
Thursday, November 17, 2011

"The Golden Sky" Blogfest is here!

    A thanks to Dimitri Sarantis for his wonderful endorsement and feedback.  Also, I'd like to thank Lexie Lane (creator of VoiceBoks) and her generous friends, Daniel L Carter (from Author Central), my brother (Shane from Middle Damned), Melynda (from Crazy World), Joshua (from Vive le Nerd) and Candiss (from West Manor).
    This blogfest wouldn't be happening without you!

    Another HUGE thank you to Carloyn and Kay from Angel Watch.  Please visit here if you'd like to donate to their cause and help people who are struggling with infant loss.
(Please specify Angel Watch as the desired recipient.)   

Now onto the blogfest.  WOW, so many wonderful stories.  I'm going to write something special for Zeke on his birthday, tomorrow (along with other surprises for the official book launch), but today, I wanted to talk to you through a vlog.  Here it is:

If you're here for the iPad2 Giveaway, please click here:

   Also, many wonderful people have written stories for the blogfest.  If I have forgotten ANYONE, please let me know.  I've had so much going on with interviews, advance book sales etc..  I don't want to miss anyone, and if I have, please e-mail me with your blog title and link.  Here's my e-mail address:

    Onto the links of stories.  These are amazing!!!

The ABC kid Z

AFK Dinner

Amberr is Me

Ann Best

A Blessed Life

A Life too Brief

A Mourning Mom

August McLaughlin 

A Year On... Our New Beginning {hopefully}

Baiba's Beginners Blog

Bears Mom

Been There, Done That

The Blog Starts Here

Blog of Wood

Blue Rose

Bodacious Boomer

Butterflies and Rainbows

The Cheramies

Coming Home to Myself

Connecting With Stephanie

The Contemplative Cat

Cookie's Book Club

Cookies Chronicles

Cool Bean Mommas

The Corbin Story 

Corinne O'Flynn, Writer

C S Winchester 

Crazy for a Deal

Crazy World

Crystal Collier

Debra Kristi

Double Double, loss, and hope

Facing 50 With Humor

Father and Daughter

Fiction Tool Box

Fiona Linday  

Fishducky (Yes, you read that right!)

Four Plus an Angel

From the Heart of Alicia Marie

Frugal Wallets

Gathering Leaves

Giving Thanks for Painful Things

Graphoniac (MomMom's Corner)

I am all a twitter about life 

Indie Supporter

It's Rhyme Time

J. C. Martin Fighter Writer

J. L. Campbell 

Jade Louise Designs 

JLB Creatives

Jonas and His Story

Just a Diamond in the Ruff

Kg Style Designs

Kristy K. James

LindyLouMacs Book Reviews

Mama Wolfe

McGuffys Reader

Michelle- My blog: TO Jack my baby my special little MR  

Middle Damned 

Mommy LaDy Club

Monicas Mom Musings

My Angel Princess

My Maniacal Mind

My Savings Blog

Nail Polish 

The North Forty

Obscured Vixen

The Olive Parent

Our Angel Above - Amy von Oven

Our loved ones are never far away.

Padded Cell Confessions

Read Rinaldo

Reality Unedited

Regected Riter

Secret Badge of Honor 

Spend Time In My Shoes  

Surviving Boys

Tarah Scott

There's More Where That Came From

This Everyday Love

This Mommas Journey

Through the Wringer

Time Out Momma

Toby Neal - An Endless Fascination with Stories

Treasuring Lifes Blessings

Tripled Pink

Tuesdays with Jesus

The Unlocked Diary

Vive le nerd

West Manor


World of Vhincci

Writing in Wonderland

The Zen Corner


  1. wow! such a long list! I love how supporting people are in blogger! :) I'm so happy for you, Elisa :) you made all this happen :)

  2. This is so've come so far. Ditto on the video, it says "private".

  3. About to listen to your vlog. I've enjoyed this experience. Thank you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh shoot! LOL! Okay, I think it's public now. Thanks for your kind words and for letting me know about the vlog :)

  6. Oops...when you click on the link "Tuesdays with Jesus", it goes to the wrong post. Here's the correct one:

  7. You and your story are very touching and I can't help, like many other people here to feel a strong bond with you. We all go through so many trials and tribulations in life and knowing that you have a strong support group helps us make it through. We will continue to support you and everything that you do.

  8. Don't cry, because if you start to cry, then I'm gonna cry... ;^)

  9. Elisa,

    Since TJ's Tablet Time, I've been following you on twitter--I followed everyone, then unfollowed (Yes, I admit it) as I found out which ones were like all the others... I never questioned whether I'd unfollow you. Your posts and tweets are all refreshing, honest, real. And usually really funny, even when poignant. Tablet Time was only a few weeks ago, so I'm still getting to know you. I had a much, much different idea of who you were until the last few days.

    I read so many blogs and so many articles, that I never have time to really delve into people's sites anymore, never take the time to really get to know them as I did several months ago when I initially dove into the blogging world. I wish I had, just this one time.

    From your button, your humor, your writing style (or, what I've read while laying next to my snoring husband at 11pm...or later...), I pictured you as older, and a little more...well I'd grouped you in the class of people that I never really get to be friends with because they're too cool/self confident/abrasive/annoyed by me not being like them. I'm sorry that I didn't read more, I'm sorry that I was so quick to play the caste game.

    Since your final call for participating bloggers, I've read more. I've learned more. I've cried for you. You're so much closer to my age, so much more sensitive and gentle, and you've been through so much more than I could ever bear--and what's more, you've got the chutzpah to share your pains with the world, in the hopes to help others.

