
Thursday, September 29, 2011

"The Golden Sky" Blogfest!

    Here's the deal;
    My memoir, "The Golden Sky" will be released on:



Click HERE for more information about "The Golden Sky."
    Anyway, that day is extremely special to me because it is Zeke's birthday.  He would have been nine years old this year.  I always struggle knowing what to do on his birthday, but this year will be a wonderful.
    My journal about Zeke's life will be published.  I will  also get to connect with other bloggers who are willing to share reviews on my book or stories dedicated to loved ones who have passed away.  I want this to be a beautiful memorial where people can become friends, find a close network of caring people, and grow through great support.  

    This whole process has taken A TON of work since advertising can be tricky.  But I've done everything I can--short of streaking down main and yelling, "Check out my book," or doing this "potty trick" again . . .
Here's that post if you're curious (come on, I know you are)
Click here:   

    Anyway, I've done something even crazier this time!  To advertise this exciting event, on November 18th, 2011, I will host a giveaway for an ipad2 OR $500.00 cash! (further details to come)
   In addition, 5% of ALL profits on sales (during 11/18/11) will go toward helping people who have lost or are losing infants and children.
    I will also have a section where people can donate money to Angel Watch (the great organization that helped me when I lost Zeke).
    So, just visit my blog on November 18th, 2011 AND I'll give you further details about the ipad2/$500.00 cash contest.  (Runners-up could win $20 gift certificates or copies of my book.)  The winners will be announced, and will get the prize in early December--just in time for Christmas! 

    This is where you come in--for a blogfest.  
    I'm allowing other bloggers to participate and share in this great opportunity for exposure.  I will have a list of those blogs as well as links to their sites.  It will be perfect for advertising your blog.  Plus it will give you a chance to showcase your writing talent!  
    I've been working on this event since last January and I expect a HUGE turnout! 
    I've set up radio interviews as well as reviews in newspapers.  The event will be promoted via those outlets as well as through ads and flyers which are being mailed and personally handed out.  

If you'd like to participate in the blogfest, 
all I ask in return are two things:

1- On November 17th, 2011 write a post as tribute to someone you have lost.  Make it something special that other people can relate to and remember.  This is the post I will link to the event on 11/18. 

2- Put this button on your November 17th Memorial post.
(Feel free to size it as needed.)

    So . . .
   I will need to know your blog's name and web address for the event. I can also remind you.
   Please leave a comment if 
you'd like to sign up.

    I'm getting so excited.  Wish me luck!  
I hope Zeke would be proud.


  1. hahahaha oh that toilet post was too funny, good thing it was all nice and sunny out..haha

    Hmmm not sure the cat has anyone to write about being lost, I'll have to think on that, as the cat is more funny than inspirational..haha. You are really going all gung ho though damn, best of luck. I just slapped mine up on the internet and started on number two..haha...maybe I'll promote after that.

  2. November 17 is also National Premature Awareness Day, so I'll be doing both in one post. I hope that's all right.

  3. I think I'm in!

    btw, I'm so sorry it's taking so long for me to read! It's just been so darn bussy. But I promise I will find the time to finish soon! I promise you that! :)

  4. Dear Elisa, November 17--Zeke's birthday--comes on a Thursday in November (my usual posting day) so I'll have readers expecting a story that day. That's good because more will read. So I'll post a story on loss that day just as you've suggested.

    Your book is going to do so much good. Zeke is reaching out, through you, to all of us. And so what has been such a hard experience will in the end do great good for the Universe.


  5. Pat,
    I need to go check out your book :)

    Perfect. Thanks for signing up. I didn't know about the 17th. That makes this even more special since Zeke was premature.

    I completely understand. Oh and I've been trying to comment on your last post, but it won't show up. I don't know what the deal is. I'm so glad things are going better with your best friend.

    Awesome! Thank you. I'm so excited.

