
Monday, August 29, 2011

Wanna Know What My Brother Looks Like?

    If you'd like to visit an AMAZING blog, and read a guest post I wrote, please visit:

     Now . . . on to REVENGE!
     If you remember these two posts,

     then you knew this was coming!
     My brother is awesome.  He's epic.  I've told you how he's an intellectual--one of the few people who can cross his legs and pull it off.  He also made me feel bad about lying to him--so I made a public confession on my own blog!  That guy can get away with anything because that guy, is my hero.  If he had a dollar for every time I've said that . . .  
    And even though it pains me to tell you, I need to open a can of whoop-ars on him.  (I'd write the real "A" word, but my nieces might be reading this and I don't want to be responsible for that!)

    So without further ado, I'd like to show you what my brother looks like.   

    This photo was taken back before people knew how to add colors to photos.  By the way, legend has it that there was is a hickey on his neck.


    But this single picture isn't enough.  Although I've just posted a picture of him in his (prehistoric) teen years, I wanted to show you more.  So, I've taken the liberty of visiting a photo progression store.  They were able to help me find out what my brother (and I) would look like in different times and racial scenarios.
    Please enjoy, I thought you'd have fun putting our names with our faces.

    We grew up in a small town and lived a good life.  Here's my brother at that time:

    Life was great. He'd tease me for hours, push me around on my trike.  Things couldn't get better.  That was around the same time my brother played a hairy primate in "Planet of the Apes."


    Anyway, my brother went to jr. high school, and never forgot about his little sister.  He was always there for me, to take me out for Mexican food, or teach me how to play soccer.

    Well, enough of that sappy stuff.  Here are the pictures the photo progression place helped me with.
    So, here's my Asian brother:

    Here's me:

    And . . . here's my brother:

    Here's me:

    Here's my brother as a woman:

    Here's me:

    Here's my brother:

    Here's me:

    Here's my brother's as Jay Leno:

    Here's my brother now:


    Here's my brother then:


    And this is me now:

I hope you've enjoyed this trip down memory lane. I know I sure did.

See ya later me hearties!


(P. S. This post is dedicated to my hero.  That scurvy rascal!)


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA......Remind me to never upset you! That is an absolute classic! Oh how so many childhood beatings I received from my big brother, the power of ONE photo...Mwamwahahahaha....

  2. My thought is just this: what will her brother do now??????

  3. I went to your guest post on "The Golden Sky" and read your posting, Elisa. I so look forward to reading your book. I truly cannot imagine what that time must have been like for you and your family. But your guest posting had me sitting here with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.

  4. That was hilarious! Your poor brother, LOL.

  5. mwahahaha I'm so glad you did this. Expect revenge but man this will be worth it. I never found that link to his blog. Send it to me again so I can torture him.

  6. Yeah, I'm a little afraid LOL! I think my brother and Cade are planning something terrifying now. :0)

    It was a very hard time, but it's amazing how much it made me who I am today. God was really there for me.

  7. Sleep with one eye open, mi' lady!

    Revenge is in the air...

  8. I absolutely LOVE family stories and "get evens" You went to a lot of work with this one. I had a hugh grin on my face the entire time and then a big lol when i saw the first picture of you.

    By the way. What time did you get up this morning? Your comment on my post (which was wonderful by the way) is timed in at 6:56 AM and you are on the West Coast! That makes it just short of AM (I think there's a 2 hour difference).

  9. Julianna,

    I get up at 5am every morning so that I can write before my kids wake up. I guess I really love writing :0)

  10. Too funny!

    I need my rain gear, I feel a storm a brewin'...

  11. Somebody had a case of some serious sillies this morning! You are too funny. Instead of Whoop A--...I tried out Whoop Tushy Buns...just doesn't fit in this instance.

  12. What a lovely family! After seeing her picture in your post the other day, I find it amazing how much you both look like your mother.

  13. Hahaha! This is as terrify as when my husband and I put our photos into a baby generator...adoption is a very attractive option after the creation of a unisex child named Magden...nighmares

  14. I'm thinking of Elisa's most embarrassing moment.."at the moment" (Christopher Walken tone).
    You'll never guess what happened. Taking a count of votes, do i tell?

    P.S. Boy it feels good to tease her for a change!

  15. And Shane... Revenge is best served COLD! =P

  16. I'm thinking he's a bit like Howdy Dooooody? Does that make him a poopoo head? YES!

  17. I must say, that second picture of him is quite creepy...made me scroll down REALLY fast!

  18. You know..I can definitely see the family resemblance. I wonder if anyone's ever asked Halle Berry if she realizes she looks so much like The Veal...LOL

  19. How funny and what a cute little creature your brother is. How lucky you are to have such funny little creatures in your life, yes that goes for Cade as well, who happened to hop the fence over to the creatures side making him a creature as well.
