
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Miss Cade

    Not many people online know, but Cade is only home a few days out of each month.  He's coming back today and I cannot wait to see him!
    After the book fair these past few days, I'm pretty exhausted.  That took a lot of planning and long hours preparing all of the links and sale info.  But it was so worth it.  Now, though, I'm ready to collapse.
    In honor of the fact that Cade will soon be home--and he'll let me take a nap--I've decided to post a video from last year . . . Cade is the Monkey/Gorilla-guy.  I sure love that man.

    And yes, we are total goofballs.


  1. I'll check out the link later, but I'm sorry you two have to spend so much time apart. You have a wonderful bond in spite of it, though, and that warms my heart.

  2. No wonder you miss him--he's SO handsome--at least on the video!! There's a natural quality that I can't quite put my finger on...

  3. Enjoy your time and when you become a millionaire with your books, he'll be home all the time.

  4. Yahoo! I'm so glad you are gonna have some time with him!Have fun

  5. kiss kiss kiss smooch smooch smooch hug hug hug the next is unmentionable


  6. This is on youtube right? If not, you better post it girl, it's too funny. Hope Cade hurries up, I don't know if I could do the few days a month thing for too long, you're one tough cookie :)

  7. Hi Elisa - a new follower of your blog & Melynda's after reading your books. Both of you have inspired me to start blogging - who know's what about, but my life has been pretty interesting :) hope to join this wonderful community, and maybe make some "Yankee" friends (meant in the nicest way). The Aussies are are a great bunch of people, and hopefully when I get my blog started over the weekend, I can try to show that. I hope you have a "great" time with Cade, your love sounds so true, even though it really has been tested! All my love from the big land down under - Claudia