  6. Oh and yeah I have over 100,000 twitter followers or so, here and there on the go. So on the big release day, sure I can send some more people your way.

  7. Oh my gosh! WOW! That would be AMAZING. Thank you soooo much.

  8. I'm so excited for the book to be released! (also a little scared about the amount of tears I know I will pour out of my body!). Count me in for November 17th! I will be more than happy to promote Zeke's story.

  9. Thanks Padded Cell Princess and J.L. Campbell. :0)

  10. Great ideas, tribemate! I signed up. Best on your launch!
    Toby Neal

  11. Yay I'm #3, my favorite number! Wow this sounds really great, I think it comes in #3 on my list of awesome events to come (3rd only to the rapture and my tummy tuck...hahha) I'm so excited for you...what shall I wear on the momentous occasion?!?

  12. OMG! I've been looking for that toilet. Seriously, You are too funny, EC. Your memoir sounds beautiful, and you are definitely pulling out all stops to get it out there. Congrats on the publication.

  13. Whew! What a whirlwind you will have for the next months. I am so proud of you! This is so awesome, girl.

  14. I KNOW Zeke would be proud! Is it possible God gave him Meaghan's dog Buddy as an early birthday present?

  15. Rachel Joy,
    Yahoo for #3--that's my favorite number :)

    You are hilarious! Thanks for your kind words.

    It will be busy, but so fun. I can't wait until your book comes out. I know it will be amazing,

    I thought the same thing. I mean, after all, the only pet Zeke had before was that skunk and that doesn't sound too pleasant.

  16. Wow! What a beautiful tribute. I want to do this for both of you if I get things up and running in time. And I don’t even need to be in the running for the ipad2. Of course it probably wouldn't mean that much considering the number of followers I'd probably have from the start. :o/

    But regardless, I know your book will be amazing and Zeke is proud of his mama. Love your toilet stunt!


  17. I'll definitely help promote! I don't feel like I have a good enough story to put on my blog...which sounds lame, but I feel like it should be something that should do you and your cause justice.
    However, I'm MORE than happy to put your button my site and toot your book's horn all over Twitter. Your story makes my heart heavy for you, but I'm so so excited for you and the release!

  18. DebraKristi,
    I so appreciate that--thank you! :)

    You are a doll. Let me know if there's ever anything I can do for you and your writing. I LOVE your blog ;)

  19. This is great! Sounds like you have a great marketing campaign for this worked out too!! I wish you the best!

  20. Every now and again I'm out walking in my neighborhood and I see a toilet sitting by the curb because someone has put in a new potty. I have wanted to do the toilet picture for so long, but if I sit on the toilet, I don't have anyone to take the picture, and there's no way my son would sit on the toilet while I took the shot. I am so jealous and very happy to take part in promoting your book.


  21. What a wonderful cause. I'm definitely in!

  22. Lola,
    That's epic LOL!
    I think my neighbors thought I was nuts, but it was still worth Cade's reaction :0)

    J.C. Martin,
    Thanks for joining :)

  23. congratulations. what a project this must have been, and with promotion it is just gearing up, to an extent. best of luck with everything.

    part of the reason i'm switching away from blogger are the bugs. i have tried repeatedly to add your url to my blogroll without success. i will continue to load it in. others blogs the system wouldn't take but days later it did. it shall happen.

    after i write a piece, i will sign up. looking forward to it:)

  24. Well, duh, sign me up but I'll be posting your interview!!!!!
    You know the web addy!

  25. I will be participating, all on 3 of my blogs. They don't get many views but I will do what I can on that day to drive traffic as well. Much love and best wishes.

    Leetah a.k.a Candiss

  26. I'm so excited for you that your book is coming out! I hope it has been a healing process for you. I can't write a post about losing someone. But, let me know if you want me to do anything else. Remember, you're welcome to guest-host on my blog, whenever!

