
Friday, November 11, 2011

"The Golden Sky" Blogfest is in less than a week!

    My journal had about a million entries from before Zeke was born and after he died.  It was so huge, I couldn't use everything.  But today, I thought it might be fun to share one of the entries not included in my book "The Golden Sky."
    Let me set the background . . . 
    I was nineteen.  The previous year I'd been a homeless street musician in Hawaii, but after getting pregnant, I came back home, settled down and faced reality.  I had one little girl and another baby on the way.  I was newly married and struggling to make ends meet.
    Here's what I wrote:
    How peculiar that clocks can be set in sync with one another, yet humans cannot be.  For some people the days must fly.  For me they don't.
    I went to see Cade since he works out of town.  My dad used to work out of town a lot too.  We'd visit him every once in a while.  
    I've seen a ton of beautiful places worth looking at.  But as I was driving with my own daughter today, I noticed a scenic point that was the ugliest thing since Medusa.
    As I looked across the valley, all I saw were old bushes that didn't even have leaves on them.  I wondered why anyone would want to stop there, but as I kept looking, I noticed the patterns in every bush.  They had spirals and every branch became beautiful.  
    It was a canyon filled with a million stars--each unique with its own story to tell.  If we could all just look deeper we'd see the beauty in so many things.  We all have a story . . . I guess this is mine.
    Anyway, I didn't keep that entry because there were similar entries later--I guess I like looking at bushes.
    Now, onto the blogfest!
    My memoir, "The Golden Sky" will be released on:



Click HERE for more information about "The Golden Sky."
    That day is extremely special to me because it is Zeke's birthday.  He would have been nine years old this year.  I always struggle knowing what to do on his birthday, but this year will be a wonderful.
    My journal about Zeke's life will be published.  I will  also get to connect with other bloggers who are willing to share reviews on my book or stories dedicated to loved ones who have passed away.  I want this to be a beautiful memorial where people can become friends, find a close network of caring people, and grow through great support.  

    Two wonderful reviews were posted today.
    For a chance to win a copy of my book, please check out these links:
To advertise this exciting event, on November 18th, 2011, I will host a giveaway for an ipad2 OR $500.00 cash! (further details to come)
   In addition, 5% of ALL profits on sales (during 11/18/11) will go toward helping people who have lost or are losing infants and children.
    I will also have a section where people can donate money to Angel Watch (the great organization that helped me when I lost Zeke).
    More surprises are coming, but I don't want to give too much information away just yet.
    Anyway, visit my blog on November 18th, 2011 AND I'll give you further details about the ipad2/$500.00 cash contest.  (Runners-up could win $20 gift certificates, CDs of our music or copies of my book.)  The winners will be announced, and will get the prize in early December--just in time for Christmas! 

    This is where you come in--for a blogfest.  
    I'm allowing other bloggers to participate and share in this great opportunity for exposure.  I will have a list of those blogs as well as links to their sites.  It will be perfect for advertising your blog.  Plus it will give you a chance to showcase your writing talent!  
    I've been working on this event since last January and I expect a HUGE turnout! 
    I've set up radio interviews as well as reviews in newspapers.  The event will be promoted via those outlets as well as through ads and flyers which are being mailed and personally handed out.  

If you'd like to participate in the blogfest, 
all I ask in return are two things:

1- On November 17th, 2011 write a post as tribute to someone you have lost.  Make it something special that other people can relate to and remember.  (Fictional pieces are welcome as well.)
Just remember, this is the post I will link to the event on 11/18. 

2- Put this button on your November 17th Memorial post.
(Feel free to size it as needed.)

    So . . .
   I will need to know your blog's name and web address for the event. Over seventy people have already signed up--can you believe it?!  I'm so thrilled!
   Please leave a comment if 
you'd like to sign up.

    I'm getting really excited now.  Wish me luck!  
I hope Zeke would be proud.


  1. I'm almost as excited as you are!

    Zeke has probably told all his friends about it already!!

