
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I just blogged every day for a year!

    When I started this blog, it was on a whim. The Zombie Elf (my son) kept shoving my journals down the vent, where they got ruined. It was a bit romantic thinking of all the words and stories that fill these vents, even if there was a down side. Anyway, after keeping a journal years ago, I knew how therapeutic it was for me, but not at $20 per book--that cost more than my Starbucks addiction! Then one day I got this crazy idea. I could blog--I could blog every day for a year straight. I'd write funny, wild, embarrassing and even sad things. I didn't think anyone would actually read it, but as long as the Zombie Elf didn't shove my computer down the vent--I was golden!
    "That's a lot of blogging," one person said.
    "Well, that's how much I write anyway. I might as well put it where the Zombie Elf can't throw it away. All those papers in the vent, that's a fire hazard!"
    Another person encouraged me. "You have so many funny stories, you really should write them down where others can enjoy them." I scoffed at the time thinking the only thing I'd ever write WORTH something was my journal about Zeke.
    Many other people said they'd like to see me try blogging for a year, but they didn't want me feeling bad if I couldn't do it. One person even made a bet with me! "If you can't make it EVERY SINGLE DAY for a year, you have to take me out to lunch. If you do though, I'll take you out."
    That was it. No one makes a bet like that against me and gets away with it! I started my blog that very day, January 25th, 2011.
    Now, I didn't know very much about blogging. All I knew was that two of my friends had blogs about writing and my southern neighbor had a crafting one. I browsed through their posts and immediately came up with a title for mine "The Crazy Life of a Writing Mom."

    I wrote this silly blurb for my profile and then posted the story about how I got mad at Cade and dragged a toilet into the street. Here's the blurb I wrote:

       Elisa spends most of her time taking care of four rambunctious kids who are better than green eggs and ham.  They're pretty darn fun, but despite that, after she had kids, her boobs shrunk, she lost hair, but gained a greater sense of humor!
      When she's not scavenging through the vents, which her son (the Zombie Elf) thinks are the best place to hide things, she's sewing, playing her violin, or writing.

Here's the toilet post: When You Have To Go

    What followed still amazes me. It was slow at first. I only had a couple comments per post. I had a few hundred friends on facebook, about fifty followers on twitter. As time went on, I started explaining how my book about Zeke (my son who died) would be released on his birthday in November.
    I got sponsors! Entire organizations helped me promote it. Power bloggers read about how my son died and they decided to help me as well. When someone searched "Writing Mom" on google, my blog came up third! People started paying me to advertise on my blogposts. My book "The Golden Sky" made it to the top 100 selling books on Amazon (for the death and grief category) in 2011. I was able to donate over $800 to this cause and those struggling with infant loss! I went from making a silly blog and a bet, to having a year that has changed my life forever.
    I now have over 4,300 friends on facebook, over 1,900 GFC followers on my blog and over 7,500 followers on twitter! This is astounding for me, the girl who didn't think anyone would read a blog about simple life--let alone "The Golden Sky."

    These amazing things are because of you! I'm so blessed--sooo absolutely touched by all of your support. I started a blog and gained so much in a year. But the greatest thing I've gained are your friendships. Before starting my blog, Cade was hardly ever home. I'd play with my four kids, write, sew. And although I constantly played with my kids, I really missed adult interaction. Sure, I would go out to fast food with friends once a week, but that seemed like the highlight of my week.
    Now, everything is exciting and an opportunity to share it with you.
I went from the timid girl who wouldn't share my mind or seek out conflict, to a confident person, ready to stand strong and not let people walk on me.

    Plus, I love reading your posts, sharing in your joys, struggles and triumphs--those stories brighten my day. I hope each of you know how much you affected my life for the better. The days are so filled with excitement. Blogging has opened up a whole new world for me.

    Sorry this post is running so long, but it is my last one before I switch to my new schedule of blogging every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I still can't believe I made it!

I just have a few announcements:
    "The Sword of Senack" will be released on St. Patrick's Day. (I know it's later than I said before, but my content editor has been working so hard; she suggested we give ourselves just a bit more time to perfect it.)


