
Friday, June 3, 2022

He’s Coming to Visit! Yay!

 I woke up practically glowing because something exciting is happening today! I can hardly wait to tell you about it, but first let me introduce you to some people who are legendary to me. Maybe I see them that way because I’m “the baby”; I’ll let you decide.

My brother worked as an engineer at Harvard—Harvard. He’s like a mad scientist without the “mad.” My sister is a chemist and the science department head for a high school in Utah. Growing up, she was the homecoming queen, the class president—you name it. My dad owned a drilling company that garnered national recognition and got him featured by various places for his entrepreneurial success. Soilmec even put him on the front of their international magazine! And you know my mom, Ruby, because (to her chagrin) I share her drumming video with everyone. She’s a beauty queen and one heck of a musician. But like all of my family, they are so much more than any accomplishment could relay. Because they’ve shown so much love to everyone they know. And they made my childhood special. 

But this post isn’t to get mushy about that. This is about my brother. He’s one of my favorite people on earth. Growing up he would bring me rock climbing; to the movies; to play soccer, tetherball, and baseball; to our favorite Mexican restaurant…. He’s nine years older than me, but he still brought me everywhere—to hang out with his awesome friends, to play video games…. He read book after book after book to me. Epic fantasy novels that have stayed with me for a lifetime. And even now we trade chapters and write together. 

I don’t share much about him because even though we have the exact same personality through Meyer Briggs, he’s a bit more introverted while my life is LITERALLY an open book. 

Long story short, Shane is one of my favorite people on this entire planet. And today, he’s bringing one of my other favorite people (my epic, hilarious, fun, witty nephew—Neo) to visit me!!!

We’re gonna play cards (but not on a glass table because last time Shane saw the reflection of my hand and cheated!—told ya he’s smart). We’ll eat cheesecake and crepes. It’s gonna be the best. Time. EVER.

So, the sickness and fatigue of yesterday seem insignificant compared to today. Who cares about cancer and tumors? My brother and nephew are coming to see me. This is gonna be awesome!


Since I have you here, I might as well share another video of my mom. I can hear her reaction now, “Elisa!” 🤣 *still smiling* That’s why God gave me to this family. Their family dynamics and “recipe” needed a little dash of cayenne!

1 comment:

  1. Cool clip made me feel good watching it, having a good family is awesome
