
Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Bucket List

    Maybe this is like an AA meeting, one where I tell you all my problems.  Pretend we're all sitting in chairs.  The counselor (with a toupee) is going around asking us to introduce ourselves.  The first person stands up.  "I'm Marv," he says, "And I struggle with drinking."
    We all smile, sincerely happy it's not out turn to share yet.  The next person stands.  "I'm LuAnne, and I struggle with vodka."  We all clap, because vodka can be a terrible thing.  Trust me, I know; I got sick off it once!
    The next person stands--it's you.  "I'm a blogger," you say, "I love blogs."  I clap the hardest since a normal person finally came to the meeting!
    Then it's my turn and my knees almost buckle.  "I'm Elisa.  Yes, I'm twenty-eight years old and I have a bucket list.  Don't worry, I don't have cancer or the swine flu.  I just have a case of the sillies.  I've made a list, an incredibly long list that I won't get through unless I become immortal like an angel or a vamp, but at least I have a list."
    No one claps--except you.  The rest of those people are either nuts or jealous.  I decide to think they're jealous because it's an ego-booster and I'm embarrassed for standing and sharing my name anyway.  Sometimes, people just need a boost!

    So, the other day, I went for a drive with my friend.  We had a great time.  She's hilarious and fun.  She brightens my day.  When we drove past a gas station, I knew I could trust her with my secret.     
    "I have a bucket list," I whispered a bit solemnly.  "And one of the things on my list is to visit the drive-thru at a gas station."
    "Are you serious?"  She turned to me.  She wore a huge grin as she tapped the steering wheel.
    "Absolutely.  I've never been to the drive-thru here, but someday
. . . some-a-day I'm a-gonna!  I don't know when it'll happen, but it'll be awesome!"  I know it had been a prize winning speech.  I knew, because later that day, she turned into THE GAS STATION!

    Now, before I go on, I have to give credit where it's due.  I made my bucket list because of this blog post:

   Talk about inspirational!  That post started months of madness for me.  I went Sky Diving; I went on a cruise!  Everyone should write a list.  It makes you do all sorts of fun things.

    Anyway, my friend turned into the drive-thru.  We waited in a huge line and then finally got to the window of awesomeness! 
    "This is her first time," my friend said because it was the greatest thing in the world just then.  "Would you mind if I took a picture of you, so we can always remember this moment?"
    The guy beamed--literally beamed.  He cocked his head and modeled in the window!  If you don't believe me, then look at this!


   Isn't that the best picture ever?  My friend is a professional photographer, and it shows!  This pic could be an ad for bucket listers everywhere!    Thanks NSteed for the amazing picture!
    "We'd like some ice cream," my friend said.  "Maybe ice cream sandwiches."
    He came back with an ARMLOAD of ice cream.  No wonder the place had made my bucket list!  It was fantastic.
    "Where are you from?  You've never visited a gas station
drive-thru?" the guy asked in a accent.
    "I'm from here.  I grew up a few hours south of here," I said.
    Maybe our excitement was contagious because the guy suddenly asked if he could come outside and take a picture with me.  The line behind us had grown massive and the people looked like they were about to turn into zombies!
    The gas station employee did get someone to cover his spot, so he could take a break.  And the whole time we waited for him, I kept thinking about how the place was on my bucket list and that guy got to work there.  There's something magical about working at a place everyone goes to.  You can see people at their best--their worst.  You can see who they really are and that's usually a beautiful thing.
    Anyway, the guy came out, and here's the picture
NSteed took:


    But that wasn't enough!  When you use the word "Bucket" and "List" together, AMAZING things happen!  It's the code to happiness and I didn't even have to get brain cancer!
    We drove to the pumps and as we ate our ice cream--from gas station heaven--we took more pictures.


    Someone needs to do a flash mob like this!  You wouldn't believe how many people looked and smiled, then looked back and wondered where my car was!  It was epic, seriously!



    This is where things went sour.  Now, see those guys behind me?  Well, they were a bit older than me and my friend.  After this picture they drove next to us.  Why were they getting friendly with us?  We are way younger than them and we aren't gangsters!
    "Oh my gosh!" I said to my friend.  "Those guys actually think they have a chance . . . and we're both married!"
    "We have to drive . . . drive!"  She hit her gas and we escaped out the other exit.
    So, that's why I love my bucket list.  It's fabulous!  Because of my list, I went to a drive-thru; I filled an invisible car with gas; I had a ball with my friend, and we escaped from some old horn-dogs.  What can I say--good things happen when you have a "bucket list!"


  1. I don't think I know where there's a gas station with a drive-thru around here, except the ones with fast food restaurants attached.

  2. See, I thought it was different too LOL! Definitely Bucket List worthy :)

  3. lmao then lol again! Now you don't have to be jealous of me going there all the time.. hee hee. I knew it was that guy you were talking about. Holy hell this is funny

  4. You are so silly cute! We don't have drive-thru's at our gas stations. In Miami there used to be a drive thru called Farm could get staples like eggs, milk, bread, ice cream. It was brilliant!

  5. Melynda,
    Is that the same guy who hit on your sister? I'm cracking up since you knew who it was LOL!

    Oh man, Farm Stores had the best idea ever! We need a grocery store like that here. I hate it when I have to walk all the way to the back of the store to get milk. I always leave with a whole cart of food :0)

  6. LOL! this is so funny :D
    I think it's always fun with you :)

    now I'm thinking about making a bucket list :D

  7. @Elisa: I laughed out loud and love that picture with the guy in that mid-air pose..lolzzzz..great post!!!:)
    I am all for "bucket list" babes! Hell, lemme go, make one now!;)

  8. haha this is interesting... and a drive through gas station, that sounds somewhat country farm girlie-ish or something, I don't know.

    Bucket list, oh i sooo have one.

  9. Okay, I'm confused again, which happens often when I read your blog.I think I better start eating more fish. So, the gas station had a drive thru for food? Or was it a drive thru for gas? I've never seen a gas station + drive thru, but you might have something here. Maybe we could all start gas station/drive-thru businesses, hey, you never know.
    Now, I gotta go write down my bucket list:
    #1: meet Elisa inperson before I're soooo funny :)

  10. this bucket list idea is really cool.and WONDERFUL pics!!! interesting post...
    P.S thank you so much for the follow:)

  11. I'm totally jealous that you have a drive thru gas station. I'd never even heard of such a thing until I read this post.
    (God that makes me sound like I live under a rock)

  12. Fun times Elisa! I haven't laughed that hard in a while! Didn't those guys know we did NOT put "get picked up by greasy old men" on our bucket list!
    You can use my first name - LOL Don't forget half price on fountain drinks on Thursdays - ha ha ha

  13. Sooo fun. :0) I'll have to go next Thursday :0)

    They sell anything that's inside of the gas station. It's pretty cool. Oh and I love your #1 LOL!

  14. How is it that I have never read this post???? I was googling Bucket List for my post today and found you in the images. :)

    And now I must add fill an imaginary car with gas to my list. :)