    I'd love to do another blogfest to celebrate this event. Maybe we could each write a fictional post meant for YA--I'd love to read what you'd come up with. Do you have any ideas? I'm up for anything. "The Sword of Senack" is the fantasy story I told my kids when they struggled after Zeke's death. It's about a boy who runs away into the ocean. His siblings then embark on a journey to try and find him in the ocean's depths, but in the process may find the truth about themselves instead.

    Also, "Bible Girl," (the prequel to "The Golden Sky") is coming out on April, 21st, 2012.

    For more info about upcoming events, please visit my author website.

     Click on this picture to visit my site:


    I've also released pictures of Zeke (my baby who passed away--mentioned in "The Golden Sky").
  If you'd like to see him, and pictures 
from the time written about in that book, click here:


    This year is shaping into an amazing one as well.
     Thank you for all of your support! I'm so excited for 2012!


  1. And it's been an incredible year. I'm so glad I found this place and you.

  2. Congrats on one year of blogging every day. I feel like after almost a year of reading your posts we're old friends. Your writing has added so much to my life. You are a treasure, sweet girl! Thank you.

  3. You really are an inspiration. I'm so glad I found your blog in this year and I look forward to reading it as many time as you'll write it a week from now on.

    You should do a blogfest for the book. I'm not very good with ideas, I'm only good with cheering people on. So I'll cheer you on :D

  4. It's uplifting that you have taken your grief and used it in a creative way. This post is heartfelt and genuinely moving and I find it extraordinary that you remain so prolific. I'll keep reading.

  5. Congratulations on one year of blogging everyday! This is no small feat! Lots of love to you today and Zeke is just so beautiful! Thank you for sharing his pictures!


  6. Kudos to you for setting and making your goal - most people don't ever even get close. The joy you've found in blogging and sharing your story is infectious - your posts never disappoint! Welcome to the next chapter of your writing life!

  7. Amazing! I had no idea you had a goal to blog for a year, nor did I know about Zeke (my condolence) or the books you've writing even when I wrote that your blog inspired me. Congratulations. You've inspired me even more... I'll edit two chapters today and I'll make sure to support you by starting with a purchase of one your books for now.

  8. Congrats on the full year, always much fun here. Releasing your book on the day I became a saint't that nice of you.

  9. Congrats Elisa! I've almost made it 6 months with my blog; and boy I know what a feat 1 year would be! It truly does change your life, and your blog has changed so many others you won't even be able to comprehend!


    JadeLouise Designs

  10. Congratulations! I always love stopping by here :)

  11. Congrats girl! I knew you could do it. Thanks for dragging me along this adventure. thanks to you I've met a lot of amazing people! Love ya

  12. Congratulations on your one year and on your book.

  13. Blogging every day for a year is a HUGE feat! Congratulations!

  14. Congratulations! I applaud you for having stuck with it and I'm glad to hear that the fruits of your labors have been paying off

    Also glad I joined here and wish it had been sooner. Oh well, better late than never. :)

  15. Wow, Congrats! That's amazing work and a great accomplishment.

  16. Writing a blog post everyday for a year is impressive. Period. My wanders and thinks how your traffic has increased from Day 1 to Day 365. I'm sure that is just as impressive.

  17. Those stats are amazing and you so deserve them. Congrats on blogging every single day for a year, that's amazing. I can't even type this comment without my 3 yr old all over my whining lol.

  18. I could never express how much it has meant to me to read your blog and get to know you! You have had such a fantastic year and I really look forward to this next one!

  19. Congratulations! So happy for you. I am hoping my blog gets there one day!

  20. It stands to reason that you have so many followers--you are an amazing writer! I am so grateful to Melynda for sending me to your post. Though we've never met in person (but we HAVE spoken on the phone) I have come to know--& LOVE--you & your family. You have become an important part of my life--& MY FAMILY!!

  21. Congratulations!!! What an amazing story Elisa! I don't know how you did it. I struggle to keep up with the MWF schedule. But I'm getting there. This is a testament to what an amazing woman you are. I feel lucky to have met you. :)

  22. congratulations! such an amazing accomplishement.

  23. Congratulations on blogging for a year! That is awesome and I know you were sick some of those days. It's quite a feat.

