no one knows when it’ll be their time to pass on. It doesn’t help to dwell on an uncertain future. The best thing I can do is appreciate the time I have, let fear go, and keep faith that G-d has a plan. And yes, I have to believe what the stranger said years ago: that prayer works... or at least that G-d can hear me. It’s nice to think He’s up there listening on the good days, the bad ones, and all the moments in between. #ecstilson #heartwarming #storytime #happyholidays #holidaystory #fyp #stage4cancer
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