  2. I know Zeke would be incredibly proud of you! I'm so excited that you're finally going to get you book published, and I can't wait to read it...:)

    On another note, I couldn't help laughing at the line "I guess I like looking at bushes." After reading the naughty video tape post before this, I couldn't help but snort...LOL

  3. Thanks, Fishducky. That is such a cool thought.

    Oh my gosh LMAO! I am so naive. I just told Cade--he laughed and he laughed.

  4. I will write something up. This is so exciting!! Yeah!!

  5. Yeah I smiled when I read the bushes line too, thought you meant that..hahaha...and yep the cat will join in too.

  6. It's so exciting, EC. Your book will be here in one week.

  7. You're all sooo awesome. Thanks for the support.

  8. I love the concept! It sounds really exciting - your post has made me excited about the event for certain. Would love to sign up. My blog is and my email is Let me know if I can still get in on the fun. Thanks ~Janet~

  9. Janet,

    Thank you so much for joining. I've added you to the list of participating blogs. :)


  10. Elisa,
    I couldn't be prouder of you. You have worked so hard and for so many years to bring this tribute to Zeke. I am very impressed with how professional, thoughtful, and persistent you have been. It is going to be awesome. I love you!! Love, Big Sis

  11. You are just such a fabulous person that everyone who is related to you will be proud of you and what you are doing here. I am very excited for you and will of course be doing my bit to help make it a success for you and Zeke.

  12. I am so excited for you. What a tribute to your son this will be. Maybe Zeke is friends with my grandson Noah in glory. I would love to participate in the blogfest. The name of my blog is "Tuesdays with Jesus" and the address is

  13. Well done.I'm sure this will help other grieving mums.My 1500 word story about losing a baby can be found at my website, on the stories page, at the bottom.It tells of the bad old days!

  14. I would also like to sign up for the blogfest, as I have a first anniversary of the loss of a close family member coming up next month.

  15. Thank you so much, everyone. I'm so thrilled to have more participants.

  16. I am so excited for you! Happy day right around the corner. Yay!!! Your little excerpt today was cute. You like looking at bushes and I like looking at trees. :)

  17. Sorry for not visiting you for such a long time!

    I'm so proud of you for doing all this! :)

    and you know I'm in since the day you first posted about the Blogfest :)

  18. Congrats on your book, I know it will be amazing!!!!

  19. Can't wait. Our Elisa is such a success.


  20. I have my post all ready. It will be published Thursday morning. Thank you.

  21. I'm sorry. I forgot to leave the name of my blog, which is just Kristy K. James (

  22. Lola,
    That is so sweet.

    Mamawolfe & Kristykjames,
    Thank you :0)

  23. I won't be able to participate because I don't really blog about myself on my blog (it wouldn't be in keeping with the kids+sleep theme ;) but it sounds like a great event and I wish you all the best with it!

    Also I know some of my readers have lost children so if you want me to read and review your book I would be happy to do so.

  24. I would love to be included! Thank you for mentioning it on our Triberr groups. My blog is My Blog
    Starting my post now, I have been wanting to write about this for so long. Thank you again. Lisa

  25. Alexis,
    I'm sending you an e-mail. :)

    Thank you so much.

  26. Congratulations on your book! It sounds like an amazing read!

  27. YAY ELISAAAAA I AM SO EXCIIIITED! I've had my post written for a week and I cannot wait wait WAIT to read your book! You rock, you rule, you are awesome and an inspiration. =D

  28. Consider me signed up. Congrats on your release when it comes. Wishing you every success.

  29. Thank you so much. Oh my gosh--it's getting close now. YAHOO!!!

  30. I'd love to join in your blogfest. Please sign me up. :)

  31. Ok I think I'm already signed up for this but call me if I'm not. Oh and I'm with Paige I rolled when I read that line. Only you kiddo!

  32. I would be honored to participate!! Thanks for the comment on my blog. So glad you found me. =] My blog site is
    I wanna write a book about the journey of my daughter Adyson too. Have no clue about that though. Can't wait to read the book. I would love to give a review too.

