
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our House Got Broken Into!

   Here's the deal.  I'm really upset.  Yes, I was supposed to take a break today, but instead I want to tell you what's really been going on.
    Do you remember my friend, Jill--the pansy?  Here's that post:

Grandma Gertie and the Break-in Patrol

   Well, get ready for some tough nuggets . . . Jill is me.  I didn't want people worrying about me if they found out our house keeps getting broken into.  I've told you how Melynda guarded my house--even though she couldn't see.  I've told you other things that might have tipped you off.
    Anyway, I'm sick of denying it and super aggravated!
    I sent this email to a friend recently, and finally decided to post it here. . . .

    Someone broke into our house on my birthday--talk about inconsiderate!  My brother said I'm getting desensitized to the whole thing.  "Why does your birthday make it worse?  Isn't a break-in bad enough?" he asked.
     The point remains, this has happened multiple times.  In the night.  In the day.  I tried explaining how I don't know why this makes things worse, but it does.  Maybe it's coincidence . . . I don't think it is though.  Now it shows they know details.  It's more of a violation.  It could be someone I know.   

    We've replaced three doors, dumped in money we don't have to repair damages, replace locks.  This last time, my alarm blared before I got in the house, so I went to my neighbor's.  She saw me pull up, said there was a man
in a black car parked across the street.  The neighbor said he watched until I pulled into the driveway, then he drove away.  I've been watching for a black car; I think everyone and their dog owns a black car--they're all I ever notice now. 
    Why can't criminals pick bright pink cars, something that's easy to spot--seriously.
    A detective came, he's been here when we were broken into before.  He took down names of everyone and anyone who I think might--break-in OR drive a black car--I think that's a long shot.  One cop patronized me, like I'm an idiot for getting worried!  At least the detective took me seriously; he's seen the damages from before though--broken beer bottles in the garage, a crowbar to the back door . . . A mandoor partially shouldered from its frame and upper hinges.  The list goes on.
    "This person . . ." the detective said, "they get into your home and when the alarm goes off, they run." I nodded.  I've been home when they've gotten in at night before.  He didn't need to tell me about it! "They're just trying to scare you."
    "I'm not really scared, though," I said.  "Maybe I used to be, but its happened so much, now I'm just mad.  I want to know who this is and I want it to stop."
    He nodded.  "We'll send extra patrols around your place."
    This could be anyone--and I HATE black cars.  I rented a movie from Redbox yesterday and almost karate chopped the guy behind me--see what I mean--everyone around is suspect! 
   Sure the break-ins started almost five years ago, when I had a booming clothing business and no time for writing.  Still why would they break in on MY birthday?  I bought a gun, took shooting lessons, got a concealed weapon's permit, practically could have played the lead in "Salt"--because now I know what I'm doing.  

    Still things bother me . . . It's getting worse lately.  Maybe the criminal's balls finally dropped?  Does this have something to do with my book?  The fact that I'm a religious minority.  The first thing taken was a box of memorabilia--pictures of my son who died--Zeke.  Am I putting my whole family in danger because I wanted to publish Zeke's story and help people?  I don't use my real name.  I use fake addresses.  For all you know, my name is Michelle or Juliet . . . wait, let's go with Juliet.
    Maybe all of these
break-ins aren't linked.  Maybe it's just coincidence how it was my birthday?
    All of our doors have been broken into now.  They've only taken one thing--pictures.  My (unbroken at the time) iPad2 was on the counter--they didn't even take that!  What kind of idiot leaves an iPad2--they're practically God's gift to mankind!!
    Joking aside, I'm really angry.  I try my hardest to help people and do what's right.  Then some ass comes and does this to my family.  Heaven help the man in the black car if he gets in this house and decides to stay instead of run.
This is just a bunch of BS and it needs to stop.  I hate feeling that I may have done something to put my family in danger.  Out of everything that has happened (even the crowbar thing) this one makes me the most angry . . .  You don't mess with someone's birthday, really.


  1. Five years? This douche bag or douche bags need to be taught a lesson. They/he/it are obviously trying to scare you or piss you off, as they have some kind of grudge, or at least think they do. Find them, take that gun and shoot the douche in the foot. Let them run outside first so they don't mess up your need to get a life and stop bothering others over something that is obviously wrong with them.

    1. I completely agree. It's hard imagining why people do things like this!

  2. Sounds like a stalker to me, because he/she took pictures. Who does that but an obsessive?. Can't the cops take fingerprints and keep it on file, check it for similar crimes. Good luck, i'm too boring to stalk.

