
Friday, November 18, 2011

A Miracle!

    WOW.  These past few days have been a whirlwind of blessings.  I bet you didn't know a whirlwind could be a blessing, right?  Well, it can--something better than big boots and strong coffee! 
    Cade and I just got back from Zeke's grave.  I have so much to tell you about the blogfest, the mall where I sold books and passed out flyers, and about how I've received thousands of e-mails and over 6,000 views in the last three days!
    You've given me hilarious, heartwarming, AMAZING things to share--and I'm so excited to write about everything.
    But right now, I feel like I might fall over from pure joy and exhaustion.  I'm heading to bed, but I'll tell you all about everything tomorrow.
    For information about the blogfest, iPad2 giveaway and my book, please go to the post below this one:
    Oh, and keep enjoying the posts from the blogfest.  I'm going to keep it going for the next few days so you can have time to read more stories if you want to.  I haven't been able to read all of them yet, and I'm still trying to respond to everyone's e-mails.  If I haven't responded to your e-mail or read your post, please know that I will.  Thank you for your patience.


  1. Get some rest, you deserve it! See you tomorrow! Lisa

  2. Good lord girl, you need some sleep. Don't worry, we will wait!

  3. You know how you did that awesome, hilarious post about how people "find you" on google searches, with the weirdest key words and phrases that you're like Say whaaat, how'd you find me?

    I think I found you because God wanted me to.

    Thank you.

  4. I am still in shock and amazed at how incredible this blogfest has been. The son of my teacher who I wrote about, somehow found my site (I have no idea how) and left me a beautiful comment. Reading everyone else's stories have been sometimes difficult but also empowering and binding. It's an amazing experience and I'm so glad I got to be a small part in it!

  5. Elisabeth I'm so happy for you!! I have not gotten to all the posts on your blogfest but those that I have had the pleasure of reading are just beautiful. I think what you have done in the name of your son is just beautiful!!! Much love to you my dear blogging friend!! Now get some rest!!!

  6. Girl considering how many emails and messages you have gotten it might take a while. I'm sure people will be patient and understand that with everything you have going it may take a few. Breath kiddo. People are kinder than you think!

  7. Yeah just turn the computer off and recharge for a day or so, truly does help and sounds like you need it. The is so great with the awesome turnout too.

  8. I am sure you are experiencing a ton of emotions. What a wonderful tribute to Zeke and others that have not been forgotten.


  9. Elisa, thank you so much for having such a kind heart! You have become such a soure of strength for me lately. I just purchased your book and on my special day. I know it will help me with my own journey. HUGS~

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Brahms said it better than I could:

    Lullaby and good night
    With roses bedight
    With lilies o'er spread
    Is Elisa'a sweet bed
    Lay thee down now and rest
    May thy slumber be blessed.

  12. Awesome! Thanks for sharing your good news with us. What a wonderful book launch!
