
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We're in the E. R. :(

The Hippie woke up with such severe stomach pain she was screaming last night. I freaked out just thinking about how much pain she was in. Plus, Cade did that when he had a hernia. Zeke had a hernia too. Anyway, it's scary. So they've done some tests. Her blood test came back abnormal, now they're doing a CT scan. I hope everything will be okay. Sorry to post this here. I'm just nervous and I think the Hippie could use some prayers. She's just hurting so bad. I'll post more later. It's hard writing on my phone.


  1. You got them. I hope everything's all right. Appendicitis?

  2. You got it girl! Give her a big hug and kiss from me.You know I'll be praying.

  3. Hold on tight kiddo and know that we all are here praying for you.

  4. Sending strength and prayers. Keep us posted.

  5. Prayer sent, hope all turns out okay.

  6. Thoughts, prayers, and positive karma coming your way. I hope she's ok.

  7. Prayers, absolutely! Check in and let us know how things are going.

  8. I don't normally pray, but I'm praying for her!!!!

  9. Praying for your sweet girl and for you and your family!

  10. They sent us home and the Hippie is still in major pain. :(. One nurse said her white blood cell count was too high. Then another woman came in and said the labs were read wrong. When I just called for them to clarify, they couldn't even find the lab reports! Why do we have such terrible luck with doctors? Like how a nurse put milk into Zeke's only good lung instead of in his stomach.
    Anyway, the poor Hippie is still very sick. She's been throwing up and dealing with bad stomach pain for about 2 weeks now. If she doesn't feel better quick, then I'll take her to Primary Children's. I DO NOT want to go there though--that's where Zeke died :(
    I hope the Hippie will feel better soon. I wish the other place could have figured what was wrong. They think it's constipation, but how can a kid with constant diarrhea be constipated?!
    Thanks for your prayers,

    1. She could have diarrhea but be constipated because she's impacted. I've never seen anyone in that much pain, though, from impaction. If they really think she's constipated, then they should get her cleaned out. I confess I do not understand. When the pain is too much for her, ask her to imagine The Hurricane and Grandma Fishducky and me all holding her and saying prayers that the pain will stop.


    2. Since something was wrong with her blood today I would't wait I would take her to Primary Children's Today. She is in pain don't let her suffer much longer. I am a nurse and I know about bad hospital care.

  11. Praying and thinking of you and the family often.

  12. Wow! Sounds like they should have done a bit more testing. .....almost sounds like appendicitis, but I'm sure they would have found that. Praying she feels better soon and for your strength to handle it if you must take her to the other hospital!

  13. Yikes! Scary! Hope all is well! Thinking of you and your family!

  14. Thinking of you and praying.
    But try not to worry too much; pain is miserable but it isn't necessarily a reliable indicator of how serious a thing is.

  15. I really hope they can get to the bottom of this. I am sure you are beside yourself with worry. With doctors, you can't ask too many questions and if they don't give you an answer that makes sense, ask them to explaing it again or in another way. Bottom line, don't stop asking until you understand and feel right about what they are saying. I have found with all of the doctors I have dealt with for my Mom that there are a few out there that really don't like to talk to people and have no idea what they are doing. Just because their name badge says doctor, it doesn't mean they know more than you do.

  16. I hope this hospital trip works out better than the last one!!!!

  17. I couldn't think of anything more scary than a child in pain. I so hope that by the time you get this, the doctors have found out what is wrong, and that whatever it is, it can be treated. Hippie will be in my prayers. And the rest of your family too. Take care.

  18. Praying. But not on my knees. The good Lord knows I'd never get back up. :)

  19. OH no. So sorry to hear this. I don't pray that often anymore but will definitely send a few up on your behalf. Please do keep us posted when you can.

  20. I hope the Hippie's ok. Kick as much Dr. butt as you need to until they get their act together.

  21. Sending lots of good thoughts to you, the Hippie, and your family. I hope you get answers soon!


  22. I really hope the drs. have found the cause of her pain and she's feeling better. I know you know not to let drs. or nurses give you the run around, they need to find out the cause, somebody doesn't have super painful stomach pains for no reason. Please let us know, prayers sent.

  23. I hope everything will be fine :) best thoughts sent your way :)

  24. Any more updates? I hope she is feeling better. Could it be some kind of allergy to milk or wheat? I bet that could cause that. Prayers for you guys. And keep us updated!

  25. I hope everyone is ok. My thoughts go out to everyone waiting in the ER.

  26. Sending positive thoughts your way! Keep us posted.