  27. What a wonderful thing. That your book is being published on your son's birthday is a gift in itself. I would love to join your blogfest. I do not feel I've lost anyone in a way that would be appropriate to Zeke's story. I almost lost my younger son, but miraculously we did not. I can't wait to get a copy of the book. I'm very happy for you. :)

  28. Thank you, Ed, Jenn, Leetah and Michelle. You're awesome!

    That would be wonderful if you want to write about your son. Your stories about him are so powerful.

    Even if any of want to write something to do with the afterlife or a fiction about grief . . . Anything like that would be great too :)
    Here's an example:

    I've added everyone to the list that signed up through the comments. Pretty exciting :) I'll send a reminder just before the blogfest. Thanks again for all of your support! I'll leave the sign-up list for the next month so more people can join if they want to.

    Zeke would be definitely proud:) you are such a great mother and the cause is equally good:)
    such a huge project and i wish you all the best of luck:) do not worry this one is going to be a great success!am equally excited too:)
    and thank you so much for inviting me and so many friends in this blogging world....
    well done:)

  30. I'm linked up and looking forward to writing my post-I had been thinking about that recently as it's a month when I lost someone special once, too. And I can't imagine how any son could not be proud of a great person like you!

  31. This is a wonderful idea and of cource I am going to help anyway I can :)You continue to be a great inspiration to me and I am sure many others!

  32. Haritha, Mamawolfe and Siv,
    You all wrote such wonderful things.
    I can't wait to read your posts on the 17th :)

  33. Congratulations on getting your book published :)) Would love to join in.... what a beautiful way to mark your son's birthday xoxo

  34. Finally, your book will be coming out soon... Am excited for that... Will be writing too on the 17th! :))

  35. I can't wait to read your book! I have been looking forward to this for a long time. Count me in! I will help out in anyway possible to promote this exciting step. What a beautiful way to remember your son. You are amazing! x

  36. Thank you, New Year Mum.

    I absolutely loved the pictures on your last post--WOW!

    C.J Duggan,
    Thank you. I'll do the same for you when your book comes out. You are such an amazing writer!

  37. Thank you for the invite to your blog hop.. I hope Im doing it right. Ive entered and will write a post on the 17th.. is this right? How awesome about your book Im sure your sweet son is so proud!! Im sorry you know the pain of lossing a child. Much love to you!

  38. Brigette,
    I'm so excited that you signed up!
    That's exactly right, just write a post for 11/17 and add the button to it, then I'll link your story back to my blog for the blogfest :)

  39. I am certainly looking forward to reading and reviewing. I think we agreed my post will be on launch day, which will be my contribution to the Blogfest. Neither of my blogs are suitable for the sort of tribute posts you are planning. I am sure we will be in touch before the big day, but if you want to answer this comment please remember I do not subscribe to comments. Thanks also for your recent comment on my "Notte Bianca a Marta" post. hopefully you will follow your dreams to Italy one day. Have a great weekend.

  40. Congrats on your book! Looking to inspire people with my blog post!

  41. Elisa, you know I am here for you. Anything I can do, please let me know. I will post as we discussed.
    I am so excited for you. This is really a beautiful thing. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this very special journey.

  42. Wow, what an amazing accomplishment to have your book published. I hope to do the same some day. I will absolutely do a post that day.

  43. Awesome idea. That's a lot of stuff you're giving away. And such a good cause too.

  44. What a blessing to have all of you sign up. This is the first time I haven't dreaded the approach of Zeke's birthday. Lately, I find myself excited, looking forward to all of your wonderful stories. Thank you for making this event special for me, my family and Zeke.

  45. Hi,
    I'm game for the follow.

  46. Fabulous! I'm signed up. Look forward to participating in the event. Thanks for having me.

  47. I've signed up. Looking forward to participating and to reading your book when it comes out!

  48. Congratulations, Elisabeth. I'll be happy to participate.


  49. I'm so sorry you lost your son :(. My daughter is the same age and just the thought of her not being here makes my heart ache. Thank you for doing this though. It will be tough to share my story, but I am also happy to do so. After all, talking about your thoughts and feelings is very therapeutic.

