
Monday, February 13, 2012

What is the Cinnamon Challenge?

    I didn't know about the terrifying cinnamon challenge--or the crazy people who'd do it and live--until after visiting Paige Kellerman's Blog.
    P. S. Check her out; I know you'll love her. Here's that link: Paige Kellerman

    Well, the other day Paige showcased a video about "The Cinnamon Challenge." The person doing the "challenge" is supposed to put a huge scoop of cinnamon into their mouth, then they have to swallow it. I watched different videos and gaped. Some people gagged. Some threw up. Some felt amazing when they actually swallowed the cinnamon--because apparently that's cooler than skydiving. Could those reactions be real?
    The day went on, and what I didn't realize until later was that the Scribe and Hippie had watched the videos, too--from over my shoulder.
    Some friends came over and my iPad went missing . . . so did my cinnamon. "What is going on?" I asked my friend, a bit worried because the iPad is worth more than my soul--practically. We looked outside and there they were. Her little boy held my iPad2 while he taped my girls who were doing THE CINNAMON CHALLENGE!
    I stayed quiet because being the gift of a mother that I am, I wanted to see how they'd react!
    We stepped outside and watched. Cars drove past. I'm sure they wondered what was so amazing. Those idiots had no idea that two girls were risking their lives!

    So, after the video ended, I became an even better mother and I uploaded it to youtube--because once again, I'm a certified gem.
    Their reactions were far different from the adults on the other videos. There's a part not on camera where the Hippie pretended to gag right before shoving more cinnamon into her mouth!
    Well, here's the video, (the words are below in case they're hard to hear . . . oh and the Hippie is on the left; the Scribe is on the right):

    "Why are you giving me so much?" the Scribe asked before taking the cinnamon and giving herself even more. "Well, Hippie, you ready to die?"
    The Hippie held a LADLE, while the Scribe simply had a spoon.
"Bye," the Scribe hugged her sister. "See you next summer."
    The Hippie smiled, still wearing her favorite earmuffs EVERY DAY. "See you in Heaven," she countered.
    "I'm glad we have each other."
    "I'll be with you in Heaven," the Hippie said before going to take a bite, but the Scribe interrupted her through several times when she could have eaten the cinnamon.
    "We're risking our lives!" the Scribe said.
    It was the cameraman's turn to talk, because he was stunned they took on such a brutal campaign. "You not gonna die," he spouted hopefully, having no idea of the danger unfolding before his four-year-old eyes.

    A few surprises did unfold. The Hippie spit all of her cinnamon out, but the Scribe held it in her mouth for a full minute and then swallowed it.  "I lived!" she said.
    After the camera turned off, the Scribe looked at me and smiled with brown all over her teeth. "I could do it, and that's awesome. But there's one thing I can't figure . . . What's wrong with all of those other people on youtube?"

    Those kids keep me living on the edge. Whether it's cinnamon, pranks, or calls from the principal's office, it's never a dull moment over here.  I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world, though, not really because they're awesome and money can't buy kids who can eat mounds of cinnamon and live.


  1. Those girls! They are such a riot! What a hoot! Branden and I love it and I'm so glad they survived!! lol!

  2. hahaha never heard of such a challenge, not one I would go out and try. Love their reactions, beats adults gagging any day.

  3. Now I need to look on YouTube and watch some of those videos. Your children are so stinking adorable.

  4. Your kids are delightful. And I think the people on YouTube might be pretending ;)

  5. Ok I have to admit I laughed out loud when the Hippie coughed cinnamon dust onto the Scribe.

    At least they're impressionable about reasonable things. We had to ban Cartoon Network some years back when my oldest watched an episode of Ed, Ed, & Eddy where they made tacos out of crayons and then decided to try it out himself.

  6. Never heard of this challenge. Much less dangerous than some, I'm sure. The girls are so cute! Glad they survived...and so easily. ;)

  7. Ahhhh! Love it! LOL...I've been trying all weekend to get Husband to do it and he's all like, "OH, that doesn't look that bad.." He just watched your girls and said, "See, I told you. Easy." Now I just need him to take it from a ladle like Glozell. If that happens, I will be posting that video for sure...:) So glad your kids are that awesome!

  8. Those girls are true FREE SPIRITS!! I know you were kidding & not bragging, but you ARE an awesome mom!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Kids will try anything, won't they? I loved the video, you raised some brave girls, willing to experiment at great risk. Future explorers, perhaps?

  10. I too laughed out loud when Hippie coughed the cinnamon dust onto Scribe. The video is priceless. :)

  11. This is the stuff that makes those two so special lol Best line you ask?
    I'll be with you in heaven. We are risking our lives. lmao. Priceless.

  12. So funny! I also love the cinnamon dust when she coughed!
    I could not do this, unless it was equal parts sugar :)

  13. let me tell you something...that was HILARIOUS!!!! i don't know what's funnier. her gagging expression or those earmuffs. love those earmuffs!!!

  14. Dear Elisa,
    I kept laughing out loud as I watched the Hippie and the Scribe and listened to their dialogue. What I enjoyed the most was when the Hippie took a breath with the cinnamon in her mouth and sprayed it all over the Scribe. A cloud of cinnamon! And the earmuffs!

    What a group--the mother and the children who truly share the same sense of the ridiculous!


  15. Awesome video! Your girls are so sweet. I feel like I know them from your blog- and watching this was just great. I loved the puffed out cinnamon. I have heard a lot about this challenge lately- a principal at a nearby high school was put on administrative leave for allowing high school students to try it in the cafeteria (he didn't stop them from trying the challenge, but didn't provide the cinnamon). The Scribe should be impressed with herself. I just love the spirit your kids have!

  16. Man...the Hippie let herself express the reaction, while Scribe was so controlled. That says a lot. And the gagging, spitting. What a hoot. Zombie Elf did a great job filming!

  17. You are a surprisingly calm mom. Standing and watching when everybody else had made such a fuss over it.

    Stay that way, they'll thank you for it!

  18. Hold on tight young one. Things like that just get crazier and crazier as they get older. I was lucky. Both of our kids made it into adulthood without incident.

  19. OH... just wait. It gets crazier, and a lot scarier as they get older. (Even crazier than those earmuffs) :) Be thankful it was just Cinnamon.

    And no one died.

    But the eternal question still remains... What is WRONG with all those people on Youtube?

  20. The girls are adorable and the Scribe did well... tough girl :)

  21. Haha - your girls are awesome and adorable! Not sure I would've swallowed either. Though I probably wouldn't have spit it all out on my brother, either :P

  22. My favorite part was when The Hippie coughed the cloud of cinnamon onto The Scribe. They must be their mama's daughters.


  23. Who is Jankie? Is someone trying to steal my identity but can't smell my name correctly?


  24. Funny story - I'm too much of a wimp to watch the video.
