
Friday, September 21, 2012

I'm going to California!

    I'm getting sooo excited because tomorrow we're driving to California.  On Tuesday I'm meeting the famous Fishducky!  And on Sunday September 30th, I'm signing at the Orange County Children's Book Festival; some bloggers might even come see me.

    I can't wait to meet Fishducky.  But the obvious question is 'will she like me?'
    "We're looking forward to it," she said.  
    "But, Fishducky, you haven't met me in person--you don't even know if you like me yet."
    "Oh that's right," she said.
    I nearly bit my nails as we talked.  She's epic, AMAZING, how can I possibly make myself duck-worthy?  Then I thought about it and sighed with relief because I'm great at job interviews.  Hell, I got a job as a mechanic even when I had no experience!  Sometimes acting confident is enough.
    "It'll be like a job interview," I blurted.  "Will you have me fill out a friendship questionnaire or something?  How will I know if you liked me?"  And my four wild children.
    "That's not a bad idea!  And you'll know if I like you . . . at the very end."
    So, Fishducky sent me a questionnaire.  I did my best, but the official friend interview will take place on Tuesday.
    Cross your fingers for me!
    But I do have a few tricks up my sleeves.  Cade and I are bringing our instruments.  I might have candy and tell the kids they can have it only if they're darling during the interview.  Oh and I made Dr. Jones a new dress so at least that'll help make a good impression.
    Also, I'll make sure we all smell nice.  


Any other suggestions? 


  1. I don't know why you're worried--you passed the test! In case your readers are interested, here's the questionnaire I sent you:

    Prospective Friend Questionnaire

    1) Why do you want this position?

    2) Have you had friends previously?
    2a) If so, why did you leave them?
    2b) How long did you have your last friend?

    3) Would you be willing to work overtime if necessary?

    4) What was your previous salary?
    4a) There is no salary involved. Would that be a problem?

    5) Are you able to give me total loyalty?
    5a) Would you be willing to lay down your life for me?
    5b) If not, why not?

    6) If we had an argument, would you admit that I’m right?

    Bonus question

    1. Sorry, my comment didn't include the EASY bonus question, which was:

      What is the meaning of life?

    2. I should post these answers on Monday. And everyone should take this test--those questions are too hilarious :)

  2. I'm sure you'll make out just fine with Fishducky and a whole week? Wow that will be awesome, the cat is jealous for sure haha

    1. It'll be fun. We should find out if they have events like this in Canada. You'd have a blast!

  3. You shouldn't worry. You could never fail that test. :D Yay for California!

  4. Sounds fun! I love California. I'd be excited too.

    1. California is gorgeous. We used to live there and I miss the ocean ;)

  5. I can't imagine that the outcome of your meeting each other would be bad. Not possible.
    Sigh....we should all be able to head over to Fishducky's pond.

  6. Orange County is not that far away! I will try to get there on Sep. 30th!

  7. I recommend showering or taking baths before you visit. Fishducky's have a very sensitive sense of smell. You could also take a bottle of whiskey and get her plastered. Then she'll love everything about all six of you. I hope you sell lots of books and sign lots of books. I wish I could be there.


    1. Oh my goodness! Didn't you notice my horrible terrible error? I made fishducky plural with an apostrophe. Shame on me. I guess it should be fishduckies.

    2. That's a good idea--I'm planning on showering, too!

    3. I shower once a year whether I stink or not.

    4. The visual this gave me is priceless!!! I wonder if Fishduckies can hold their liquor as well as people who pose on potties? lol

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Elisa, have fun and sign and sign away your books.

  10. I'm so jealous! I wanna drive out to CA and meet Fishducky too! ...I'll now spend the rest of the evening sulking.

  11. Hmm...I think there's a slim-fair chance that I might brave the traffic to check out the festival. I'll probably be the only 24-year-old there without any kids/younger siblings, which means I'll probably be easier to spot than Waldo.

    Also, congratulations on your book signing :D

  12. Enjoy your trip! Sounds like it's going to be great!

  13. And this is why I have decided to let you two in my friendship circle. If nothing else I get a huge laugh out of you both! Be careful driving down there with the family. If Bud misbehaves take a paper towel roll and pop him on the nose. It usually keeps men in line.

    1. Thanks for letting me in! Bud is already afraid of paper towels!!

    2. This made me laugh so hard! You're both hilarious.

  14. I hope your trip is fabulous! I am sure it will be a ton of fun. The drive should be great and the book event is sure to be fascinating. Plus- meeting Fishducky will be awesome! I loved the application and you two already get along so great. I can't wait to hear about it all!

    1. Thanks :) The drive was great and we just got in. Cali is always so fun.

  15. Oh my gosh you're so silly! You're amazing in print and online and even more amazing in person. Of course Fishducky is going to love you. I hope you have so much and travel safely! :)

    1. You're the best! We really need to hang out soon. I swear I'll get a sitter and everything LOL!

  16. sounds like so much fun! And I'm a little bit jelous :D hope to meet you both one day. :)

    you have fun, and good luck with your interview ;D lol.

  17. Have fun. Hope your signature is readable.

  18. Oh, wow, if I still lived in Los Angeles, I would for sure come and see you in Orange County. It's just way too far from here. Since I'm the person responsible for fishducky discovering BLOGS, thus becoming more famous than she already was, and meeting you in the first place, I can assure you that she loves you and your family with all her heart. She showed me the stained glass she was making for your girls and I could tell how much she cares. So, just enjoy yourself, Elisa, you will have a great time.

    1. Inger, I think we're going to have a blast. Fishducky is so fun on the phone; I can't imagine how amazing she'll be in person! :)
