
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Which actor/actress would play you in a movie?

Thanks to Dimitri (click HERE to visit his blog) for tagging me to answer some fun questions about Homeless in Hawaii.
Click the picture to see it LIVE on Amazon!

Where did the idea come from for Homeless in Hawaii?
Every time I've told someone I was homeless, they gape. After all, I don't look like I've almost starved, or lived on the street at some point in my life. Then after the shock disappears, people ask questions wanting to know everything. 
     I'd never thought about detailing those 'adventures' until receiving several letters from people who read The Golden Sky. In each letter, they asked about my experiences in Hawaii. This book is for those readers because their encouragement has meant so much.

What genre does your book fall under?

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Actors to play my part and Cade's . . . That's hard since we're real people. Hmmm . . . How about the main actress from The Help for me?


James Franco for Cade.

And for Blondie, the villain. 

And Cade's brother Chayne
Hugh Jackman

Tell us about your book in one sentence.
Elisa's only seventeen, homeless, and with a man she hardly knows; will they be able to put aside their differences and survive as street musicians?

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Published by Wayman Publishing.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Two months for the first draft. Nearly six months to polish. I had a deadline though. Most of my books have taken several years.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Eat, Pray, Love

Who or What inspired you to write this book?
A lot of people inspired me to write this book, but mostly Cade and my writing mentor. Thank you.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
It's a story of self-discovery. I hope people will read this and see new aspects about themselves.
If any of you have written or are working on a book, I'd love to read your responses to these questions. If you write a blog about it, let me know and I'll mention it on a post. 


  1. People often assume homeless people are bums but this is rarely the case. I have known people who have left the family home because the parents have split up and ended up couch surfing as the parents have got themselves new lives and the kids aren't welcome there.

  2. Elijah Wood would play me.

  3. Roseanne Barr as fishducky? (Except that I can't stand her!) How about Reese Witherspoon?

    1. I posted this under Shane's story:

      I remember reading this before. It was, & still is, beautiful!

  4. Great answers indeed here at your feed. Six months polishing it, wow, sure it is going to be great. Hmm the stupid studio execs would prob pick a dog because they are easier to train and the cat would end up being Lassie haha

  5. I adore James Franco. The Hurricane and I watched Freaks and Geeks during the one season it was on TV. I had James Franco pegged for stardom.


  6. Anthony Michael Hall would play me.
