
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Like a Hag in a Fairytale

    Before beginning this wildly-silly post, I have to share some things.

    Have you ever witnessed a miracle?  Think about it . . .
    On Thursday, I did.  Today I witnessed another one.
    The blogfest began (which by the way is now listed as one of the tabs on my blog, along with the iPad2 giveaway and info about my book).  I read stories of hope and loss.  Most of all, I read stories that brought healing.  
    Your kind words about me blessed my heart.  What shone far above anything though, was your kindness to each other.  I felt so very honored to see your beauty--your hearts--and it continues on.  The support and generosity you've shown to me and others--it's amazing!  
    In addition to that, Zeke's story was released on Friday, 11/18, and now, "The Golden Sky" is currently in Amazon's top 100 U. S. books about grief and dying.  Zeke's story is spreading and hopefully helping others.

    Now, onto the post of the day.
P. S. This picture has nothing to do with today's post.  I just have a thing for ninjas.

    On Friday, Cade was supposed to have the day off so we could go visit Zeke's grave and honor him on his birthday.  Well, it didn't work out that way, so I took the Scribe (my nine-year-old) to the mall to sell books and hand out flyers.
    There's something magical about being nine.  I know that sounds strange since wise people say the odd numbered years are the hardest; that's why they're "odd."  But even if it's hard, nine IS magical.  I remember that whenever I hang out with my kid.  
    Every time someone walked by at the mall, she'd run over and hand them a flyer about my book.  She had no idea I'd pay her real money (vs. the Monopoly kind I gave her in kindergarten).  All she knew was that we sat next to The Popcorn Hut, and if she helped, she'd get to try the white chocolate popcorn.
    So, things went well, but what shocked me was when some people were mean.
    "What's wrong with them?" the Scribe asked when two people said they didn't know what we were selling, but they WERE NOT interested.  
   And I had to admit, they were so mean, their faces looked ugly like greed!
    "Well," I whispered.  "Do you remember how you thought craved pumpkins had powers?"
    She nodded because this past Halloween, she was convinced, when you carve a pumpkin, part of your soul goes into it, and when it rots, well . . . then you know what your true soul looks like.
    Realization lit her eyes.  "We don't even need a pumpkin this time!  We can see if people are nice or not.  Wow, salesmen must know everything about how people really are inside." 
   We were like the ugly hags in fairy tales--the ones who sit in the forest and wait to see if the peasants will be nice to them.  It was epic--I've never wanted to be ugly quite so badly!  
    "You're right," I said.
    "Yeah."  She bit her lip, then continued, "We know everything . . . because we're salesmen!" 
   I nodded, suddenly feeling terrible for being rude to a vacuum salesman last week--seriously, what if he was an angel in disguise?!  But thinking about it further, it wasn't very likely; he HAD looked like a hungry wolf in need of cash and my fine china.  
   I pulled myself from my thoughts as I saw a new person walking closer.  "Hey, look at twelve o'clock."  The Scribe, that spy in training, looked right where I told her to.  "That person's going to be nice."  
    "You wanna make a bet?  He's a swerver if I've ever seen one!"
    "A swerver?"
    "Yeah, one of those people who don't even say anything; they just swerve out of the way instead of saying 'no thanks' or shaking their head nicely."
    I snorted.  "He is not a swerver.  He's a nodder, at the least."
    "Seriously, how much will you bet on it?" the Scribe asked.
    "Well," I dug through my pockets quickly, "how about a penny."  I set some change out and we shook on it.
    The man sauntered closer.  He looked at shops.  His plaid jacket reminded me of black licorice and mints all mixed up.  Then, that scoundrel of a man--who once had a twinkle in his eyes--acted mean to the Scribe!  He didn't talk . . . He didn't nod.  He puckered right up like he'd lost his dentures!
    "See," the Scribe giggled.  "Now, that is a swerver if I've ever seen one."
   "But how did you know?" I asked, thinking she's half-spy, half-physic--the best combination EVER.
    "Well, he did seem a bit cranky.  I knew he might swerve since he didn't have a cane."
    "'Cause people with canes can't swerve?"
    "Exactly.  So, they have to nod; it's obvious when you think about it."
    The day went quickly after that.  We met more nodders, swervers and "angels" as the Scribe called them.  We even met a cougher; the woman saw us and conveniently had an asthmatic fit right there in front of a posh manikin.
    It was a wonderful day though, even if it was Zeke's birthday and a reminder that I'll always miss my son who died.  Heck, we even sold some copies of the book, and met a woman who reads my blog--that was a shocker!
    Anyway, all of that was wonderful, but the best part for me was when the Scribe and I got popcorn.  At one point, I giggled so hard, a kernel almost flew into my lung.
    "I learned something today," the Scribe said, pocketing all of the change she'd won from me, plus what she'd earned for helping.  "I learned that it's always good to be nice.  You never know what other people are going through.  And . . . if someone hands you a flyer, you should wait until they can't see you if you'd like to throw it away."
    I smiled through a mouthful of white chocolate.  "You know what I learned?"  I asked and she shook her head.  "I learned that you are a very hard worker AND a good judge of character.  I don't think I should bet against you anymore, though.  You're taking all of my money."
    "But why, Mom?  I like it when we make bets.  You know, I'm trying to earn money for an art kit!" 


