
Friday, October 14, 2011

You know you're a writer when . . .

You know you're a writer when . . .
   You name your kids something that would sound great on the cover of a book.

   You close your eyes and see yourself typing words before you speak them.

    You find yourself laughing out loud at things you write.

    One of your ancestors had a tragic end and you think it would make a great book.

    Your child goes to the principal's office, and you can't wait to blog about it.

    Better yet, one of your children does something wrong and immediately you know the main plot and all of the subplots that linked them to the crime.

    Everyone's SUPER nice to you, for fear of going on your blog.

    Your dreams get so complicated with twists and turns, you even surprise yourself!

    You cried when you wrote the last line of your book.


    Anyway, I'm still in Vegas and I don't have much time, so can you help me out?  Would you add to this list for me?


  1. ...the thoughts in your head are narrated to you like an audio book.

  2. You talk about your characters like they're real people, and deal with confused gazes and questions from your family and friends!

  3. Ha! All of the above!
    and rethink a friend's conversation into more scintillating dialogue

  4. While you're having a blast (I hope) in Vegas, you try to remember everything that's happening--or take notes--so you can write about it later.

  5. When you read someone else's writing, you can't get through the first paragraph, maybe even the first sentence, without thinking, "I would have said *insert comment* this instead if THAT."

  6. Hi, Elisabeth! I'm here from Matthew's blog.

    Hahaha, these are all so true! And don't cross a writer because you might end up in her book... ;)

    Hope you're enjoying Vegas!

  7. hesitate before choosing a Cadbury Egg a day or being able to write each day...obviously choosing writing.

    ...when someone asks you what you do for a living and instead of your 40-hour a week job at - - - you say, "I write"

    Okay, missy! I was wondering if you were going to be able to post from Vegas. Thank you, I need my daily dose of The Crazy Life of a Writing Mom!

  8. Crap! Joshua took mine! I find it's really bad when I'm reading anything Jane Austen because then the narrating is very vivid and romantic...even something like shaving my legs!

  9. haha great stuff, I can relate to most of them.

    "You start using the words you make up in real life"

    "You think at least ten different ways to get around something"

    "You see ideas spelled out in alphabet cereal"

    "You withstand the smell of cat poo because you don't want to lose you train of thought."

    "Think you can get away with something in real life, because you wrote your characters out of it."

    "Enjoy writing over working or money"

    "Start writing a novel when you try and do your resume."

  10. Hahah I love this one:

    "Everyone's SUPER nice to you, for fear of going on your blog" I think that's why hubby is nice to me =P

    -when you reread and edit what you wrote 100 times before publishing it
    -your non-fiction is so much more interesting than Harry Potter...
    -people mistaken your creativity and ingenuity for insanity

    and you know you're a writer when...

    -you have an amazing blog called EC Writes and continually inspire fellow writers with your amazing stories! ;)

    Have fun in Vegas...remember "Whatever happens in Vegas, gets blogged!"

  11. Along the lines of what Joshua said, I definitely find myself "narrating" my thoughts more often than not..LOL That, and I do indeed see something go wrong and think , "Yes, that'll make an excellent post." ....hahaha

  12. I guess the real question would be: Who narrates your story in your head? Mine's Paul Bettany...I think. Definitely English, though.

  13. Hahaha! This list was awesome! Especially the one-of-your-children-does-something-wrong-and-immediately-you-know-the-main-plot-and-all-of-the-subplots-that-linked-them-to-the-crime part.

  14. This is so true!!! It's funny how when something negative happens now I can brush it off and say "well, that will make for a GREAT blog post". lol Have a great weekend :)

  15. Name my dogs after authors and characters. I've had Faulkner, Thoreau, Kesey, Emma, and currently have Harper Lee and Scout. Franklin is Franklin because someone else named him.

  16. I'm always the narrator but my narrating always changes to fit the style of the book I'm reading (and I do my own accents). I'm sure it would make going to church while reading a sci-fi much more interesting! ;)

  17. The last time I was in Vegas, we saw Tom Jones while sipping a bottle of champagne. He was about 10 feet in front of us, and I was the youngest woman in the room. Good times...hope you're having a blast too!

    My favorite from above is laughing out loud at things you write;)

  18. ...your preschooler's pretend play involves working on his blog post.

    So funny and true. Got here from Siv Maria's post today. I follow.

  19. OK, so none of these apply to me but I still love the list. Here's my addition: think of alternative scenes/conversations/etc. while watching TV and movies and reading books and stories.

    Well, that's what I do anyways ;)

  20. When you do "air grammar" after a few drinks and go get the video camera to share with EVERYONE. haha

  21. When you are a lawyer & the judges have to caution you not to include any of the trial on your blog or future book.

    I love your blog

  22. Love it! As always! :D Have a great time in Vegas!

  23. This is so true. Bloggers start seeing everything as an opportunity for a great post while our families look at us like we've just grown horns out of our temples. Too funny.

  24. Love this! Make some "Me" time for yourself (*lol*)!

  25. When you realize that you'd rather write than....well, you know. What? I meant vacuum!

  26. Great stuff =D New follower: Trev @

  27. You know you are a writer when you can not sleep at night because you are too busy plotting your dreams. Hope you are having some fun in Vegas!

  28. wow. I have been away far too long! I didn't even know you're in Vegas!! Hope you're having so much fun there! :) and well, I agree with all of these except about the kids ;D I don't have any yet so I don't know what it's like with them ;D

  29. You know you're a writer when you sit down at the computer or typewriter or with pencil or pen in hand and without any conscious thought on your part, the words come.

    They rush forward, eager to assume life on the page.

    They may be a character speaking or a flash of humor or a scene presenting itself or a rivet of suspense.

    The words are there, beseeching the deep center of ourselves to add more and more and more so that the story presents itself, as gift, to us.

    Have a great time in Vegas, you writer you!

