
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Funny Christmas Story: Part 3

    This is a continuation from yesterday.
    Have you ever expected something wonderful to happen and then been terribly disappointed?
    Well, I worried my customer would get the white dress I made, and then be disappointed because she'd given me a giant's measurements.  That dress--as Fishducky said--would fit Dennis Rodman, not a nine-year-old girl.
    This reminds me of a recent story about disappointment. . . .
    On Thanksgiving, the Scribe got a fuzzy bird-pen from Grandma Gertie.
    The Scribe practically lives for unique things like this.  

She was so thrilled that she made a special bed for it, gave it sunflower seeds and sang songs to it.  She named the bird Herman and even started calling him Hermies.  That all happened before she forgot to lock her bedroom door on Monday. . . .
Here's the official report:
    Shortly after leaving the bedroom unlocked, tragedy struck. Herman--the Scribe's treasured pen-bird--was accosted by two toddlers.  In that instant he was robbed blind--literally.  He's subsequently gone bald from shock.

   I'm a terribly mother, but this made me laugh so hard I could have peed my pants!
    Fortunately, Grandma Gertie has another pen-bird in storage.  The Scribe will be thrilled on her birthday (12/10) when she gets a brand new Herman.
    So, back to the sewing story.  Sometimes unexpected things happen.  And that's what befell the poor woman who ordered the dress and then gave me huge measurements.
    I sat drinking a coke as I opened my email that day.  I nearly spewed it everywhere when I opened a picture of a beautiful little girlThe massive dress rested underneath her, taking up a good portion of the room.  She sat on top of it, looking like Thumbelina.
    "You were right," the woman said in the email, being extra sweet.  "I think I gave measurement in centimeters.  Even then it seem wrongly done."
    "I can alter it," I typed back.  "I bet I can make it a child's size ten and it will fit your daughter perfectly."
    "No," she responded. "It will make a wedding dress for my family. I'll have it fixed in Israel."
    So, I wondered later.  Was it just a mistake, or had it simply been for a huge woman on her wedding day?  After all, I used a lot of fabric at a third the cost.


  1. I bet you are right! People do some very strange things to save money. I am sorry you had to go through that, although it gave you an excellent post!
    I found your blog through Debra's.

  2. They may be bad things, but they made good posts...always a bright side, right?

  3. LMAO the poor bird pen. Maybe it was for a huge woman and she was just embarassed to say so.

  4. I think Pat Hatt may be right as to who the dress was really for!

  5. My mom's birthday was 12/10. You have some very special children. I loved the story!

  6. I bet it made a beautiful (if large) wedding dress. :)

  7. The look on The Scribe's face says it all. Some very large woman probably ended up wearing that wedding dress and being thrilled with it. And by the way, I promise I'll never ask you to sew anything for me. Besides, Elvis Aaron Schwarz can sew and even reupholster furniture. I hope to make use of his many talents.


  8. Dear Elisa, it's a marvel that you can laugh about all this. I hope the bride enjoyed the dress. And I suppose for you this is a matter of learning to put something in a contract to cover exigencies. I'm sorry to learn that the toddlers got hold of the Scribe's Hermann. She'll probably now want a lock on her door. Peace.

  9. I feel bad for Hermie!
    At least the woman apologized. which does seem strange after she was so rude before. ??

  10. Well, that went turned around completely from where I thought it was going.

  11. You have the BEST attitude not to be mad.I bet she was just too embarrassed to say if she was that big.... So sad that she would do that to you! I have been so busy, I miss stopping by and reading your stories..... :)

  12. That pic looks like a wordless tale of woe. Your imagination can surely run wild with it. ~Mary