  50. I'm sorry for your loss Elisabeth. I can't even begin to imagine. My heart aches for you and your family. I'm not sure whether I should sign up for your blog hop as my blog is for book reviews mostly, but I have lost a few close family members and wouldn't mind taking the time out to write something in tribute.
    LMK what you think.

    Erika @ Badass

  51. Wonderful :) Thank you.

    I have a niece who is your daughter's age (and would have been Zeke's age). It's a blessing being able to see her progress and knowing how old Zeke would have been. I think I have a special love for her because of that. I'm really looking forward to your story.

    That would be wonderful. I'll send you an e-mail through your blog. I just checked out your site and I love the reviews I read :)

  52. Hi - I'm a first time visitor from VB weekend friends to remember list. I am definitely interested in getting a copy of your book.


  53. Thanks for visiting, Dayna. There's a main character named Dayna in one of fantasy books. :) I love your name.

  54. Did I do this correctly? I am somewhat challenged in matters of all things techie.

  55. Bodaciousboomer,

    Thank you for joining. You're all set and I'm super excited. Now all you have to do is write a story as a tribute to someone you lost (or really anything to do with loss--it can even be a fictional piece). Just post it on the 11/17 and include the above button from this post. That's it.

    Thanks again. :) And let me know if you have any more questions.

  56. You rock! Cannot wait to read your book!

  57. Zencherry,
    Thank you; you're a doll. I'm sooo addicted to your blog. :)

  58. What a wonderful event! Wishing you all the best and I will be supporting your endeavor.

  59. So I joined up. Good luck on your book, Elizabeth!

  60. Thanks, Elizabeth, for stopping by and commenting today on my blog post. Which is what led me here. Your book sounds wonderful. As you know, I love memoir. It's my "niche." It's all I'll write, except maybe a collection of short stories, in the remaining time I have here on earth.

    You have certainly put in a LOT of time and energy on your book, and on setting this all up! I'll try to do the blog hop. I'm signing up. On Nov. 18th I'll post the excerpt from the novel I'm ghost writing that you say you like.

    My blog title: Blog of Ann Carbine Best.
    It's a WordPress blog:

    I'm excited for you and wish you success with your book. And I love that hilarious picture! :-)
    Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror, A Memoir of Shattered Secrets

  61. Thank you so much, Amberr. :)

    Ann Best,
    You are a sweetheart. I adore the way you write. I really admire the way you've mastered the memoir genre.

  62. I am so excited and happy for you. I think this is a great idea. I am happy to be a part of it, and maybe even get the word out about my book too. I am still trying to promote mine. You are amazing and doing a great job. I know that Zeke is SO proud of you!

  63. I think you have been absolutely amazing in the way you have organised this and you know that I shall be posting a review of your book on the day. I shall also repost a post I wrote a long time ago for my father who died of cancer 10 years ago on the 26th November.
    I will do anything I can to help this be a success for you and for Zeke.

  64. Oh my sweet, new friend. Of course I'll help promote your book! This kind of personal story is so very important to share.

  65. I just signed up to be a part of the bloghop because I THINK YOU ARE AMAZING! I will be buying your book the day it comes out - and I am actually really, really excited to read it. Wordpress has issues when it comes to posting buttons, but IMMA TRY!

    I will promote it as much as possible - and if you need anything more done, drop me an e-mail.

    Sincerely, I wish you the best of luck. I am sure your son would be proud.

  66. You two are so sweet. The support means a ton.

    And AG, you made my day! Thanks :0)

  67. I got my blog up and running now so I finally sign up! But never having used Linky before I feel like a kid and messed that up. Figures, right? I guess I should have put my name where it said 150 word description? :( Is there a way to fix that?

