
Sunday, September 22, 2013

. . . because people RESPECT redheads!

. . . because people RESPECT redheads! 
I dyed my hair just in time.

Not only did I dye my hair, but I also wrote ANOTHER depressing divorce song.  
YAHOO for depressing instrumental divorce songs.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The red hair is terrific! I went red a few years ago and love it. The song- wow- you can really make that violin speak.

  3. My friend Rachael is blond; she also dyed her hair red (see my last post) to get away from the image. I so wish I had thought of this while young. Living life as a blond, the image remaining even when I no longer was blond, was certainly one big HASSLE. So more POWER to you. You already are a powerful woman, now they all will know and show proper respect. I can't wait to hear about your first days on the job. All the best.

  4. You could really hear the depression (& frustration) in that music--but I think I caught some hope near the end!!

  5. You're really rockin' your new look! I have to wait until I get home before I'll be able to hear your new composition because I don't have speakers on my computer at work.

  6. Red is a great color for you.

    Your song shows your soul and heart. May you find a better place to dwell.

  7. Red head you say, expecting spiderman to swoop across your bay lol

  8. You are still the wonderful, strong woman no matter what. Do what makes you happy. Hugs.

  9. I love having dyed red hair. Welcome to red!

  10. You actually pull off red pretty darn well. Hope you and the kids are doing ok.

  11. You look beautiful with blond or red hair! What a talented musician you are. I know this is a tough time for you- but I am glad you have an outlet to get out some of those emotions. :) Hope you are doing okay. Sending hugs.


  12. I didn't know you were divorced or divorcing, but I do know that you rock a toboggan and a uniform and a badge or whatever. I also know, now, that I can't spell toboggan and the internet has to help me with that.

  13. that play is captivating for me, my heart; my grateful ears....i visit here often just to hear it played and come away each time with a different 'bent'.....thanks Miss....
