
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You'll never believe this!

I'm still in shock--really.

    When I saw her number on my caller ID, I didn't know what to do. She'd sent me a text earlier. The message broke my heart because I know how hard life can be sometimes. "The relationship just isn't working out with him--after years. So many things have to change and will change," she said. "Can you meet me at the mall?"
    "Sure," I said. But after hanging up, I felt nervous. I felt bad for her, but at the same time, what if she didn't show up and I drove all the way to meet her? Maybe it was bad to think about myself when she was going through so much. It just isn't like me to run somewhere on a whim, though--not since I have four kids.
    "Scribe and Hippie," I said, pulling on my shoes. "Can you watch the babies for a few minutes while I run to the mall?"
    They seemed excited to babysit. Maybe this was a bad idea. It wasn't like they'd throw a keggar, but they are MY children after all. That could spell an imaginative DISASTER. "Yeah, but what for?" the Scribe asked, suddenly seeing money signs. "You wanna pay us?"
    "Ummm. No. I don't think so. Today you're going to babysit out of the goodness of your own heart."
    She just looked at me. "I can still do that and get paid. I feel extra goodness when money is involved."
    I raised a brow.
    "Next time," she blurted. "But WHY are you leaving? I thought you hated the mall."
    I didn't want to tell them. I know it's terrible, but there was no reason for them to know until I got home. Some things in life are too hard to explain, anyway.
    "Well . . . a friend needs . . . something. I'll hurry as fast as I can."

    Snow whipped around the van as I drove. I thought of how strange life is, how completely odd. Some days it doesn't make sense, while others, it seems we're right where God wants us.
    I couldn't think of the real reason I drove, just in case she wouldn't really come. It would break my heart again and I couldn't take that.
     This is a hard time of year regardless. Zeke died on January 30th of 2003 and it still hurts. Plus, we just got rid of Luna, my dog and it still stung. The point was, I'd told the kids to take care of her and they hadn't. That husky pup, became my dog, MY companion. but I've never been the kind of mother who makes idle threats. No matter how much I loved the dog, the kids didn't hold up their end of the bargain and I had to follow through.
    It was hard to think about, something I'd always regret, so I pulled my mind from those thoughts and I focused on the girl's dilemma. Break-ups are hard. Years ago Cade and I were separated after Zeke died. Once Cade said, Zeke looked too much like me and it was hard seeing MY face everyday. It was heartbreaking--more than I can say, but we made it through. Maybe I could tell her about that. Maybe I could give her my journal so she could read the love story for herself!
    I thought and thought, surely I had a copy of it in the car. When I got to the mall, I dug through the trunk and finally found it "The Golden Sky." I wrote a note in there, hoping it would help her because if certain moments are meant to be, this was one of them.
    I put money into the book, $300 to be exact, the same amount Cade's employer overpaid us and that we have to give back this week--the same amount we got for Luna. I just kept thinking of all the strange coincidences. If Cade's employer hadn't overpaid him, I wouldn't have had the money in time.
    It seemed to take forever, but the girl did show up. I handed her the book. "I'm a writer. This book came from my heart. Maybe it'll give you peace. I put the money inside."
    She smiled, looking tired and sad, but grateful. "I really appreciate you doing this," she said. "Not everyone would be willing to give me a refund."
    I wanted to run to the back and look through the car's window. I restrained myself, though. "No problem. In fact, Friday night, I was so sad, I prayed that if we were supposed to be her pet owners, that you'd give her back."
    "You're kidding," she said. "That's the same night my relationship ended. I was supposed to stay at home and train the dogs, but now I can't and she'll just be in a kennel all day. I just remembered how hard you cried when we left. I knew you might want her back."
We talked a while longer, me holding back tears, and just wanting to see my puppy's eyes.
    Finally, she opened the back and I saw Luna! You wouldn't believe how excited she seemed. I put her in the van and we drove away. It wasn't until I was halfway home that I had to stop. I got in the back and hugged her. Tears poured from my eyes. "Oh, puppy. Good, girl. Good, girl. You came back to me! I didn't know if I'd ever see you again, but you came back!"
Me (still in my pj's, sorry) with Luna today.

    When I finally stopped hugging her and we'd driven all the way home, I couldn't wait to see what the kids would do. I let Luna in and a cheer of excitement went through the house. My girls cried, too. "Thank you, Jesus," the Scribe said.
    As we sat around, each telling Luna to sit and giving her treats, I explained. "I told you to take care of the dog, but you didn't so I had to sell her. Well, we got her back, and now she's my dog and my responsibility."
Luna waiting for a treat.

    "How did we get her back, though? People just don't buy dogs and give them back a week later?" the Hippie asked. "Do they?"
    "No," I said. "In fact she could have made $200 off of her, but she decided to offer her to us first instead. I prayed the other day, though.  I asked God that if we were supposed to be Luna's family, she'd come back to us.  And she did."
    I hugged Luna again.
    "What did you learn from this?" I asked my girls.
    "That God answers prayer," the Scribe said.  "Mama, you weren't the only one who prayed."
    Her words made me smile.  "What about you, Hippie?"
    "I prayed too.  I'm still shocked though.  I never knew God would break up a couple, just so we could get Luna back.  Don't you feel kind of terrible inside?"
    I snorted.  "I don't think that's why they broke up.  Plus, who knows, maybe they'll get back together."