    I did watch your memorial speech. I didn't want to. So many of my girlfriends have lost babies in the last year, and while it's not my own baby, it's not hard to hurt at the thought, especially when I very nearly lost my own. But I watched. First of all, I like your hair. Second of all, I couldn't get over how young, so very young you were to have had all these experiences. When I was 19/20, I was all wrapped up in myself and my own pathetic dramas. I didn't get married until 23, didn't have a child until 24, and even still I feel young and inexperienced. I can't imagine...

    All this to say: if I could, I'd take you out for coffee today. You deserve a little attention, a little break, a chance to put your feet up. Thank you for sharing, I know you will make a difference in this world, Zeke will be very proud to call you Mom.

  10. You made me cry. :'( I was able to view the video, and you're incredibly sweet! I'm so glad you decided to do this blogfest!

  11. Elisa, I'm so happy for you, for Zeke and for your family today. You've been through a lot, but you have many blessings as well. Thanks for open up your hearts to all of us. Thank-you for sharing your story. And thanks for giving us all an opportunity to share our stories too. ♥

  12. What a great lot of support. I wish you all success with your book and the fest.

  13. I am completely amazed at how much love I can feel from my laptop. Going around to the other blogs and reading their stories is so heartwarming and so uniting. I am very grateful that I have been following your site for a while so that I can be here to sit back and just watch Zeke's story expand to all corners of the globe! It's so exciting!!

  14. As a mother of an infant heart transplant recipient...who benefitted from some other families tragedy, this book will be something that I am sure to treasure. I am so glad I happened upon the post over at Just Married With Coupons. I can't wait to read the book and to share it with others. Thank you for writing it. And thank you for being a person who is willing to help others, whether through your writing or your blogging or your networking. I look forward to reading the rest of the story and to following you into the future.

  15. I loved your video clip, Elisa. You come across so beautifully and sincerely and I know you are winning hearts all over the world! I wish you phenomenal success with your publication and hope Zeke's 'Birthday' will be a happy day for you this time round.

  16. You are amazing, and I'm very excited for you! I can't wait to read the other stories, too. Big thanks for being wonderful you.

  17. What can I say that has not already been said.. Your welcome seems the only appropriate thing and Thank you for sharing yourself with others.

  18. I just read fishducky's story, and now I'm hiding behind my work computer monitor.

  19. Elisa, I'm so happy and excited that everything's finally here! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. I know you'll be helping so many others with your honesty and sweetness. I'm just sorry I didn't have a story that would do your cause justice. But, as Fishducky pointed out, I can help with the comic relief for Good job Veal. Good job...:)

  20. I just read Fishducky's story. Oh Fran, I'm so sorry. Once again proof of just how lucky I was with my little "oopsie" Peanut.
    And Elisa, the Vlog was beautiful.

  21. Thank YOU for putting this together- I'm discovering so many awesome new peoples today and that's TOO COOL. YAY YOU! And YAY ZEKE!

  22. Yea! I'm so happy and excited for you that the blogfest IS FINALLY HERE!!!

  23. Congrats on your book! :) You do a great job networking with other writers!

  24. Your vlog is so sweet. Everyone loves you Elisa. I knew you were special when I saw you have my little Norwegian grandmother's name.


  25. Thank you for organising this. It's been a while since we had a blogfest that was truly meaningful! So many lovely stories paying tribute to some amazing people! Best of luck with your release!

  26. Dear--VERY dear--Elisa--

    Thank you for posting my story. I hope it will have even a small percentage of the impact on people as your wonderful book. So many wonderful (& well deserved) comments today.

    When we spoke an hour or so ago, my voice was clear & strong--now I'm crying again. But's it's OK--these are happy tears!

  27. (Giggles) You found my old blogspot website. :)
    My wordpress blog is properly linked here though. Bet you went to the old one and thought...whaaa?

    (Wipes tears) Too funny.

    Hey, congrats on your BIG day! Woot!

  28. many amazing stories. Thank you for organizing this and CONGRATULATIONS!

  29. Holy turnout! How wonderful to see so many commemerating Zeke's birthday with their own stories. Gonna catch up with alot of these on Sunday, when I can curl up in my jammies with a box o' tissues.


  30. Elisa - Your words brought tears to my eyes. I have had such tender feelings about your sweet Zeke. I know he is looking down on you so proudly. I love that moments like this can heal people on either side of the story. Much love!!

  31. Wow tons of people and support, will have to do some blog hopping. Wonderful turnout and 1300, wow that is great.

  32. I will be helping spread the word about your book as well. I hurt for you and everyone else that has ever lost a child. When I was pregnant with my first son (my 3rd child) My sister in law was pregnant with her 1st but soon found out it was an ectopic pregnancy. Then when I was pregnant with our last child and son she found out she was pregnant with another boy but lost him not 2 month before I delivered my son. I hurt for her all the time and help her make sure Tyler if never forgotten. He would've been just a couple months younger than my youngest. I am so happy that they have since delivered a precious son, Paxton but we will never forget. You are a strong woman and I applaud you for sharing your story to help others and help you heal a little more. Hugs from Oklahoma.

  33. congratulations. enjoy yourself every step of the way. you deserve it.

  34. Thank you for putting this together and giving so much of yourself.

  35. Elisa,
    you've been a true hero through all this! You deserve success and happiness.
    Good luck
    Dimitri Sarantis Author

  36. Congratulations EC, and I hope the book launch went as well as it seems to :D

  37. Finally just got through all of the posts ;). Some of these have been hard to read. Thank you for sharing this with us though. I enjoyed getting to take part of it and share my little angel with others and hear about others angels, loved ones, or feelings of loss.

  38. I feel very thankful that I could read that awesome article. Thanks for sharing. Keep posting.
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