
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Zeke Strength of God

We wanted to do something special for Zeke today. It's crazy though because we were practicing last night and mid up bow, my bow broke--what are the odds? I've been using that bow for fifteen years.

We still managed to get a new bow and have my amazingly awesome brother record us in time for today.

Here's the song I wrote for my son who died (my husband Cade and I are performing it in the video):

I must have been fiddling WAY too fast last night. Here's the picture of my bow. I had to lay it all artsy because it's been a good bow. I almost feel like there was another death in the family. This bow will also . . . be missed. I tried to make it look like a treble clef in this picture, but the horse hair was too short. Oh regrets! Regrets! ;)



  1. Elisabeth, that was so beautiful. I just loved listening to it! It even brought tears to my eyes.

    I have a violin too, but I never learned how to play it. I was going to get lessons, even taught myself some, then put it up one day, and never got it back out. I've been thinking about it for the last few weeks, maybe I'll take it out tonight. Thank you for the inspiration.

    You're son is blessed to have you and your husband for his mommy and daddy.

  2. Beautiful- you guys are very talented!

  3. That was so beautiful and wonderful! You are both so talented and very creative. I always wanted to learn to play a violin but settled for a clarinet :(

  4. Elisabeth, this is beautiful, all of it! the song, your voice and the music. So glad I got to see it:)