  33. Thank you so much for asking me to be a part of your blogfest. :) I will be :)

  34. I'm very excited to participate! What an amazing way to spend your son's birthday!! <3

  35. So wonderful. I think this is going to be awesome!

  36. I want to say first, November 17th is the six month anniversary of Corbin's passing. I am definitely in for the blogfest.

    I would also like to know how you got your book published? I have been contemplating doing the same for a while but I didn't think it would be possible.

    Corbin's Story

  37. Blogtoheal,
    I'll send you an e-mail about how I went about it :)

  38. I am out of town and will not have time to write something heartfelt in time, but I wanted to come by anyway and congratulate you. I want to publish my story some day also, so I'm excited to see that someone else has. Good luck to you and thanks for your comment on my blog!

  39. Hi Elisa,
    I'll give your blogfest a try too.
    Thanks & best,

    Robb S

  40. We will participate. Thank you for the invite!


  41. Kelly,
    Thanks for stopping by :)

    Robb & Sarah,
    I'm looking forward to your posts.

  42. Oh, Elisa....I so, so, so, so am doing this! Please sign me up for your blogfest!

    From the Heart of Alicia Marie

  43. I'd love to participate! Now I just have to think of what I will write :)

    Thanks so much for inviting me!

  44. I'll participate, writing my post now for tomorrow.
    MomMom's Corner Http://

    Bless you, and congrats on the publishing date!
    -A.L.Sugden (Graphoniac)

  45. This is going to be awesome. I'm getting soooo excited. Less than two days. :)

  46. Ps. Isn't this blog design new? I've read your blog before (usually late at night), and I don't recognize the design. It's stunning. Absolutely beautiful.

  47. Graphoniac,
    Thanks. It is new, for the blogfest in fact. :) I'm so excited that I found something to fit the theme of my book.

  48. Post written, scheduled for 7:00am CST tomorrow. I've been blessed to have not lost any immediate family members, so I've written a pre-humous memorial for my Mom. I hope that's ok? I did include the note about your book, and the button.

  49. Post is done and ready to be published tomorrow morning.
    "Tuesdays with Jesus"
    My email address is

    Zeke must be smiling from ear to ear!!!

  50. I want to sign up! I am so excited for you!
    I wrote my post and will post tomorrow!!!

    Can't wait to read your book!

    You can inspire the world!!!!!!



  51. I"d love to participate.

    This is amazing! Thank you for the invite

  52. Post written and ready.

    My email:


  53. Perfect :) I'll get these all linked up tomorrow night.

  54. Thanks for the invite I would love to join in and do a tribute. Michelle- My blog: TO Jack my baby my special little MR

  55. Got my post up & running!
    Thanks for including me!
    Becca (

  56. Thanks for the invitation to participate. my blog is Tripled Pink

    I'm embarassed to say I have not blogged in quite a while since my focus shifted to our new non-profit foundation the Zoe Rose Memorial Foundation and writing my own memoir about Zoe's death. This is a great way to get me back to writing and finishing my memoir. I've been stuck for a while...maybe this is the gate I needed to open.

    Oh...and when I opened your blog and saw the photo at the top of the golden sunset, field of wheat blowing in the wind...this is so similar to a picture i often conjur up when i want to feel Zoe's presence.

    Thanks for organizing this!


  57. Posted:

    Very good luck with your book release, and thanks for the opportunity to share my daughter. :)

  58. Mine went up early this morning, Elisa!

    It's a good day!

  59. Elisa,
    I'm just barely getting the post up & your button on.
    Thanks & best of luck!
    Robb S

    Link to post: (I already gave you the link to the blog)

  60. This has turned out amazingly. I'm so blessed.

  61. Elisabeth,

    Congratulations on your book and the success of the blogfest. I got your message a little too late to participate, but what a great idea!

    All the best,
    Anne Harris (Won't I Be Surprised When)

  62. The best of luck and of course congratulations on your book. Many blessings and hope that your book is a huge success.
    Spanish4Kiddos – The Spanish Science Corner
