
Sunday, October 9, 2022

Huntsman Cancer Patient with Stage Four Melanoma Goes Sky Diving

 East Idaho News did such a fantastic job on this interview Wow ๐Ÿ’“

To read the full article, please go here: Author Makes the Most After Terminal Diagnosis

#melanomaawareness #melanoma #stagefourcancer #cancerwarrior 


  1. Good Morning! Read of you an wanted to wish well. I, too, have cancer. Multiple myeloma. Diagnosed in 2019 but have had possibly longer. My cancer is chronic so chemo on 21day cycle. I'm doing ok..been a rocky road as you know. I live in Maryland, close to 66 years old, happily married to my best friend. Family is all over but don't see them too often. My daughter and two grandsons live about 45 mins from me. My email and not on Instagram. I'm on FB.
    Take good care go slow and I am in awe of your strength.
    Respectfully with love,
    Erin Cartwright

  2. Sorry my email is

  3. I think this may be a cancer that people don't take very seriously, but as you noted, they really should. I think it's so important that you speak about it publicly and I'm sure you are saving lives. Being fair skinned I go every six months to be checked. I didn't do this when I was younger. I like to hear you talk about your life, I loved to see your sky dive, something you would never get me to do. And then there's the violin. It helps you, doesn't it? To play a lovely piece of music, I mean.
