
Friday, May 25, 2012

I’M SORRY, MOM (PART 2—SORT OF); Fishducky Friday

Cade and I have traveled a lot for our music, but this is the first time we're traveling for my writing. ;)  We're just getting ready to visit Carbon County.  We're playing at the Balance Rock Pub in Helper, UT tonight-- the second oldest building in town.  It'll be fun to post pictures later!
    Take it away, Fishducky.

    Last week I left you in Garmisch-Partinkirchen, Gernany.  Did you enjoy your visit?  I think it was from there we went to Berlin.  It may have been on a different trip, but I don’t think so.  This was in the early 1980’s, which was several weeks ago, & my memory’s…who’s calling, please?
    At this time, there was still an East & West Berlin & the Berlin Wall was still standing.  The Wall was covered with political graffiti & every few yards there was a small memorial to someone who had unsuccessfully tried to escape.
    West Berlin was essentially rebuilt, although some bombed out buildings were deliberately left standing as a reminder of the war.
    We had two interesting experiences in West Berlin.  They had just completed a new concert hall, built in the round, with the orchestra in the center.  The concierge tried to get us tickets.  All they had left was seating in the student’s section, behind the drums.  We took them & I’m so glad we did.  Since we were behind the orchestra, we could watch the face of the conductor.  We never realized how hard he worked or how completely he was consumed by his job.  It was fascinating!  Our other marvelous surprise happened when we went to a small museum & found this bust of Nefertiti.  I had seen pictures of it before, but seeing it in person was breathtaking!  She was so graceful—just exquisite!

    We took a bus tour of communist East Berlin.  What sticks in my mind is that although the rest of Germany was lovely, in hundreds of shades of green, East Berlin (& its people) seemed to be only in shades of grey.  Our military guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are always standing & marching with dignity.  Not so at the Russian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Below is a picture of some guards leaving the tomb.
    We took the QE ll back to the US.  The clocks were turned back 1 hour each night to adjust to the time change.  The notice posted next to them always made me smile.  It said, “Clocks will be retarded for 1 hour each night at 3:00am.” I imagined them acting very silly.  The cruise was fine, except for the bland English food--& the hellacious storm on the last night.  The waves broke 50’ above the bow.  There were open fractures in the dining room from people being thrown off chairs.  The picture below was shot by the ship’s photographer—no way was I going to be on the deck!  By the way, there’s a shot you can take that gets rid of seasickness, which we both had.  I believe it’s called PHENERGAN.  The doctor injected lots of people, including us, the next day & it worked within a half hour.  We were blown 250 miles off course.  We got into New York about 12 hours behind schedule.
    We had reservations for a suite (2 small rooms) at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.  By the time we arrived, they had given it to someone else.  They managed to find another suite for us at the same price.  It was normally used by foreign dignitaries, but, after all, we HAD reserved a suite!  The 2 pictures below show part of the living room (yes, that IS a full size grand piano!) & the dining room, which seated 20 people & had a working fireplace.  There was also a full kitchen with a breakfast room & service porch (with a washer & dryer) & 2 bedrooms.  I took a bubble bath & would you believe the TV over the tub wasn’t working?  I decided NOT to call maintenance.  I believe you should just accept whatever little you are given & not be a complainer.
    I’ll tell you about our drive up the East Coast next time.

    Be patient----fishducky


  1. Complaining can be fun later on, but yeah no point in doing so just to be annoying and such. Sounds like not a bad place anyway.

    Good luck with the signing.

    1. It was certainly an improvement on being out in the street!

  2. That storm looks scary. I not one much for big waves when I'm in the middle of them anyway.

  3. I would've complained if I'd been stuck in the basement of the Motel 6, but that didn't look too shabby. Ok, so as soon as I get that free time, you and I are hitting the road. I feel like you have a knack for planning fantastic trips.

  4. Brilliant post, I wish I had seen the Wall when it was still up. With graffiti of that standard it is a shame they pulled it down.

  5. That stormy sea almost made me queasy just hearing about it and seeing the picture!
    But the room with the baby grande--my goodness! I can't even imagine that. ;)

    1. It made us MORE than queasy--into full upchucking mode! And that was a full-sized "grownup" grand piano, not a baby!!

  6. After seeing East Germany, I don't think I would complain about the TV not working either. I often think, with some amazement and wonder, how lucky I am to have been born in a decent and peaceful country. I once was in a storm like that on the North Sea, perhaps not quite as bad, but in a much smaller ship. Before any shots were available. I was proud to be practically the only passenger standing. The waves went all over the ship and I drank lots of whiskey and absolutely loved it. I was young, now I would be scared!

    1. Whiskey--now why didn't I think of that??!!!

  7. Retarded clocks mwahahaha. I want one.

  8. Phenergan can also be inserted into a certain orifice. It doesn't work very well for me -- gives me diarrhea. I guess the shot would be better cuz I don't think it's the medicine that gives me diarrhea. I'm just the kind of girl who doesn't want stuff stuck up her ass. I already have a stick in there, don'tcha know.


    1. Just ask for the shot. It works quickly. (Why is diarrhea spelled so funny?)

  9. Wow isn't it great when they give your suit away and then put you up in a better one for the same the look of the rooms. The photos are just awesome I think it would be great to visit East Germany who am I kidding it would be cool to visit any other country........

  10. You're a little late to visit East Germany--Germany has reunified. I have a friend who has traveled much more than I--& I'm jealous. She's been to every continent--including Antarctica! I hope you get to do some travelling soon!

  11. Dear Fishducky, I so enjoy these postings about your travels. You see so much and have such grand adventures! I'm traveling vicariously with you all around the world. Thank you for the free ticket! Peace.

    1. You are very welcome! I'm sure you would be a great travelling companion. By the way, I reread Dulcy's 1st book yesterday--for the 4th or 5th time. I wish we could take her. too!!
