
Friday, May 24, 2013

Calling ALL Bloggers and Authors: REMINDER for the Random Acts of Kindness Blogfest!

Random Acts of Kindness Blogfest

   May 27th-31st I'm having a huge blogfest where people can share love and joy, by writing about random acts of kindness that have been bestowed upon them in their lives.  Imagine, visiting the blogosphere and reading about so much hope!
   If you have a blog, would you sign up and write something for this?  If you don't have a blog, would you refer people to this link, so the word will spread?
    For the blogfest, you can write something for any/all days, just make sure your main post is up on May 27th--that's the post I'll link to the blogfest :)

Here's the button for the blogfest:
 photo raoc_zps0fb7dd8c.jpg 
Please leave a comment or sign up at the bottom of this post!

Random Acts of Kindness Anthology

    After the blogfest (if participating authors are interested and posts are approved) Wayman Publishing would like to publish an anthology from the posts written during this blogfest.  ALL profit for this (through 2013) will be donated to charity!  The kindness will spread even more.

This is the donation Wayman made from the last anthology,  


If you add the following info in your blog post, then you can email your blog post link to waymansweepstakes(at) and you'll get five entries, for a chance to win the iPad Mini!

Info to add (listed in italics)

Buy any of Wayman Publishing's books—some only 99 cents—and automatically be entered into our iPad Mini Sweepstakes! Visit this link for more info: 
Want to join the blogfest? Go HERE to sign up! 

Will you join me?

I can't do this without you.  Will you help me make this event an amazing experience for everyone involved?  You've all been so kind to me.  The iPad Mini was an AMAZING act of kindness.  I want the kindness and joy to spread.

If you'd like to be part of this blogfest,  May 27th-31st,

Please leave a comment or sign up here:



  1. I have my post ready for the 27th

  2. So many random acts of kindness have been bestowed on me. How will I choose?


  3. No nee to remind me, all done months ago at my sea

  4. It is so great that you are organizing this and so many will participate. Hugs from the canyon.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Eek, had to delete first correct was a mess!

      I just saw the tweet about this. Missed it, but a fantastic idea! I will be back to peruse at leisure! (let's hope this posts correctly)! Time to get to know more bloggers out there! :-)
