
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Passed the Test!

We drove up to a lush yard with steps stretching toward a darling home.  Fishducky sat on the top step and I recognized her immediately.
    "Cade!  That's her," I squealed.  And before he even completely stopped the truck, I jumped out, ran up the steps and hugged her.  
    The rest of the day was amazing.  We visited like we'd known each other forever.  Fishducky even gave the Hippie and Scribe a drawing lesson! 
    We ate at a genuine Jewish deli--with valet parking!  After eating a matzo ball the size of Milwaukee, we went outside and I saw someone getting their shoes shined!  The man sat in a display window and everything--how epic is that?


    So today I feel fancy.  I visited the famous Fishducky, met a valet, saw an actual shoe shining and even played music for Fishducky and Bud.  We had such a blast.  
    Thanks for your kindness, Fishducky, and for being so sweet to my family.   


  1. I ran into a blogger friend at a Toys R Us a month or so ago. I recognized her, her husband, and her son while going through the parking lot. I had to run inside to say hello! It was surreal but awesome!

    And now I want Matzo ball soup. Vegetarian, of course, but...nom nom nom.

  2. Lotsa Ball Soup! That's what Peanut calls it. I make it all the time...good stuff. I'm so glad you got to meet. It is very surreal to meet our on-line friends...makes the world just a little smaller and more within our reach, right?

  3. Sounds like the trip keeps getting better and better. Awesome for all of you!

  4. Love blogger friends! I ran into one going into a store and said her name.....she didn't recognize me, but I recognized both her and her friends who had been featured on her blog. :)

  5. I put this on your Monday's post & on my post today, but I want everyone to know how we felt about your visit:

    "To say that Bud & I enjoyed your visit is like saying Mt. Everest is kind of tall! You & Cade & the kids are all gorgeous & fun & easy to be with. The kids looked like they were having a blast--not too many restrictions here. (Just like at Miss Priss' house, right?) I enjoyed teaching the girls how to draw a fishducky--& thank you SO much for the private concert!! YOU DEFINITELY PASSED THE TEST! I'm proud to be an unofficial grandma to your kids."

  6. I am beyond green with envy! What a blast and blessing to meet such a wonderful woman, the fabulous Fishducky!!

  7. Sounds like grand day was had, such fun meeting blogger friends. Still say there should be a meet and greet sometime. Those shoe shiners are interesting folks haha

  8. I told you fishducky would love you and your family. I am so glad you all had a great time together and I know how thrilled she was to meet you, Cade, and the kids. By the way, I love the picture of the Hippie. The picture showed up in my Picasa albums, so I got a really good look, and she is lovely.

  9. Dear Elisa, meeting someone whom we've known only through blogging must be such a treat. I so look forward to January when a fellow blogger is coming here for a visit. I feel like one lucky person! Peace.

  10. I can't believe you guys hadn't ever met in person before. That is awesome!! :)

  11. Awe! That is awesome. And seriously... is there anything even worth mentioning left on your bucket list now?

  12. I'm with PCP, green with envy, I wanna meet Fishducky too,if she really exists that is.....we even live in the same state supposedly.....:)

  13. The stuff dreams are made of, it sounds like you had a wonderful time. I'd love to meet my blogger buddies like this.

  14. How amazing is that!! We should have a big blogger party, someday. West coast, Midwest, southern, and east, that would be major organization.

    Have a wonderful time together, and good luck at the Orange Country Kids Book Festival!

  15. Way cool, Middle Child. Do you have photos to post? I'd love to see the girls with the fabulous fishducky.

    Your Mother from Another Planet