  24. One year! wow! How exciting. I remember the toilet post, too. :) I'm so glad that you completed the bet. Although, I'm quite sad that you'll only be posting M,W,F. How will we ever go through the other days of the week without you!?!?!

  25. A blog post every day? That's dedication. Congratulations on your success & best of luck in the future.

  26. OMGosh! I had no idea you have only been blogging for a year! And what an amazing year you have had. Congratulations on everything that has happened and on everything to come! :)

    Oh, and I was taken aback by the toilet pictures until I read--LOL! Loved the pictures of Zeke and all of you. As you know, I haven't been feeling the best, but as soon as I am feeling more alert I am starting your book!!! Can hardly wait to read it and know more about you and your life and your family. May you have an even better next 365 days. :):)

  27. Wow! I am impressed! You did a lot of blogging this past year! You have entertained us in so many ways and it has been fun getting to know you. I can't believe how far you have come in just a year. I think it is an amazing accomplishment and you are an inspiration. Look at all the great things you got to do! I am sure you will feel a bit more relaxed with your new blogging schedule. Also- I can't wait to read your next book. It sounds so fun. I like the idea of another blogfest and can't wait to hear more details! CONGRATULATIONS!

  28. Blogging every day was one of my resolutions. I've already failed miserable and it's only January. You go girl!

  29. Wow! Can't believe you made it! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so much, for me, it was like pulling out my eyelashes, but you persisted and really did well. Congrats. Enjoy the break...if you can stay away. ;)

  30. Congratulations on the year of blogging!

  31. Congrats on a big year with even bigger stuff on the horizon. Your 365 day effort is especially impressive considering each blog entry is a real story or anecdote and not just a quote or song--I would need about 340 songs or quotes to fill a 365.

    Thank you for sharing Zeke's photos; perfect timing since I just finished the book.

  32. Congrats on a year of blogging! I have loved being on the journey with you for the past 6 months or so and look forward to more posts. I'm not sure I'd have enough material to post every single day so kudos to you :)

    This also reminded me that my blog's 2 year anniversary was yesterday. Or sometime this week. I was even gonna post about it on the day of. I'll have to look into it and then write the post. This post gave me an idea for what to write too :)

  33. Dear Elisa,
    Only a person of your depth and goodness and generosity could have had such a wonderful year. It has been filled with blessings for all your readers and blessings for you as well. Thank you for sharing your life, your music, your children, and your dreams with us. Just thank you for you.


  34. Time goes by so fast! In March it will be a year since I started blogging as well. It has been a pleasure following you and your life. YOU my friend are awesome and will never cease to amaze me. Congratulations on your one year blogging adventure! O hope you went somewhere nice for lunch :)

  35. Is it Friday yet? I miss your daily posts already!

  36. If I tried that I'd end up with some posts that were just ornamental(probably lots).

  37. I'm with Steph!!

    Are you going to do Monday, Wednesday & Friday?

  38. Thanks for all of your kind words.

    Yep, I'm switching to M, W, F, but I'm already having withdrawals lol. I guess that means it's a good time to start writing "Homeless in Hawaii." ;)

  39. Ahhhh! Congrats!!!! Sorry I'm so late getting over here to tell you that. It'll be a little sad not having a new story every day, but you'll get to de-stress and work on your new book!...:)

  40. Oh my gosh...I love your profile blurb! When I click on you in my e-mail, that comes up, and I read it every time! Blogging every day is such an accomplishment...congrats! I truly love to come and read your blog. The new schedule will be good for me, because I can catch everything like I want to;)

    P.S. Your new book sounds awesome!

  41. Whoo-hoo! If you hadn't started bloggiing, I never would have met you and you make my life better.


  42. Congrats on your accomplishment! Blogging everyday is quite an accomplishment! Talk bout a commitment! Very inspiring...

  43. What a FANTASTIC story. I just read the toilet story to Rodney. We're sitting on the bathroom floor painting the walls, laughing!! Think how many lives you've touched with this blog. It's what you're supposed to be doing! Isn't it nice to find your true self? Thank you, Elisa. And a HUGE congrats for stepping out of your world and doing something that helped you bloom. (that dang toilet picture is my FAVORITE!!)

  44. You are so very inspirational. It's so funny how sometimes what we are meant to do makes no sense to us at all in the beginning.