  1. I have a plan: Let The Scribe earn the money (or get it from winning bets from you) & buy the art kit she wants. It will be a good lesson for her. Then let me know how much it cost & I will semd you a check for that amount which you can put in her bank. I'M SERIOUS!

    Where's that flower picture she asked if she could send me?

  2. Fishducky,
    You are soooo sweet!
    The Zombie Elf dumped Hershey's syrup on the picture. Anyway, she's working on another one now. She was so sad, but I was happy she had something else to work on since she's off track from school all of this month. That seems like such a long time ;) That Zombie Elf, he's such a wild little man sometimes.

  3. Haha - I love your kids! I've always politely declined salesmen at the door, mainly because I've been in college the past 6 years so I still live at home and I'd rather my parents handle stuff like that. At school, though, I was usually a swerver when someone was passing out fliers. I noticed that clubs who did that were advertising events that I wasn't interested in. So I figured, why take one when I'm just going to recycle it and not attend the event?

  4. That's so true though; it's better to politely decline than just throw it away or something ;)

    It did make me wonder though . . . Out of all the people who were mean, (in actuality less than one out of ten people) I wonder what they were going through. I hope they'll have happy holidays despite whatever made them cranky.

  5. Dear Elisa,
    I hope you take Fishducky up on her offer. She's such a fine artist and she wants to encourage Scribe. So a gift from one artist to another.

    And yes, that young lady is a force to reckon with--wise way beyond her years.


  6. Elisa - I have to tell you . . . . I think you have inspired me to write from the depths of my heart. For so long, I have been afraid to say it - to speak of it - to be truly honest about what is lurking in the darkness and sucking the breath out of me at times. Your brutal honesty and your genuine "realness" have given me courage. Thank you my new friend! You are a blessing to me, Nina

  7. I loved the story about your kids. Mine are adults now, but I remember the enjoyable times with my children.

  8. Hi Again! Just wanted to pop in to tell you I have given you the "Liebster Award" for being one of my favorite blogs! Stop by my blog for all the details: Thanks and see you soon, Nina

  9. What a sweetie you have there!! Congratulations on the book doing so well!! I'm so happy for you!!

  10. hahaha got yourself a little gambler. Putting her talents to good use, those swervers can be tough to spot sometimes.

  11. Kids are so wise!
    And I agree... nine is a great age!

  12. Holy Cow, I love your new lay out. I haven't been able to visit except on my phone, but now that my ol' trusty laptop is fixed...looks good.

    I'm so glad your book is doing so well. I always knew it would. So proud of you for sharing Zeke. It's not something I think I could have done, but his little life needs to be shared with everyone.

    Talk to ya soon.

  13. I love the way you do things with just have a great way of working things out. My middle son is nine, and at times I think he is smarter then me the way he thnks things out! :)

  14. You have to love people. I actually feel for people who walk around with a scowl. Either something is happening to them to make them that way, or they decided to be that way. I'm not sure which is worse.

    My grandfather used to say that when you wake up each morning, you make a decision there and then what kind of day it is going to be. I won't tell you it works 100% of the time, but close enough to be truth.


  15. What a great day and like any great story, it had it's high points, it's conflicts and villains, but all ended the two main characters are some of my favorites! ;)

  16. haha kids always end up being the smarter ones..

  17. I love hanging out with my middle son and observing people. It's good for kids to know early on that if people are rude or mean it is an issue with them, not you. Sorry I missed your blogfest. Congrats on your sales!

  18. An art kit huh? What does she need?

  19. Oh AND congrats girl! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!

  20. These comments are so fun :0)

    I'm not sure. I think she wants paints and things. She's hilarious.

  21. Starting young with the gambling huh? LOL!

    I stared and stared at that ninja picture and could NOT find one. Can you repost it with them circled? hahaha It's driving me bananas!

  22. I LOVE that ninja picture. Isn't it awesome. The person just had to take a picture of an empty living room and then think of something witty to write. I wish I'd thought of it :0)

  23. That ninja picture is great. I like this one and this one and, of course, this one.

    Sounds like The Scribe needs to be getting an art kit for Christmas. Just saying.

  24. I TOTALLY see the ninjas. ;)

  25. I reluctently admit that I use to be a swerver. I couldn't stand when people would come up to me trying to sell items or ideas. I learned my lesson about 2 years ago when it was MY turn to be the person trying to hand out flyers and such. I was a volunteer in a local political campaign and experienced my share of rude people during that time. I now always politely take the flyer and even sometimes read it over later that day.
