
Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Birthday, Doctor Jones

I can hardly believe that my baby is three years old today!

She sure does make life fun.
A few months ago, after we left the dollar store, Doctor Jones tried crossing the street without me. I screamed, grabbing her and holding her close. "Honey, look out.  That's dangerous!"
    She studied the road and then turned to me. "Oh, Mama," she said, shining like the angel she is, "you're right!"
    I paused.  Did she really say those magical words?  
    Almost better than, "Will you marry me?"  "I do." Or, "You won the lottery."  My toddler said I'm right.
    Folks, it was epic because validation is a beautiful thing!  It only took five kids AND eleven years of being a mother. . . .
    I've heard this'll only happen once in my lifetime.  Do you think that's true? 


  1. You got one more "You're right" than most mothers!

  2. Three has been interesting on this side of the country. Good luck! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DOCTOR JONES!!!

  3. Hope she has/had a great birthday! And yeah those words are hardly spoken, but still the lottery would be nice too haha

  4. A great big Happy Birthday to Doctor Jones!

  5. I would have it etched in stone for your fireplace, dated, so you can point to it when she hits the teen years! Precious!

  6. Happy Birthday Doc, your mother is always right.

  7. Happy Bithday Dr Jones and Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
    Also it's Peanut's stuffed dog Barkley's birthday!!!

  8. She actually said: You're right! ? Moms so rarely hear that.

    Happy Happy Birthday to her.

  9. Dear Dr. Jones, Happy, happy, happy birthday. Like your mother, you are very wise. Why do I say that? Because you know she's right!!!!!--at least most of the time. Peace.
