
Friday, June 29, 2012

Have you ever had a fried coke?

Fried coke is practically modern day manna.  I bet Samson ate it before he got Super Strength.  Esther bought some before she grew enough courage to confront the king.  David ate it before stoning a giant!  
    Well, now it's my turn.  I wait ALL YEAR LONG for the fair just so I can buy one.  They are golden, seriously.   Because it's coke AND it has texture.
See!  I told you--sweet, sweet goodness!
But this is an extra special fair because I got a booth for today and tomorrow.  I feel like an actual super star.  So if you'd like to meet the girl who will be selling fabric for $2 a yard--since she quit her sewing business to write, and has an entire basement filled with fabric--I'll be (enjoying my fried coke) at Founders Park in Syracuse, UT.  Click HERE for details.  Oh and I'll also be selling books--because being literate rocks.

    Also, if you're here for fishducky's awesomeness, she started a blog.  Go HERE to follow her and read her hilarious Friday posting.


  1. Seriously, fried Coke? That has got to be both amazing and unnatural at the same time! I've had lots of unusual fried things, but they were always solid foods, never liquids. I'll have to see if my own state fair might have fried Coke on offer!

    1. They have fried butter at the Texas State Fair in Dallas. I have yet to try it! I hope sales go well...and enjoy!!!

  2. I'm diabetic so I'd have to have fried Diet Coke, which sounds like an oxymoron. And just THINKING about fried butter makes my arteries harden!!

  3. PS--Thanks for the link to "my blog"--two words I never thought I would ever use!!

  4. Fried coke is apparently good! There is also fried beer, fried margaritas, fried want it? They'll fry it!

    Wish I were at the fair; I could add some fabric to my quilting stash!

  5. Wow, how do they even do that? Very crazy, but EVERYTHING tastes better fried! Good luck at the fair-- sell sell sell!

  6. I wish you the best of luck at the fair kiddo, though I doubt you'll need it.

  7. The worst I have ever heard of was fried ice cream served on a cinnamon tortilla. Now, that's a heart attack waiting to happen. What I want to know is how can they fry something liquid? Be careful not to spill it on your books. Hope you make a killing (of selling books obviously) :)

  8. HOW does one fry coke? Seriously? And there is a fair somewhere that deep fries chocolate covered bacon, which I'm pretty sure they should serve to inmates on death row to shorten their sentence.

    OH how I wish I lived closer... $2 a yard? Such a deal! But then I'd have to find the time to sew, and as Tony will tell you he's been waiting in line for his pocket in his work pants to be fixed for 2 months. *sigh*

  9. Not sure I would ever even wanna try that, but wish I was closer to go, sure it be quite fun.

  10. Never heard of such a thing and can't picture how it could be done. Boggles my mind. ;)
    Good luck at the fair!

  11. Never heard of a fried coke but it sounds right up my alley! How exactly does one fry liquid? Curious minds want to know!

    1. I think they mix the coke with pancake batter. It's pretty interesting :)

  12. I'm always amused with what fairs will come up with to deep fry...this year I heard in CA they will try frying up hamburgers...sounds a bit weird to me. Fried Coke? How was it?

  13. I've heard of fried twinkies, but not fried coke. What will they think of next?


  14. Dear Elisa, I hope the fair is going well and that both the fabric and the books are being grabbed up! And by the way, how many of those fried cokes are you treating yourself to?????? Peace.

    1. After all of that . . . they didn't end up having fried cokes there this year lol. So I got a fried Oreo instead :) It was pretty good.

  15. Fried pickles but never friend coke!

  16. Fried coke?? That's a crime against carbonated beverages!

  17. Just had to come back and tell you that I sent my husband John, along with my daughter, her husband, and Bright Eyes and Sunshine to the San Diego County Fair. Man, I hope they try the fried coke. Why didn't I go? My husband is on 4 weeks of vacation, and this is the first day in 10 days that I have had absolute quiet time to write and sew.

  18. Nope, never heard of it. But I have watched the ex eat fried Oreos & fried mini snickers. Hope all the fabric sells out.

  19. I have never heard of a fried beverage of any sort! Crazy! I can't even begin to imagine what it tastes like. I have never seen fried Coke at a fair- but I will keep my eyes out for it.
