
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wait. No. You're right; Why I LOVE Groundhog Day

    I had the best grandma in the universe.  I still can't figure why I got her.  Maybe God felt bad since He forgot to give me boobs.  Maybe He felt bad knowing I'd lose Zeke.  Whatever the reason, He really did give me an AMAZING grandma. 
    She and my grandfather took each of their grandchildren (me included) to Hawaii when we turned eleven.  I still remember eating a slushie while counting strippers walking down the main street.      
    "You can spot 'em," my grandma whispered, "because they have those high heels and big hair."  
    Forget the makeup and clothes.  She was right, it was all about the big hair--like the 80's all over again right there, for money.
    We laughed so hard.  "Would you ever wear that, grandma?"
    She just turned to me.  She wore cool lots and a shirt with EVERY SINGLE part buttoned.  "That's a few sizes too small.  Do you really THINK I'd wear that?  Oh, you're a pill."  She patted my knee, then told me her favorite story, one I'd heard a million times.  "Once I went swimming with my sister," she began.  "She was so modest.  She kept pointing to everyone on the beach saying how risque they looked.  Anyway, we talked for a bit, and after a huge wave came by, I looked over and my sister had lost her top.  I had no idea at the time.  And for some reason, I seriously thought she'd taken it off like we were on a nudist beach.  I mean really, she stood with everything exposed, still pointing out the risque people on the beach.  'You're one to talk,' I ended up saying, and you should have seen her face!  She had NO IDEA she'd lost her top in the water."
   My great aunt must have been mortified; that was so unlike her, you know, to show everyone her boobs.

    Anyway, I was close to my grandma--obviously--not just because she could have been a ninja in the night, but because she held such a special place in my heart.
    And for all of that, she could never remember my birthday (Groundhog Day).  
    Yes, I've heard all the jokes and I LOVE them.  I felt prophetic as a kid because people always wanted to know if I'd seen my shadow--P. S. I did see it this morning, get ready for a longer winter.
    Although my birthday is Feb. 2nd, every year my hilarious grandmother would always wish me a happy birthday on the 3rd.
    Cade finally talked to me about it years ago.  "Maybe you should tell her."
    "I don't know," I said, but after a moment he convinced me.  My grandma called me on the 2nd because we talked multiple times a week.  
    "Ummm, Grandma . . ."  I took a deep breath.  "Today is . . . Well, it's my birthday."
    "Today isn't the third."
    "Right, because it's the second . . . my birthday."
    She didn't even miss a beat.  "Your birthday has always been the third.  It's not the second.  Don't go trying to change things.  Wait, your birthday has always been the third.  Right?"
    I felt like the Grinch.  Why was I doing this?!  The poor woman was amazing; she just wanted to believe she'd had my birthday right all of those years, since the day I'd been born--ON THE 2ND.  
    I thought of everything then; we'd been on so many trips together; we'd watched a million black & white movies; Hell, she even taught me how to spot strippers.  I bucked up in that moment, ready to take the fall.  Some things aren't worth it.
    "I am so embarrassed," I finally said.  "You're right.  My birthday is tomorrow.  I guess I just wanted it to start early."
    "Or see if you could fool your old grandma."
    I smiled.  "So, you'll call me tomorrow?" I asked.
    "Like I do every year.  I'd never miss your birthday, Hon.  You're my namesake."
    I smiled and hung up.  Some moments are just so special, somehow you'll never forget them no matter how many years go by, even after the person passes away or loses touch.  So, today, as I celebrate my birthday, I just had to smile thinking about my grandma because I know she would call me tomorrow, if they just had phones in Heaven.


  1. Just think of it as having two birthdays.

  2. That was so sweet of you. It would have been hard for your grandma to accept that she'd been getting it wrong for all those years. And desperately embarrassing.

    But there must have been a first time? Somebody could have given her a gentle nudge?

    I have a friend who always sends me a birthday card a few days late. It's irritating but I can't bring myself to tell her either.

  3. That was adorable. I only ever met one of my grandmothers. Twice.

    I'm glad you didn't tell her she'd been wrong your whole life. Two birthdays is twice the fun :D

  4. Happy Birthday, Elisa!

    That's not too far off from my mother. Her birthday is either July 30 or 31st, and despite the fact that I have it written down I never remember which it is and ALWAYS get it wrong. So much so that I'm fairly certain she changes it every year just so that I'm never right. :)

  5. Happy Birthday, couldn't you at least block out that shadow though, I don't want anymore winter. I'm getting tired of smashing a have been quite funny with the top went plop..haha

  6. Great story. Happy birthday!!

    Love the new layout, by the way.

  7. Honest to God's truth, my birthday was on the February 1st, but for years as a child, I was sure my birthday was on February 2nd!

    Happy Birthday, Elisa!

  8. Aww,such a sweet story,Happy Birthday,twice,honey darlin'xoxox

  9. Have a glorious birthday--even if you did see your shadow--LOL!
    Love your sparkly groundhog, BTW!
    Your grandma sounds like a sweet lady. :):)

  10. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Veeeeeeal. Happy Birthday to you!

  11. Happy birthday!!!

    LOL @ God making up for not giving u boobs. hahaha

    and you're grandma does sound awesome. Anyone who teaches you how to pick out strippers is amazing in my book. :)

  12. Happy birthday mom.

    I am with Carrie, and am all for a reason to celebrate two birthdays.

