
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

When I grow up . . .

    I don't have much time to write today.  I'm speaking at a elementary school about "when I grow up" and I'm super nervous.  I know I'm supposed to act confident--and even lie on here--if I must.  Too bad for conformity; I'm telling it like it is.  
    Even if I have played my violin and sang at dozens of schools, that was different.  I didn't have to talk and stare people in the eyes.  
    I watched some videos on youtube about public speaking.  Some people say to imagine all the adults are naked--that's MESSED up! YUCK!  Why is it that men are the ones who usually recommend that?  Don't they always picture people being naked anyway?  Another guy said to stare at the back of the wall--which is not my style.
    Well, I hope this will go well since I'm scheduled to speak at five other schools after this--one is a jr. high and one is a high school.
    So, I should say I WAS nervous about talking.  Now I'm just nervous in general because I spilled a coke on Cade's laptop!!!  What do I tell him, I thought it was thirsty?!  This is gonna be bad.  
    But the guy married me for better or worse, right?  I think I'll call him and say, "I did something really bad.  Something unforgivable. . . ."
    Then I'll let him stew--think I did something worse than killing his baby.  It had all his video games and everything on it.  Anyway if he assumes I did something EXTREME, then when I tell him about his laptop, he'll practically run to me and hug me.  Then he'll say something like, "Oh, that's not bad.  And to think . . . I assumed you had an affair!"
    I'll smile and laugh.  "You can be so silly sometimes.  You know what they say about assuming."

    So, that's my day.  I killed Cade's computer and I think God's punishing me because I really should quit drinking coke AND start eating more food.
    Anyway, the talk is today.  I'm going to drink some coffee and be on my way.  They're videotaping it, so I'll post some of it later this week.

    Wish me luck--on all accounts.

P.S. If you're here for "The Sword of Senack" or more info about the kindle fire giveaway and writing/art contest, please go HERE.  If you'd like more info about "The Golden Sky," the book B & N is stocking, please go HERE.


  1. Don't feel too bad.....I tore up the lawn mower this morning before 8:30 a.m. Doing something I know not to do....oh, dear. The way I start to tell my husband something that I don't really want to is to say "when you have time I need to talk to you about something." I say it very mysteriously and he's like "I have time now....interpreted......what have you done now?" :)

  2. Good luck hon! You've got this. And Cade probably won't be tooooo angry.

  3. Good luck today. I think a miracle will happen and Cade's computer will be working just fine when you get home. Sticky, but working. :)

  4. Good luck!! You will be wonderful! You definitely can't adopt the 'imagine people naked' method though when you are speaking to children!! That's just EXTRA wrong! hahahaha

  5. You'll be fine. I have my fair share of experience in front of people (years of community theater and 8 yrs as an adjunct for a local college). It's ok to FEEL nervous. Nobody there can read your mind. It's all about how you project yourself. That being said, I have a pretty comfortable sense of your ability to do that. This isn't really any different than all of the other people you have ever spoken to. Be yourself and you'll shine.

    As for the laptop...well that might be a different story. Good luck! :)

  6. Not to be mean but I live near the ocean and have seen people on the beach who definitely need NOT wear bikinis. So to imagine them naked, men or women. Um, no thanks.

  7. There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that you will be fantastic!! And, as a good wife, isn't it your job to feed & water Cade's laptop while he's out of town?

  8. I heard you can put your wet electronic devices in some raw rice to dry out. I know this works for cell phones, but have no idea about computers. I know that your talk will be wonderful. Just think of how you write, all those words will come like magic.

  9. I think you will be awesome at the school and can't wait to see the video. That is if you survive the computer incident. Good Luck.

  10. My secret for public speaking is to make eye contact with at least 3 dif. people in 3 dif. parts of the room. Speak to them. Change to other people, and talk to them. It makes public speaking more like having a conversation.

    Sorry about the computer! Cade will forgive you, I know he will.

  11. You'll be fine. Just imagine you are sat in the audience and think about what you would want to see and hear from yourself then project that.

  12. Dear Elisa, . . . seems to me that the comments by Rick G and Susan make a lot of sense. You have such an spontaneous and generous personality, that everyone will want to listen to what you have to say. Peace.

  13. Take the laptop to the Vulcans they will fix it.;). Good luck!!!

  14. Don't make eye contact. That's what I've always found key to the whole thing. Look just above people's heads.

  15. Visualizing a room full of naked people would make me even more nervous! Once you get going you'll be fine because your topic is something close to your heart and your enthusiasm will take over.

    The laptop. *she shudders* I'd be afraid. Very afraid. I know he'll forgive you, though. :)

  16. How could those kids not love you just the way you are? And laptop shmaptop. Maybe this will end his game addiction.


  17. Maybe the laptop will be okay... Or maybe Cade won't be too mad!

    Hope the school visit went well. I am sure the kids love you. You are a natural storyteller and I am sure they will find you very entertaining. I can't wait to see a videoclip from the talk!


  18. hahaha the poor laptop. But I like your plan to get out of trouble, I can see where the hippe and scribe get it from..hahaha....hope the visit goes/went well, sure you'll do great.

  19. I suppose it's all over by now. However I have no doubt that it went splendidly. You've performed for years, you speak well and are gorgeous. How could it go badly?

  20. How'd it go? I'm sure you did well. I had to do a lot of speeches for my classes in junior high, high school, and college - especially in college when I was studying to be a teacher. You do get used to it (although the actual teaching to grade schoolers part was tough for me). I understand what you mean, though, about the differences between performing and speaking: I don't think I've ever had any nerves when dancing or doing flute solos but speaking in front of my classes was always nerve-wracking. Which is interesting, since they seem the same.

  21. I'll bet you did terrific on your speech and I can't wait to see the video. I broke my husband's e-reader last week. It wasn't even a year old. Split the screen in half.