  Anyway, I'm still in shock, but so happy I can't believe it.  Isn't it awesome that small miracles can happen?!  Isn't it wonderful that God still answers prayers every day!
    For more about Zeke and his story, please go here:


  1. Wow. That is amazing. This post made me cry happy tears. It's a good thing my office door is closed!

    I'm so happy she came back to you (perhaps not about the reason though). It was meant to be. Have happy dog times.

  2. OMG!! I'm so glad that your prayers were answered and Luna is back with you!! Yup! It was meant to be--the $300--all of it. And now she's yours and yours alone. Well, I'm sure you'll share with the kids if they help out--LOL! ;) Love a happy ending. :):)

  3. YAY!!! Fantastic news that gave me a big smile this morning. I sooooo needed it today of all days.

  4. You and God are being break up artists

    That's awesome though that you got her back, guess you know for sure she's where she is supposed to be.

  5. You got your pooch back!! That made me so happy that I swear I teared up a litle. What's meant to be will, and that puppy was meant to be with you :)

  6. They have done studies and dogs are good for kids immune systems, especially if they grow up with them. Cats, not so much.

  7. You did the right thing in the first place by holding your ground but in the end, God gave you the desire of your heart...and I'm covered in goosebumps because of it!! Answered prayer is so awesome and so real!

  8. Sweet story so glad you got her back but bad for the other girl going through a break up. Hope your month doesn't hurt too much and that things will slowly heal for you.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What an amazing illustration of how God answers prayers--especially those of little children, a great learning experience for your kids, and such a blessing too! I'm so glad Luna is home.

    JadeLouise Designs

  11. Happy you got Luna back. Cats and dogs are good for kids immune systems because kids

    with an animal are less likely to develop asthma. Dogs are good too if there is a

    fire, they will bark, but a cat will make a b-line for the back door, then it's every

    cat for himself. LOL! Happy for all of you, even your cat.

  12. I would have cried if I got my dog back, too. What a great story. You look so happy with Luna! I'm glad she's back with you guys.

  13. what a beautiful dog! i couldn't imagine having to give our dog up. so happy she's back with you!

  14. Glad you have your dog back and I like that you told them that now it's your dog and you will take care of her.

  15. Nothing gets past Hippie, her insight is scary. And that is a beautiful dog. I love your writing.

  16. That is a lovely story,I'm happy Luna back,,,,fonz

  17. Lovely story and what a gorgeous doggy. So pleased you got Luna back :)

  18. What a beautiful dog! I love that you were able to get her back. When we trust in God anything can happen. It amazes me how we put Him in a box so many times and then He proves is wrong by blessing us in the most unforeseeable ways.

  19. Sounds like it's a happy ending. Maybe the time apart will also be a good lesson.

    I was actually on the opposite end of that scenario about thirteen years ago. We (well ok, I) wanted a dog. We found a family close by that was looking for a good home for their dog. The dog was friendly but too hyper for them.

    We decided to adopt him. However, when we got the dog home it turned into all out warfare with our cats. After a day or so of this we realized it wasn't working out. On a whim I called the previous owners and it turned out they wanted him back. They regretted the decision to send him away almost immediately.

    So it all worked out. We returned him and got a (Newfie mix) puppy instead. At the end of the day at least one of the cats got along with her. A 500 batting average isn't bad, so we took it. :)

    BTW, love the Scribe's comment "I feel extra goodness when money is involved." Hah! Don't we all? :)

  20. Excuse me for saying this but HOLY Hell and oh my heck!!!
    I'm stunned but oh so very happy for you.
    Your life never ceases to amaze me!!!

  21. Holy crap! You're so sweet...:) If I'd sold Flea and someone tried to give him back, I would've changed my number...

  22. I'm so glad Luna is back where she SO OBVIOUSLY was meant to be! And The Scribe's "extra goodness" comment was priceless!!!

  23. Dear Elisa,
    As the saying goes, "All's well that ends well." And this story of you and Luna and the $300 and the Scribe and Hippie certainly does end well. I'm so happy for all of you.


  24. Great post...I love how things work out for our good and His glory. I'm so glad you got your dog back, some things are just meant to be!

  25. Hippie told us about you getting Luna back and how you prayed and she prayed and it was a miracle. It was so cute. When I told my girls earlier that Luna was gone they were sad too - so it is a great reunion for all. God does know how to work wonders :)

  26. Wow! God does answer prayers. I am also one for not saying empty threats. You have to back things up so your children learn however I am not sure if I could give away an animal. I am glad it all worked out how it was suppose to though. Luna is beautiful!

  27. I'm so glad your puppy is home!

  28. Awww, glad Luna is home where she belongs.

  29. Oh my gosh how awesome! I'm so happy for y'all! I did get a chuckle out of you saying that now that Luna is back, she's your dog :)

  30. What a beautiful dog! So cute! I think it is fabulous that your dog came back to you. I love the name Luna- and I knew another dog with the same name! Congrats on getting him back. Enjoy YOUR dog. :)

  31. Luna is Back??!! You prayed with a sincere trusting heart, and God answered. I love it when a plan comes together!

  32. Sweet story! I've missed your posts the last couple of weeks. Looking forward to catching up.

  33. So happy you got Luna back! I know how hard that was for you and giving the money back was probably pretty tough too. God does work in mysterious ways and maybe your book can help her. I am sure the money will!

  34. You were supposed to be that dogs owner. Glad you had your sign. lol

  35. Wonderful you got her back! I think if we got a dog, even if the kids said they would take care of her, caring for the dog would be on me...which is why we don't have one. I'm not ready.
