
Monday, May 7, 2012

Because it's magical like a *&%$!

    We're on vacation in Wyoming.  I love it here, seriously.  We drove all day yesterday and once when we stopped at a gas station, I got out and breathed the beautiful air.  Almost everyone there wore boots--which was epic.  Pure, rich dirt covered the mountains.  Cattle ate the yellowed grass in a nearby field.  People waved at me like we were friends!
    Anyway, it felt so good being out of the city, as I paid for my coffee, I smiled at the cashier and said, "Wyoming . . . it's like a good orgasm because some things are just magical."
    YOU should have seen her face.  She was the only person who didn't fit the Wyoming I'm used to.  She had piercings and short hair.  She stared at me and then burst with laughter.  "You know, you're right.  I've never heard it put quite like that, by someone who looks . . . so proper.  You're right though, even if you did just shock the hell outta me."
    I nodded, then smirked skipping from the gas station.  Okay, maybe I didn't really skip--on the outside.  But I did on the inside because that's what I live for: Wyoming AND the shock factor.  You know what, they're both like good orgasms!

    Well, I'll still be blogging this week, since I'm addicted so bad I'm not even scared to admit it.

    In closing, I have a question for you . . .

Should I release my story "Homeless in Hawaii" on my blog? free polls 


  1. Enjoy your time away then Elisa. Well, as away as you dare to be.

    And, hopefully we won't see your name and photo in a local mugshot site for one of those peaceful towns in Wyoming.

  2. You are having basically the same experience I have when I am in Lancaster, Pa. Of course the significant difference would be that instead of smelling the clean fresh air of Wyoming I would be smelling horse exhaust and enjoying the peace and calm of the Amish. Don't get me wrong in that I would love, love, love to be in Wyoming as well but OMG it is sooooooo far away. Have fun and take pictures please.

  3. Have an awesome time on your vacation! Sounds like you're already have a great time. I hope it continues.

    I voted for the release in Dec btw. Purely selfish reasons I'm afraid. It seems you release your books coincidently when I have to go away on business. It gives me something to read when I'm back at my hotel room at night (a social butterfly when I'm away by myself, I am not :) .

  4. Watch where you put your boots--in Wyoming, they don't always wear them for style!!

  5. You would have shocked the hell out of me too! I'm blushing and I'm probably about 4000 miles away! :)

  6. Sounds like pretty much what I got when I go home to my one horse town. Enjoy your vacation.

  7. Dear Elisa, . . . are the children with you???? Or are you and Cade wandering from town to town leaving shocks behind?!?!?.....


    1. The kids are with us--just having a ball. :0) We almost brought the dog LOL! Thank goodness we decided against that. This hotel room is way too small for 2 adults, 4 kids and a HUGE dog :0) *still smiling*

    2. Love the way you expressed yourself. Of course it doesn't exactly help me feel good about Wyoming since I haven't had one of those for years (being single and all - read your don't go there Elisa). kt

  8. I traveled from Washington to Florida once and told my hubby my favorite state was Wyoming. What a gorgeous place! It's nice you get to see it.

  9. Be careful so you don't get addicted to shocking people now. Have fun and take pictures!

  10. I'll take a bunch of pictures. ;) We just spent the morning wandering around town. I have so much to write about now :0)

  11. I really need to go to Wyoming. Actually, I've been there. We were on a very long drive, and I was taking my turn at the wheel. The roads were empty, nobody in sight, and I managed to pull out right in front of a police car. I was very fortunate because he simply swerved around me and ignored me. I voted for posting the entire story during December because I hate waiting. I want everything as fast as I can get it, including orgasms.


  12. I would be willing to bet the clerk passed that story on to a few friends. LOL!

  13. Is there such a thing as a bad OG?

  14. I would like to read it when it releases. Then I can do it at my own pace.

    just like the big O...


  15. Enjoy your vacation!

  16. Enjoy, enjoy. I'd say wait for December. Selfish reasons -- I can't read long chapters on blogs because I have to give time to other blogs. Yes, interesting stories hold my attention, but.... Others, however, may want to read it here.