    1. I was thinking it was stalkerish too! If it was random, they wouldn't take personal stuff, they would take expensive stuff - like the ipad! Seriously why cant they finger print or do some CSI type stuff!

    2. The main time this happened, the detective took fingerprints off of the door and crowbar (which the person had taken from Cade's truck and left in the garage). They couldn't get any prints from the crowbar and the only ones that came back from the door were mine :(

      We did see shoe prints in the snow (which were large prints). And the place where the person shouldered the door was quite high. So it must be a tall person. And then there's the black car thing . . . that's all we have to go off of for now.

  3. Wow, Elisa. Just taking the pictures is creepy. You need a video camera set up to catch this person. I hope they are caught soon.

    1. A camera is a great idea. We've been looking into different things. I've even done some research. Once we have evidence, then we can do something ;)

  4. That is really, really creepy!! The fact that they took pictures of Zeke--the very first thing taken--that is really, really low!! I don't blame you for being upset at all. I'd be totally obsessing about it because it definitely does seem like somebody who knows you or is stalking you. I am so glad you have a gun and know how to use it. If they are in your house or running away across your yard--shoot them in the foot or leg--yes! And I'm normally a pacifist, but when they are invading your home over and over again you have a right to protect yourself!

    I had an ex-lover who was stalking me, got into my apartment, etc. I went to the police. They weren't very helpful. Sounds like that detective was the most helpful. I'd keep his card and make sure to call him personally if anything ever happens again. I'd keep pen and paper nearby at all times in case you are driving home and see a strange vehicle--take down the license number just in case! Maybe you'll be really lucky and need to call an ambulance next time for the dummy rolling about in pain in your yard from a blasted kneecap! Yup--I'm like a mama bear when it comes to people I care about.

    1. That's such a good idea to keep a paper and pen handy. I need to start writing all of this down so I have dates etc. to give to the detective if I end up getting any more ideas of who this could be.

  5. It sounds like a stalker is preying on you! There are some very weird people in this world. Take Care and Stay Safe.

  6. Let me reiterate what Cheryl said: Get a video camera. Make sure it works and is recording. Invest in a computer with a huge -- I'm talking multiple terrabytes -- capacity for storage. Keep a week at a time, at least, just in case. Make sure the camera has night vision. Catch the SOB. Proximity sensors and flood lights. High fences with razor wire. Land mines. Gun turrets. And all with the added bonus of keeping boys away from your girls as they get older. Just saying.

    1. That is a huge added bonus ;) See, maybe this dirt wad is doing us a favor in the long run lol We're all extra safe AND no one will want to date my girls.

  7. Stalkers usually want to get involved in your life more than breaking in and taking pictures. Is there anyone that you know who's behaviour seems a little odd when you stand back and scrutinise it?
    Sorry love, all these comments probably aren't helping your nerves right now.

    1. I keep trying to think of people, but honestly, everyone I know--who drives a black car lol--is suspect at this point.

      I don't know . . . my book was so honest. I did talk bad about a few people, maybe it was always one of them and that's why things are getting worse now that my book's out. But seriously, who says, "If you would have had more faith, your son wouldn't have died . . ." People like that NEED to be written about. Sure, I didn't mention their names, but I did call them out on their crap.

      This sucks. Maybe I should stop being so ballsy.

  8. Wow--this scared the s**t out of me!! I had no idea. You never mentioned it to me! Absolutely, security cameras & sensor lights--& an UZI might not be a bad idea, either!

    1. I could absolutely use an UZI. ;) No one would break in after that. lol

  9. It does sound like a stalker and you have every cause to be concerned. I hope they catch this person soon.

  10. It really seems as if someone's really trying to attack your spirit and intimidate you. SMH. Sorry to hear that. And it has to be someone you know, or someone who knows someone you know.

    1. I agree. I think it's good to remain strong and learn what I can from this.

  11. I am so, so sorry to hear about this, Elisa. I know what it feels like to be robbed, but this sounds almost like a stalker. It must be stopped! And I wish there was some way I could help from here. Dang! I'm sending you some serious virtual hugs right now.

  12. That's terrible, I hope all these tips help you. Try not to think about your birthday in all this, I had a bad thing happen on my birthday once and eventually the memory fades, though it did help me that we moved. You need to get this guy, it's very intimidating and no way to live your life. Good luck!

    1. I think the tips will definitely help. :) It's hard with the birthday thing. Ever since we had Zeke's viewing on my birthday, it's been tainted. But life brings new amazing things. I need to focus on that.

