
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Remembering Our Loved Ones

    This always makes me tear up; I wondered why since everything seems so long ago.
    Zeke was born in 2002, died in 2003.

    I guess it makes me cry because this book was my link to Zeke.  I'd pushed so many memories from my mind, and rereading the journal brought everything to the surface again, reconnecting me with my son, enabling me to remember the struggles I had with Cade.  So I cry, not because Zeke's gone, but because this trailer is a reminder that one day we'll be together again, and that miracles are happening all around us, even if we don't realize what's going on. 

   My book, The Golden Sky, AND nine other books will be free through Wayman Publishing from September 2nd - 4th.

    Other authors have teamed up with us as well, and some have agreed to give as much as 10% of their profit to the American Diabetes Association!
    For more info about that book fair, and a chance to win $200, please go HERE.


  1. It is humbling to see how you turned your grief into something with purpose.

  2. Only less than 4 days away until there is a free display!

  3. It makes me want to go back and read it again...:)

  4. I've read "The Golden Sky" 3 times & cried--& laughed--each time!

  5. Dear Elisa, your posting today made me remember my reading of "The Golden Sky" and how its honesty touched me so forcefully. Also, your posting put in my mind Barbara Streisand singing "Memories." A haunting melody just as you have haunting yet redemptive memories of Zeke and the time in your life where, as a very young woman, you were faced with major decisions. You have such a finely honed instinct for survival. You are truly a gift to the Universe. Peace.

  6. E I am so proud to call you friend. Zeke is proud to call you mother as are your other munchkins and Cade is a lucky man to have snagged you and kept you. Anyone that knows you knows what a blessing and truly inspiring woman you are. Not just because of what you went through with Zeke but because of the inner goodness that is you. Thank you for being my friend.

  7. You, your book, the trailer, inspiring. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  8. I can see why the trailer made you teary. Your story is so powerful and Zeke was an amazing little boy.
