
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wayman Publishing Signs a New Author: Pat Hatt

Pat Hatt has joined the Wayman Publishing team!  I am so thrilled.  He has some amazing books already out.  Plus, I love his blog.

Pat Hatt can be found in the East Coast of Canada. He hates writing these things but doesn't mind talking in the third person. He dabbles in a little of this and a little of that, not afraid to attempt something new.
    He is owned by two cats, one of whom has his own blog, It's Rhyme Time.
Yeah a rhyming cat, who knew? He would be considered a both person when it comes to cats and dogs.
    He is also quite the movie and TV buff. As you can probably tell does not
take himself seriously and has more stuff in his head than is needed. As you can tell he is quite childish too which is why he will have many children's books come due.
Twitter: Rhymetime24

Boo and the Backyard Zoo--Coming Soon from author Pat Hatt and Wayman Publishing!

Check out this amazing artwork.

Now, take it away, Pat.

So Pat got offered to guest post here. But that is not going to come due I fear. For Pat is too boring and would have you all snoring. He wanted to talk about taxes which would probably make you want to murder him with pitchforks and axes. So the cat will save the human once more and take over the guest post at Elisa’s shore.
But what does the cat have to say? Same thing he does every day. A whole lot of this and a whole lot of that pretending it is not nonsense galore like at my mat. Nonsense Galore hmmmm that would make for quite the encore. Let’s pick those two words and see if I can crap out a few turds. Oh that was a bad visual there. I will keep that talk down since I am at another’s lair. So on with the show as I pick two words and give them a go.
Nonsense Galore
In a rinky dink store.
Near Blippity shore.
Items were stacked from end to end,
Whether it was an old or new trend.

Things were getting grim,
As it was stuffed to the brim.
So the staff had a sale,
Bringing about this tale.

Frolo Frog,
Bought himself a bog.
It was a replica of course,
Unlike that rocking horse.

Which Preta Pig,
Snapped up along with a wig.
Cost a cool loonie,
That is not moony.

It’s simply a dollar,
For a non-Canadian caller.
Trilip Tramp
Got himself a stamp.

With a name like that,
He must be a rat.
While six toed crocodile,
Updated his shoe style.

I hope it wasn’t a friend,
He chose to wear in the end.
The rinky dink store,
Finally closed its door.
The staff found it bare,
Which was truly rare.
As nonsense galore
Had always cluttered the store.

They danced a mile,
Glad to have nothing to file.
One stepped on a stone,
Causing the rinky dink store to groan.

It came alive,
At ten after five.
On that faithful night,
Yapping to everyone in sight.

Saying its tummy was bare.
And were they not aware,
That it needs to be full,
To keep back Frumpy Bull?

Seems the rinky dink store,
Did so much more.
As it housed the bull of lore,
That years ago plagued Blippity shore.

Before they could answer back,
They heard Frumpy Bull sound the attack.
He burst through the wall,
Continuing his call.

He bounced them around like ball,
Not noticing Pete Too Tall.
He did look like a statue though,
So unless you are a peeping crow,

He might blend in,
With the walls of tin.
Pete Too Tall went through town,
Telling everyone what was going down.

His stride was so large,
In seconds he made it to Blippity barge,
The end of the shore,
Truly isn’t much there to explore.

Out they all came,
Feeling to blame,
For this whole mess,
Making their trinkets worthless.

Frumpy Bull bounced the staff,
Continuing to laugh.
Until he was whacked with a bog.
Then some fire log.

Before too long,
He was singing a new song.
Stuck in nonsense galore,
As it once more filled the store.

Frumpy Bull cried out,
Giving one final shout.
The same old “I’ll get you” encore.
When he was bounced through the store.

Once more in the wall,
No longer able to give a call.
For he was bricked up once more,
Thanks to the rinky dink store.

For now that it was full,
Of things from bogs to wool.
To a flower shower.
It once more had the power.

To keep Frumpy Bull in check,
Preventing another ship wreck.
And any other harm he’d cause.
The crowd finally gave applause.

Finding the trinkets were nonsense after all,
Never needed at their hall.
And they had helped protect their shore,
By filling the rinky dink store with nonsense galore.

There we go. How was that for a nonsense flow? Took a whole twenty minute to do and now the cat must use the loo. What that too much info for you? At least I didn’t use poo. Oh crap! We’ll blame that on that Pat chap and just say this guest post has come to pass before certain things start coming out my little rhyming umm, you know the word it’s something crass.

Experience spring, have a fling.


  1. haha geez feel famous now or something, let's see if I can live up to the hype...hahaha or I'll just blame it on the cat's little rhyming arse..haha

  2. A big congrats to Pat. Much success for him and Wayman Publishing.

    1. Hopefully success will come from my and Elisa's(not so) rhyming bum..haha

  3. Congratulations to Pat. Lots of writing going on!

  4. I'm so excited about this! :0) We still read "The Swashbuckle Chuckle" almost every night.

    1. Every night still? Geez the zombie elf must be having quite the time, he'll surely be able to rhyme.

  5. Congratulations, Pat & Elisa!! I see a big future for Wayman Publishing!

  6. I think I saw that same bull at a china shop!

    Great work in getting another work published, Pat. Also for Elisa, good going on getting such a great author! I'll follow along.

    1. I guess the bull got his fill and now is here to thrill.

  7. I do love Pat. He is quite the rhyming rat. Oh, I hope the cat didn't hear me say that!

    Congrats Pat on everything going for ya!

    1. The cat has come to see
      And he will get thee
      Or just eat the rat
      Instead of squashing you flat

  8. Well, well, well you definitely gave nonsense a new light, making for a fun, fun write. Congrats Pat.

    1. Nonsense surely can glow
      This I know from my show

  9. Oh, are so brave to have Pat post on your blog! haha. Two posts from Pat in one day...blogland will never be the same! :)

    1. Two posts in one day
      Is rough I say
      Actually prob not so much
      But just a touch
      As I'll rhyme away
      For all and have my say
      Yes she is brave
      Letting me rant and rave
      But I toned down the crass
      And didn't end it with ummm gas

  10. Way to go Pat lucky you I bet you are feeling good inside I hope all the best for you.....

  11. Congratulations to Pat for getting into Wayman publishing!!!! Wish you both the best of luck ;)

  12. Hurray for Pat!! Looking forward to seeing your crazy words in a book, Pat!

  13. Congratulations and thanks for entertaining us today. Enjoyed it all.

  14. This? This is a thousand time better than any guest post I could put together. Congrats on signing, Pat.