  68. Debra Kristi,
    Thank you for joining :) The entry looks great.
    I'm really looking forward to reading your tribute about your sister.

  69. Elisabeth,
    The linky is expired, but if you can include Mommy LaDy Club that would be great!;) I'll have a post ready on the 17th. I think I'll write about our grandmother.

  70. Mommy LaDy Club,

    I'm so glad you noticed the linky tool. I'm trying to fix it now. :)

    Thank you so much for joining.

    Only a short amount of days now. I'm sooo excited.

  71. I don't think I signed up yet! Counting the days with you!

  72. Would it be possible for you to email me at jennireeve(at)
    I would like to share my story with you and find out more about yours.

  73. I think I'm all set...let me know if there is anything I need to do or you want me to do!!
    I am so excited for you!! ~Hugs~

  74. Count me in! I would love to participate. Adding it to my calendar now.

  75. Sounds great :) I'll post more info about this in a couple of days and send all of you e-mails as well. I'm getting sooo excited.

  76. I would really like to participate as well. What a wonderful way to pay tribute to your son. Just read the poem you wrote him. Beautiful and heartbreaking.

  77. P.S. Would it be alright if I posted the button on my sidebar now or do I have to wait until the 17th?

  78. You are almost there...Zeke is excited and proud, I am sure. You should be, too. ~Hugs~

  79. Vapid Vixen,
    That would be wonderful.

    Thanks, McGuffy Ann :)

  80. What a fabulous venture... I'd love to take part!

  81. Yes, I Would Love To Do This. My Mother , Father And Sister All Died Within A Year And A Half Of each Other. Do We Post On Nov. 17 Only . My Site Anna

  82. Okay Elisabeth,

    You've inspired me to be brave. I'd like to participate in the Blogfest on November 17th and will blog about the passing of my mother at the age of ten...whew!

    Count me in...

  83. I thought I signed up but now I am not so sure. Can you let me know if it is too late? November 17th would have been our son, Sawyer's, 2nd birthday. I am definitely dreading it. This is such a great tribute to your son. Best of luck with the book. Take care.

  84. Thank you Michelle and Augustmclaughlin.

    Anna and Hannah,
    I can't imagine how hard . . .

    That is so crazy that our little angel babies birthdays are only a day apart. I'd love it if you want to join. I'll include your link on 11/18 :)

  85. Anna,
    You can post on 11/17. You're also welcome to do more blogfest posts after that. The blogfest will be going for about 2 weeks so people can go meet each other if they want to :)

  86. Can't believe that it is only 2 days away!! This is so exciting. Someone had better tie a rope around your ankle to keep you from floating away in the joy of the day! God bless you, Elisa! susan

  87. I'm not sure I am posting my link in the right place, so I'll give it another go here and hope it stays put.

    Congrats on your book release and all that you're doing in your son's honor. I look forward to reading THE GOLDEN SKY.

    Here is the link to my post, which is now online:

  88. Eisabeth I'm so happy for you that your book is coming out and on such a special day!! I'm sure your angel is very proud of you and looking down on you each day!!! Much love and much luck on this wonderful time for you!!!

  89. I have now published my post. "The Golden Sky" Blogfest - remembering Bill

  90. I think this is a lovely tribute to your son and I look forward to reading the book.

    My blog is here

    And my post is here

  91. Hello Elisabeth,
    I'm here visiting from happy to connect with another author. Your book will help so many who have lost loved ones. We lost our second baby...I was six months pregnant at the time...and although we had our son, and this baby hadn't been born yet, I still have a place in my heart that he occupies. Is it too late to do a post about this to link to your site? I've never shared any of this, but perhaps it would be the perfect time.

  92. EC, I read your amazing book and am blown away. Your honesty about yourself and your transparency are so refreshing. God has given you a gift, as I'm sure you know. Thank you for sharing your story and your experience. Your children are so blessed to have you as their mom.

  93. What an awesome tribute! I wish you continued success!