  13. Although it might cost a lot, I agree with installing a video camera. It's good you can even put humor to such bad situation.

    1. After reading my journal, I've decided humor is my coping mechanism. It just seems to make things better, if only a little bit ;)

  14. Dear Elisa,
    This is serious. The suggestions Rita gave make a lot of sense to me. As does a camera located on the side of the house, pointing toward the street. It could capture images of that black car and its license plate. As Rita said, shoot for the legs so that the person tumbles over and can't get up. Protecting your family--those four children--and yourself and Cade is more important than anything else. This person has made you feel--rightly so--afraid in your own home. That in itself is a crime in my book. He's taken away your peace of mind.

    Like DJan, I'm sending you virtual hugs and strength.


  15. I agree, video would be good. My neighbor's animal trap kept getting stolen (long story), and they caught the person with video.

  16. This is no laughing matter. Someone is definitely stalking YOU. It scares me that they would take pictures of your son. This tells me they want to hit you where it hurts. A webcam inside your home might be a good idea to capture anyone when you aren't there?? Just thinking outloud. Be safe please. And a happy birthday!

    1. I really need to get a camera, webcam, just something to catch them. That would bring so much peace of mind.

  17. I'm scared. I want to save you. I wish I didn't live so far away. I have a God-given ability to scare the crap out of people. My children inherited it.


    1. That's awesome. Can you adopt me or is it purely genetic?

    2. I can try adopting you and we'll see if I can pass it on to you somehow.

    3. I echo why everyone else has said about cameras. Both inside and out if you can swing it. They even have web based ones that you can use to check things remotely.

      Does your alarm notify the local PD when it goes off?

      What about your dog? I'm surprised to hear anyone breaking in with a large dog present. Makes me wonder if it's someone you know (and the dog knows).

      I'm all for self defense. Happy to hear you have a gun and know how to use it. Hopefully you won't have to, though. Good luck catching this SOB!

  18. Thanx for commenting on my blog. That's so bad for you; you should definitely try with the cameras. A couple years ago I had attended a Feng Shui workshop of a Feng Shui master and he had talked about building your house in the right period,keeps thiefs away from your house. If the cameras don't work you could try Fengu Shui or Vaastu Shaastra.;)

  19. It's a shame you don't have Charles Bronson living close by to do his thing like he did on Death Wish. I do wish someone in that police dept. would get their head out of that southern place and get busy finding the idiots giving you such a hard time. For your sake and sanity I hope it comes to an end very quickly. Take care my friend.

  20. How awful! Yes it sounds like a stalker for sure and I think video security is a great idea. Do you have motion sensor lights, flick on wen someone walks past them, alerts you and scares them.
    It's no way to live and how infuriating that someone would make you feel like this. Grrrr.....Keep safe hun, you are doing all the right things and hopefully will put a stop to all this. :(

    P.S Purchased the Golden Sky (Yay!!) I just got a Kindle and it was my first purchase....Can't wait to read it x

  21. I tried writing on this post as soon as you posted it, but my internet wasn't working, so I'm just now getting my comment on here. I just want to say that I'm angry too. I can't believe that Jill is you! I can't believe someone is doing this to you, too. If I were there I'd watch your house for you like Melynda did.

  22. This is very disturbing! Cameras aren't too expensive, and you could catch a photo of this guy at least, and give it to the Detective. Stealing your photos is really creepy, and I would keep your guard up always. I hope this gets resolved.

  23. Thank you so much for all of your advice. We've taken some extra precautions now. I'm really hoping things will get better.

  24. I got broken into today and went looking on google for other stories. It's scary, what if they put cameras in places and are planning the next raid? I'm only 14 and I'm terrified.

  25. Cheryl is right! You badly need security cameras for you to identify the thief. This is a scary story, because the intruder wanted something aside from your valuable and expensive things. This should be stopped before someone gets hurt. Keep safe always! ->-Odessa

  26. Definitely a scare propaganda. If they don’t even bother stealing valuables, plus the fact that they were targeting personal items, is just a way of them to subtly tell you to stop. Good thing it hasn’t happened for a while now, but that may have been because of the increased patrols.

    Salvatore Nibert

  27. A hidden security camera by the windows and door would be best, but in addition, I would suggest getting an alarm with a loud siren so that the neighbors would be alerted if someone tried to break in. With security, you don’t really need a lot, just have them placed in strategic areas. Stay safe!

    Meri @ Frase Protection
