
Friday, May 3, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness Week #5--A Miraculous Blessing From Little Caesars' Corporate Office

Something amazing happened on Wednesday 
Let me explain . . .

Do you remember when I wrote about this:

Random Acts of Kindness Week #2 -- Little Caesars Harlem Shake

Well, this Wednesday, I checked Wayman Publishing's mailbox and Little Caesars sent me two $20.00 Little Caesars gift cards and the sweetest letter! I started crying after I read it.  The guy (from a Michigan office) found my post and decided to pay it forward.  He asked me to give one $20 card to someone else--I'll tell you about that in a minute--and to keep the other one to use for my family.  I'm still in shock.  I LOVE Little Caesars!
    Here's the letter they sent to me: 

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So I was really excited,and I decided to tell the wonderful man who normally works mornings at that US Post Office.  
    John is an amazing man.  He always treats everyone with respect and helps however he can.  He's very efficient and because of him, and the other awesome employees there, I drive to another city, just so I can go to that post office.  
    As I told John about the letter from Little Caesars, I immediately realized that I should give one of the gift cards to him.  I smiled thinking how the last two times I've tried to give random gifts to "strangers," the recipients both ended up being people who'd been kind to me in the past!  (Remember the flowers and the Barnes & Noble Gift Card?) 
    John seemed excited about the gift card.  I hope he knows how much all of the customers appreciate his kindness and thoughtfulness.    

Well, I'm leaving to Mexico this week.  But I'll still have something posted next Friday--a past Random Act of Kindness that blessed my heart.

Check out the Random Acts of Kindness Blogfest HERE.  
I'd love if you'd join up.  

Other big news?
My humorous novella/audiobook, "How to Avoid Having Sex," was just featured on CBS News HERE

And FOX News: HERE
I'm floating on air!
What a wonderful week. 


  1. You've really hit on the trigger that unleashes a flood of kindness and goodness. I could read things like this all day long!

    Not sure which part of Mexico you're going to, but we're not far from the southern Texas border with Mexico. Have fun and be careful~

  2. You are on a roll of pure awesome! I hope people see this series and it inspires them to do the same. Every little bit helps to make the world a brighter place.

  3. It's always great to hear about things like that happening. If we were all just kind to each other this world would be an awesome place. Heck if we were all just civil to each other it'd be a great place. As it is now it's only great in some places and at some times. Keep it up. :)

  4. Congratulations on EVERYTHING and have a great trip.

  5. So great. I hope you have a nice week in Mexico. Hasta la vista.

    Te amo.

  6. Dear Elisa, you just keep sending out warmth and love and goodness into the Universe and it keeps coming back to you. This story, as the saying goes, "warms the cockles of my heart." Peace.

  7. What goes around, comes around--I LOVED THIS!!

  8. Awesome news and great kindness too. Watch out in mexico, those chupacabra(spelling) may try and eat you lol

  9. Wow ... random acts of kindness is contagious and seems to bring out generosity in businesses and people alike. Congratulations on starting something wonderful! Maybe if we all take your lead ... the world will be a nicer place. Enjoy your trip! :-)

  10. Great story I love to hear about random acts of kindness.

  11. You have such a kind warm heart my friend...I find that so inspiring.

  12. What a wonderful event! Paying it forward! I have already started planning how to make this happen in my life and blog about it.

    "How to avoid Sex"--is it in paperback, yet?

  13. Here's the thing... my husband works the window at the PO. He also has customers that bypass their local PO to come see him. You have no idea how excited he gets when someone goes a bit out of their way to say thank you, weather it be cookies, gift cards, or small chit chat.

    So, while John was very happy on the outside, I can assure you he was 10 times that on the inside.

  14. Have fun on your trip that was awesome that they sent you those. People can still be great.

  15. How lovely, its always nice to be appreciated and its things like this that renew my faith in humanity.

  16. Thank you for calling Little Caesars, would you like to try out meatsa meatsa pizza pizza?
    Yes, that's how I used to answer the phone when I worked at Little Caesars in college (Tallahassee)
    This was a sweet post! And I love that you know your mailman's name.

  17. You run around fanning the flames of love & compassion. Your focus on positivity is so refreshing. ~Mary
