
Monday, November 28, 2011

Review of "A Not So New World" By: Patrick Hatt

    Patrick Hatt is a natural storyteller.  I had so much fun reading "A Not So New World."  Between his amazing descriptions, fantastic characters and gripping plot, I could not put this down.
    He has this wonderful way of pulling the reader in so they can envision everything.
    I even read several sections of this book to my girls and they loved it too.  They had a ball learning about the cat-shaped time machine, the intelligent main character, Jack, as well as the various people he met along his adventure.  His tough female friend, Emily was also a plus since the Scribe practically said a prayer wishing to be as brave as Emily is.
   "You should have named me Emily," she said later.
   "Why?" I asked.
   "Because now I really like that name."
   The Hippie jumped into our conversation then.  "Mama, could I make one of those time machines too?  I'm sure I could have an adventure."
    "Well . . . you can try," I said and she smiled so big you wouldn't believe it.
    But I think one of my very favorite things about the book, is the fact that I've been reading Pat's blog for awhile, and this book had so much of him weaved into the plot and even the characters.  I LOVED that the time machine was shaped like a cat.  And other references you'd easily catch if you read his blog.
    I also enjoyed reading how mysterious the new setting became once Jack used the time machine to escape his own death.  It was almost a mystery at points, and that's what kept me reading so quickly.  You will love the heroes/heroine in this book and hate the villains.
    This is a great read to just sit back and enjoy.  The ending came full circle, but still makes you curious about what will happen next.  I can't wait to tell my nephew about this book!
    Please check out Pat's blog if you have a chance: 

It's Rhyme Time

This is one of my favorite posts he's written:

A Different Approach To The Movie Couch!

 Thanks, Pat for letting me read this fun book!

Barnes & Noble carries this book; find a coupon here


  1. I am sure Pat is going to be thrilled to bits when he sees this delightful review.

  2. hahaha your kids always make me laugh. If the Hippie gets that time machine made I want pictures before she leaves on her adventure. Plus I like that, as it really lets me know I wrote the female character good too. Thank them for me.

    Thanks a lot for the great review and glad it was enjoyed, had me smiling even more when you added the Movie Couch post in there, as movies are always my favorite posts too.

  3. I'm a follower of Pat's, a man of many talents (and cats).

  4. What a great review...and since I've read the books, too, I can say that I completely agree with you here. I think seeing Pat throughout the book was one of the highlights for me! And how fun that the kids loved hearing parts of it!

  5. Elisa, What a nice review. Pat is a pretty good guy, and I love his rhymes.


  6. I bought my copy a couple of weeks ago. I'm about 1/2 of the way through the first one. It's very well done with a lot of imagination. Great review :)

  7. Those girls are too much. Now I'm curious about the book. Is it something you think Mr. P would enjoy or above his level?

  8. I am a regular at Pat's as well. I think having your kids approval translates into a high honor...

  9. Sounds interesting! Monkey LOVES anything to do with cats. She would totally want me to read parts of the book to her that had a cat shaped time machine in it. Must I add this to my TBR pile? Right behind your book, of course. :)

  10. It really is such a fun book :0)

    I think he'd love it if you read it to him. I had to omit a few parts for the girls (since it was for adults). They absolutely loved what I read to them though. ;)

  11. With a review like that, how can I NOT read it?

  12. nice review must read!
