
Monday, October 17, 2011

A Dare and a Scare

    My brother pranked me.
    Don't believe me?  Fine . . . click here: Udder Prank Failure

    So, something needed to be done.  A few ideas came and went.  Cade thought of hilarious things, but they were far too risky or absurd.
    Finally, while we shopped for Halloween outfits with the kids, Cade picked out a scary outfit and started giggling like a high-voiced banshee.
    "I know how we can get Shane," he said.  "I'll wear THIS black outfit, hold a pie and then knock on his door!"
    I had to agree; the concept was epic.
    I smiled from the first real excitement I'd felt in HOURS.  "Yes," I said in a cruel voice.  "Let it be done!"
    We drove over to my brother's house and prepared to accomplish the crime of a century. 
    If you want to read my brother's side of the story, please visit his blog post: 
 Sometimes Pranks are Good  
(Soooo hilarious!)

    Anyway, here's the video if you don't believe me.
    Oh and that second half is because we decided to go back for more--just watch it and you'll know what I'm talking about.  (Cade wanted to hit my brother with the pie.)

    Here's the dialogue in case it's hard to hear:

Cade:  This pie thing isn't going to work so well.

Elisa:  Just hurry.

Cade:  What about the pie?

Elisa:  Just leave it there on the railing.  Hit the doorbell!

Cade knocks ominously and I hide in the bushes. 

My brother tries opening the door, but Cade holds it shut and knocks again.

Cade finally lets him open the door, although it looks like my brother was struggling with the lock.

Cade screams and my brother jumps out, screaming back at him because by that time he knew it was us.

Section #2  BACK FOR MORE (maybe to throw the pie this time) second 1:26

Elisa:  We're at my brother's house again.  All right, Cade.
    Cade has a pie and I'm in the bushes.

Cade knocks.

Elisa:  I can hear them in there . . . There's Shane.

Cade:  Ta da!  

Cade *presenting the pie*

Section #3 second 2:07

Shane:  Now, start with the left leg.

Then Shane and Cade do the Can Can and I CAN NOT stop laughing--even now!

     Like I wrote above, if you want to read my brother's side of the story, please visit his blog: 


  1. You guys are hilarious! Holy cow, I wish I came up with this kind of stuff. My brothers are ALWAYS teasing me and I never have good stuff to do back. Keep posting this stuff- it cracks me up!

    Here from VB!

  2. funny stuff! lol
    I'm visiting from VB - hodgepodge event.
    Oh and I cracked up at your header. lol

  3. You are hysterical. The video was adorable. Loved the chorus line dance at the end. Your family certainly keeps life interesting!

  4. hahaha your pranks are always such fun, even better watching them too.

  5. You all are too funny Elisa.

    Ha, you all are going to be scared to open the door, start your car, or answer your phone.

    Pranks are priceless--can't wait to watch this continue to escalate.

  6. That is genious! You guys are too funny :) At least you have fun!! I think a huge prank war just begun..

  7. Ooooh if you two keep this up, someone is going to die laughing. Very cool - I hope my son and daughter do things like this to each other. Nothing says love like a good prank! I'm visiting from VB Members to Remember - have a great day.


  8. :D I love pranks! We once had my nephew, (an adult), convinced that the haints had come for him on Halloween night. Priceless.

  9. I love that you have the energy to prank. I will continue living vicariously...LOL

  10. Funny Elisa, funny Cade & funny Shane! (Funny haha--not funny peculiar--maybe!)

  11. It's always a good sign when death comes with a pie =) What a nice gesture...heheh

  12. You people have way too much fun. I am beyond jealous.


  13. So funny! I was wondering if you were going to just let it go; the last prank (which was HILARIOUS that it backfired on

    You crack me up! I can't wait to see what he comes up with to retaliate next week! :)
    visiting from VB
    JadeLouise Designs

  14. Awe! I wish my brothers lived closer. I miss goofy stuff like that!

  15. That was great. Glad I was finally able to watch it. Also saw the "Ask The Spouse" segment when "Death Came Knocking" ended. Cade's right: your face got red talking about teeing off...