    I had an elderly aunt who passed away several years ago, but she froze my brother and I in time for the fifteen years of her life. She could not accept that we were not school kids anymore, and graciously always sent me $5 for my birthday. Kind lady and I always thanked her--even then at age 28 I could put $5 to work.

  13. My dad could never remember my birthday. 9-11. Is it really that hard? He always said I was an accident waiting to happen. He could have remembered it by thinking I was a 9-1-1 baby, or by recalling the terrorists attacks (like everyone else in the world) and remember it was my birthday...but, alas, I still think he only knew it was my birthday this last year thanks to facebook telling him. :)

    Your sweet grandma. At least she was consistent on what day she thought your birthday was! What a sweet woman. I bet you got your sweetness from her, yeah?

    Happy Birthday, Elisa! :)

  14. Also, I like the new layout of your blog. I like that I can clearly see all the comments and the blog. Did you do that for Melynda?

  15. Happy Birthday, Elisa. Your grandmother sounds like quite a character. And that's such a gift for any child.

  16. Happy Birthday Elisa, my mothers birthday was today too. My youngest daughter Katie also has a birthday today...special day indeed!! Grandma's are awesome...mine was special too...have a great day!!!

  17. Happy Birthday To You! What a wonderful story. Your Grandma sounds as special to you as mine was to me. I still think of mine so often and can hear her voice say my name as if she were right here. Love it.


    You made me think of my own AMAZING grandmother--& cry.

  19. :) that's a cute story.

    happy birthday! thanks more winter! #sarcasm

    like the update to the site, btw...

  20. Well you know better than anyone that I can't read your post. I took a shot in the dark (pun intended) and came over to try and wish you happy birthday. I hope my fingers are on the right keys. I'm sure your post is amazing as usual :)and I hope that was a happy face not a sour lemon poo gas face. So HAPPYBIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! i HOPE IT'S THE BETST ONE EVER!

  21. You've got the same birthday as my little brother. Unless your birthday is the 3rd, I'm confused now.

  22. Happy Birthday Elisa!!! I hope you have a fabulous one and I may have to come by tomorrow and with you another Happy Birthday! That was too cute! :)

  23. Happy BD young one! I hope you have a fabulous day indeed..

    BTW- Pls give Luna a big hug for me. Lazer says hi to her as well. Aren't huskies fun?

  24. Dear Elisa,
    Happy birthday! I'm so glad your grandmother has given you the gift of a second day to celebrate. The Catholic Church celebrates "octaves" for its big feasts. That's eight days!!!!! of celebrating Christmas or Easter. So I'm suggesting that you go beyond two and celebrate on February 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Go for it!


  25. Happy, Happy Birthday, Elisa! I hope your day is special and that tomorrow you receive a special sign from your special grandma. :)

  26. LOL "don't try to change things"

    happy birthday! (i believe you that it's today and not tomorrow)

  27. Happy Birthday!

    I relate to this story so well. I'm extremely close with my grandmother. She is one of the most wonderful(if not most wonderful) person I've met in my life. She never complains and always takes care of those around her no matter what. Hearing this story made my heart swell with love. Thank you for sharing!

  28. Happy Birthday Baby Girl! I always show off my boobs. I pretend my top has come off in the water when I go swimming and then I wander around looking for it though I know I didn't have it in the first place. I enjoy the pointing and laughing, even though I'm not sure what the joke is.


  29. Really? Feb. 2nd? That is super! God bless your grandma! God Bless you, you youngster you! Happy Birthday!

  30. I had such an amazing birthday. Thank you to everyone for making it so wonderful!

    1. YOu deserve an awesome b-day, and why did you have to see your dang shadow??????*cries* Anyway happy b-day it was fun to see you yesterday!
      Love you way awesome neice!:D

  31. Happy Birhtday Aunt E.C.,
    I hope your birhtday was awesome, and I hope that my cousins behaved themselves to day(a.k.a. not dropping your things down vents and baking toys)! I love the story About great grandma S she was an awesome lady! Love ya and have an amazing rest of your b-day!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I know it's probably not your (actual) birthday anymore when you read this (it's 11 p.m. in Seattle) so I'm gonna wish you a Happy Birthday on the 3rd to make up for your grandma not being alive to do it. Happy Birthday Elisa! :D

    (OK, so technically I didn't get around to reading blogs until late tonight but as soon as I read the post, I decided to use that excuse :P)

  34. Great story, and what a lovely day for a birthday.
    "Rise and shine campers!" :)

  35. Happy belated groundhogs day and Happy birthday! Loved this post and I miss my Grandma too :)

  36. Happy belated birthday! I loved this post! I think it is perfect that you didn't tell your granmda- she would have felt bad. Plus, you always got your birthday wishes from her on their own special day. She remembered- just she remembered the wrong day. I am sure she is showering you with lots of love today- and smiling down on you. :)

  37. Ahh, this reminded me of my grandma, and I miss her still. Happy Belated Birthday!

  38. A wonderful story shared with your charactistic sensitivity and special blend of humour. You were born to tell stories!

  39. Great story. You gave me such a clear image of your Grandma - and the emotions she evokes for you. Well done!


  40. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope that Thursday (2/2 :-)) was a great day and that you have a fantastic year! Thank you for sharing the story about your grandmother - she sounds like she was amazing. Take care.

  41. What a fantastic memory to have of your Grandma. You have two birthdays! And I missed them both. :(

  42. Happy Belated Elisa!!! Sorry I am late, but I hope you had a awesome day :)
