
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Versatile? I LOVE something heart felt.

Another award, can you believe it?


Thank you:
Heartfelt Balance/Handmade Life
The good the bad and the family
The Cre8tive Mom

So, I'm supposed to accept this and write seven things about myself? Hmmmm . . .

1. Orange is the best color in the universe. God said, "Let there be light," and the light was orange.

2. I play six instruments: violin, piano, alto sax, tenor sax, clarinet and a bit on the drum set. I LOVE music and am teaching my two oldest daughters how to play the violin as well.

3. I own a sewing business:


4. I've written two manuscripts which I hope to get published someday. One is a memoir about my son who had birth defects and one is a middle grade fantasy. My daughter wanted to know why her brother died and in an attempt to put a happy spin the situation, I wrote a fantasy about a boy who was taken by a witch and some pirates. The only way he could come back was if his sister journeyed to the bowels of the ocean and saved him.

5. I own only one casual dress and one pair of heels. Why? Because dresses suck and heels are even worse! 

6. In high school one of my nicknames was "Bible Girl." I always carried a Bible with me, but it grew so old I duct taped it together. I held Bible studies during lunch and instead of buying regular food I'd always purchase Ben and Jerry's mint chocolate chip ice cream because ice cream rocks it like the 80's!

7. I hate being called a girly girl. There's nothing graver and it's worse than being tied to a tree. I AM NOT a girly girl. I love the outdoors and don't wear pink UNLESS it's on sale at the second hand store ;)


  1. bah I knew all this already lol. I love reading your blog.. it makes me smile. have a great day. I have my interview today. I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe I'll blog about it if it's any fun. :)

  2. I want to ask about your son with DS, who passed. I first of all would like to say I am sorry you lost your sweet angel... You came to my blog and left the sweetest comment. My little guy has Down syndrome and is the light of my life. I am on Twitter too:ThaDevineMsB. Hope to hear back from you.

  3. Congrats on the award!

    I am blog hopping today and I am happy I found your blog.

    Please stop by and say hello and follow (if you aren't already) my blogs as well:

    Jessicas Lil Corner is my family blog at

    and So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at

    Hope to see you there!!

    Have a blessed Tuesday!! :0)
