
Monday, February 27, 2017

A STRANGER'S KINDNESS by EC Stilson Has Been Released

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This book can be purchased in paperback: HERE
Or as an eBook: HERE

    Last night, I prayed to God, thanking Him for the good fortune I've had with my writing.  I was suddenly so overwhelmed with gratitude for God's kindness,and for the generosity of so many people along the way.
    From the first store that let me book a signing....  I didn't have much of a following, and the kind store-owner of The Read Cat, let me sign and play my violin there.

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     Because I got that initial signing, I began gaining more followers.  I ended up getting a signing at Barnes and Noble.
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Some elementary schools took interest in what I had to say, encouraging young writers to chase their dreams.  During that time, I spoke at dozens of elementary schools, using the violin to teach kids the elements of music AND writing a strong story.
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After that, I was able to go to Eastern Utah, be interviewed on the radio and have my most successful signing--all because of family, friend, and many kind readers who kept encouraging me.
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After my success in Eastern Utah, with more signing and several more radio interviews, I was able to go on TV twice in the last 4 years.  (Man, that sounds like a long time--just writing that!)

"The Golden Sky" TV Interview here: Dealing With Loss
My Latest Interview here: Life's Biggest Challenge  

I've been writing for fifteen years--pursuing this for eight years. And, through all of this, I still have moments where I want to give up.  Some people haven't been as nice as others (is that a good way to put it? lol), maybe trying to take me down a notch, but, most people have been so kind it's astounding! I'm still gaining speed, even if it's hard work the whole way.  
    You know, writing hasn't paid off financially, but the memories I've made are worth more than anything I could ever buy.  And the books are being read.  My heart always warms knowing that my book about Zeke is still out there, and his memory will never truly fade.

All of this to say thank you: for your support, your kindness, your encouragement...  Without that encouragement, I wouldn't have the strength to keep pursuing my dreams.  I wish you that very same thing today--the strength you need to pursue YOUR dreams :)  If I can do it--anyone can!

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Don't forget about the awesome books that are either featured, or still FREE today, 2/27/17. 

  If you're visiting my site for the Kindle Fire Giveaway, please click here: Kindle Fire Entry

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