
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ending the Year with a Trip to Italy

 It’s almost 2023, and I’m amazed to still be here. Even though I continue to fight stage four melanoma, every day that I wake up, I find myself extremely fortunate.

Doctors said I’d never make it past October of 2022, so some friends got together and gave me and Mike money to bring our kids to Italy (my biggest bucket list item). I can’t tell you how humbling that was, especially since several of those friends are also fighting cancer—yet they still found it in their hearts to do something kind for us despite their own struggles. Anyway, we bought the tickets almost a year ago and, after finding a good deal because of the pandemic, booked flights for a time when I would most likely no longer be alive. THAT was a huge leap of faith…but, even with our health, sometimes it’s important to have a goal to work toward. After all, hope is a very powerful motivator.

I’m so proud to say that we just got back from Italy, and it was life changing. I’ll start posting about that tomorrow.

This year has been filled with miracles. I lived longer than doctors predicted. I got hospitalized, almost died, and pulled out of it. I went skydiving with my family and survived a crash landing (because of my bum leg). And now, we actually saw Italy! And so much more. 

It’s rough having cancer and fighting sickness each and every day, but I’m so grateful to still be living. Life is such a miracle—and I’m surrounded by the most wonderful family and friends. To the people who generously made this trip possible: I don’t know how to thank you, but I hope the next several posts will show how much my family and I appreciate what you did for us. You gave all of us—especially my kids—memories that will last a lifetime. I know no matter what the future might be, my kids can look back and remember backpacking through Italy while Mike pushed me in my wheelchair! 😅🤗 This trip was such an adventure for everyone.

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