
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Do something fun for yourself!

I've decided to post a funny picture every day.  
Check my previous and future posts to see more!
This series is about divorce.

Divorce Recovery: 
Do something fun for yourself!
get a hobby photo hobby_zps4ef3ce62.jpg

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Divorce Recovery: Make the best of things!

I've decided to post a funny picture every day.  
Check my previous and future posts to see more!
This series is about divorce.

Divorce Recovery: 
Make the best of things!
woman cave photo womancave_zps76f21245.jpg

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to Do Your Eye Makeup for Pictures

Ever have one of those days where you feel Krappy (yes with a "K") so you do your makeup like Kim Kardashian (who you just recently heard of) in the hopes that your self esteem will suddenly blossom like the tulips in your flippin' spring garden?!!!
Lol... It's one of those days.

I'm being transparent in case anyone else is feeling like this too.  

Here's a pic of the new way I did my makeup.  It's actually the perfect look for pictures!

 photo ecstilson33_zps46a39930.jpg

It'll look quite dramatic up-close, but after a camera has flashed (from far away), it'll just end up bringing out your eyes, like in the picture below:

 photo 4D8541D4-3A67-482E-B0D5-4A70D2A920B7_zpsuuiklfol.jpg

Photo Credit:  
My nine-year-old asked if she could take pics of me for her photography portfolio; I'm shocked with how good she did. 
Do any of you ever have days when you're struggling with self-esteem?  How do you make yourself feel better?  

    Apparently I either do my makeup like a Kardashian, or do something nice for someone else--that always makes me feel better!

 photo random-act-of-kindness-11_zpsdb3f0415.jpg

Remember God doesn't make mistakes; it's a good thing He made each one of us the way He intended--perfect according to His own design.

P.S. This makeup IS kind of fun for a change. If you wanna know how I did it, feel free to watch this video: